
Picture 1
Swat: Lord Elfman.
Elfman: You look familiar? You are one of my brother soldiers right? He sent you to save me so I could re

Aftermath Picture 1 Swat: Lord Elfman. Elfman: You look familiar? You are one of my brother soldiers right? He sent you to save me so I could re

Nobody will ever find any body.

Just one more picture. It is already made since it is simple.
I better not see him as a deathknight...

oh good and whats with pic 3 blackrock nothing cool but a buncha angry red orcs there.
Dude, retake Argus? They control Argus, it is their capital now. Why would they need to retake it and from whom? Plus they would teleport in it right away because it is theirs.
If he returns it won't be my fault.

Black Rock is last evil place on Azeroth.

They lost it to the hippies remember? And protectorate is also there. And outland was closer.
Dude, no they didnt! Didnt you see any of Argus pics and heard nothing? Argus is fully under demon control! Archimonde and Kil'jaeden sit there and rule there, dmeons control everything, Evillizard and hippies are branewashed all the time and believe that demons are all hippified!
But Evillizard gathered them on Argus and in his weed and all he wouldnt even notice they arent good or hippified.
Picture 1: I find this fun ^^

Picture 2: Is Ned'ealik there too?

Picture 3: He'll return one day to spread more terror! That fact cannot be changed...

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