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Storytelling RP: Avataria #2

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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Leo and Aina is at the rebel camp at the Wall of Horror? Okay, but what about the rest of the good guys? :)

-Peper- (On Clock's profile) said:
Yo, care to hear my idea on Avataria? So Vayne was a kid adopted and his father was killed by the races called bla bla (Leo was part of this race) and gave the sword to him right?
How if it wasn't like that? So it is like one of my character (Razet) actually killed his father to get excalibur to study on it and framed the murder on the bla bla race because he failed to take the excalibur. He made sure that the man (father) hadn't a son, and is surprised when there is still excalibur wielder?
How's my idea? So it like putting many character's background into one, connected pieces. And also it will make Leo free from all guilt :D

Well, the background story of Vayne and Leo has already been implemented in the story, so you will be changing the lore, which I am very much against. However, if you really wanna do it, you will have to make it an unknown thing to Vayne and the others, that could work.
But I'm not very much into the idea, it would remove Razet's status as native Avatarian, and this story has too few native Avatarians, if you ask me.

Amargaard (Post 1) said:
Avataria is a mysterious and magical world, where countless unexplainable events happen every single day, but visitors arriving to Avataria from other worlds, rarely happens. This day, where the story begins, is one of these rare days.
I wrote this in the very first post, but since then, thousands of new characters jumped into Avataria from portals. Heh, I think more native Avatarians would make it a "healthier" RP - some characters to know the past of the world and stuff :)

By the way, I'm sick today, thus staying home from school. So I'll try use my time as productive as possible :)
Level 7
May 3, 2011
Sorry Amaargard!
I'll try to make a native Avatarian char next time.
But lol peper, twist my story however you want(Don't too ridiculous though :p) and if Amaargard approves, please inform me how to want to twist it :D
Happy RP!
Oh yeah by the way Amaargard,
I just thought of an idea for Avataria #3.
Make it so that in #2, all the good guys won the fight and returned back to their respective worlds,
And in #3, a bad guy survived, and once again reign havoc in Avataria, and the good guys come back(of course, could be the same RP-ers), but with a bit different characters?

Hows my idea?

By the way, can tell me whos clock's characters? I'll need to make a suitable background for clock.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Sorry Amaargard!
I'll try to make a native Avatarian char next time.

You don't have to, but I will surely appreciate it ^^

But lol peper, twist my story however you want(Don't too ridiculous though :p) and if Amaargard approves, please inform me how to want to twist it :D
Happy RP!

As long as lore is not changed, you will not hear a word from me :b

Oh yeah by the way Amaargard,
I just thought of an idea for Avataria #3.
Make it so that in #2, all the good guys won the fight and returned back to their respective worlds,
And in #3, a bad guy survived, and once again reign havoc in Avataria, and the good guys come back(of course, could be the same RP-ers), but with a bit different characters?

Hows my idea?

Your idea is good, but I am the only one to decide - and I won't reveal anything 'till #3 comes out.
I already considered using the same world, but know that if I do, and you guys want to play as the same characters, you'll have to use "Permission to create new Characters" once again ;)

Now, let's focus on Avataria #2 instead.

By the way, can tell me whos clock's characters? I'll need to make a suitable background for clock.

All of his characters have background stories already.
Aaron Talwar - The Elven marine, with the Seed of Power and the ancient blade known as Gaia.
Alaina - An elven lady, and friend (perhaps a little more than friend) of Aaron.
Kargath - A blue draconian, son of Cadaos, brother of Rex.
Kareena - Young girl with wind magic. Current wearer of Excalibur
Taera - The guardian of the Gaia blade.

I think that's all, please correct me if I'm wrong :)
Level 7
May 3, 2011
When I mean background story, I meant make a background story that connects with other characters, like maybe for example, Arcisal was once Leo's father!?(Though it fake).

Can't wait till #3 comes out, it's gonna be awzum!!!
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
But the characters will be connected through the story we're writing :b
Anyways - Aaron's, Alaina's and Kargath's backgrounds are all connected with Cadaos' and Rex'.
Kareena and Taera knew no one before they arrived in Avataria :b

Well, I've got a lot of ideas of improvements for the sequel. But let's not talk about it, it only makes us hungry for it :)

Oh and when Vayne left the others, where did she leave from? That's all I wanna know ^^
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Woops lol sorry, it's because there's a female character in LoL called Vayne ^^

Oh and in that case, there should be no confusion. All good chars are in the Rebel camp at the WoH. This was what confused me:

sanofa (138) said:
I was walking for hours, it seems the bright sun has come out, I wonder how long was I walking, then, at about 20km to the west of where I am now, I could see a temple. Near it is a wide forest surrounding it.
You wrote west - which means into the land of evil, if you walk from the WoH. And then you described the place as lush and green, which is the complete opposite of the evil land's environment.

But everything's solved, I guess. Post coming up! :)
Level 7
May 3, 2011
Um... I think I wrote west, because Vayne was facing west. So he moved west... Which means, looking from a straight map, Vayne will be facing west, and headed south. If its from Vayne's view, he thought he was facing North, so he headed west, which is south.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
I just wrote a long post in word, and I'm gonna make some drawings for it, to make it more epic. I would appreciate if you guys would avoid posting anything in the RP thread 'till I upload my post, 'cuz else a lot of my time have been wasted ;)

EDIT: Nah screw it, here you go!
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Making characters' summaries were harder than I thought, anyone can help me?
Also, I wildly imagined something in middle of my exam. You guys certainly have watched Dota 2 trailer right? If not, watch it. If yes, watch it again, lol. Looks like my brain's screwed that I don't saw any dota characters in the trailer, I SAW avataria characters lol.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
Peper, here's one.


Created by:

Vayne ia a human who came from a futuristic world, along with Leo. His ability to use a gun and a katana, is extraordinary. Under his eyes has a red mark, it is said that it was Vayne ’s birthmark. At the back of his shoulders, there a yellow colour energy with the shape of a cresent. At his waist and heels, there is also a yellow colour energy, but with a curve.

Vayne is an orphan and was adopted into the Vandemus family. He showed extraordinary powers whilst training with his foster father. One night, Vayne noticed the Fabre mansion was intruded. He found Aina, and brought her to a safe room, and went off to deal with the intruders. Not long later, he hit in the head, causing a tremendous head bleed. Before he went unconscious, he protected Aina from the intruder, and the police was in time to rescue him, but it was too late. The next thing he woke up, was only able to remember his name, unable to remember any other thing. There is this one strange habit that Vayne has, is always looking into the sky.
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Level 7
May 3, 2011
I was thinking of creating an RP of my own, but this is my first time, so I'm not sure what should I do first...
Could someone kindly tell me what to do first?
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Uhhh, guys stop posting, I'm in a whirlwind of confusion.
Tell us what you are confused about then, and we'll try clear it out :)

Making characters' summaries were harder than I thought, anyone can help me?
Also, I wildly imagined something in middle of my exam. You guys certainly have watched Dota 2 trailer right? If not, watch it. If yes, watch it again, lol. Looks like my brain's screwed that I don't saw any dota characters in the trailer, I SAW avataria characters lol.
I'll be very happy, even if you make your own character summaries only. The rest, just leave them out, never meant to flood you with work too :)

Oh and I can truly imagine some of the characters from Avataria in that trailer too! Awzum! :D

Peper, here's one.


Created by:

Vayne ia a human who came from a futuristic world, along with Leo. His ability to use a gun and a katana, is extraordinary. Under his eyes has a red mark, it is said that it was Vayne ’s birthmark. At the back of his shoulders, there a yellow colour energy with the shape of a cresent. At his waist and heels, there is also a yellow colour energy, but with a curve.

Vayne is an orphan and was adopted into the Vandemus family. He showed extraordinary powers whilst training with his foster father. One night, Vayne noticed the Fabre mansion was intruded. He found Aina, and brought her to a safe room, and went off to deal with the intruders. Not long later, he hit in the head, causing a tremendous head bleed. Before he went unconscious, he protected Aina from the intruder, and the police was in time to rescue him, but it was too late. The next thing he woke up, was only able to remember his name, unable to remember any other thing. There is this one strange habit that Vayne has, is always looking into the sky.
First of all, thanks for making it! Definitely saves me some work, but needs a little editing. The description should be a little more detailing, about looks and abilities - and the Biography is meant to include a summary of what he did in Avataria too. And the thing about the red birth mark - don't add new lore, not included anywhere in the RP thread, to this (If you did write something about it, then sorry). But I'll fix what I think needs fixing, when I add it to the first post, don't think more about that. Once again, thanks :)

In case you are bored and have a lot of spare time, could you make summaries for the rest of your chars? :)

Good, but that's too long. Can you shorten it? The main post has char limit and Am forgot to reserve posts.
Ouch, yeah, I hope I won't have too many problems with it :l

ok! ummm, where is it?
Lol, dude, use your imagination. The characters in the trailer doesn't look exactly like any of ours, but try allow your imagination to make them look into our chars anyways and there you go, animated avataria#2 battlescenes! :D

I was thinking of creating an RP of my own, but this is my first time, so I'm not sure what should I do first...
Could someone kindly tell me what to do first?
Cool! Though, I'll have to sadly tell you that I won't be joining for sure - I simply have too much work to do, and it only gets worse, because I'm not good at handling it in time :l
But I can give you a little advice anyway - the first, and most important, thing you'll have to do, is to decide what kind of RP you want (Freeform, Storytelling, original etc etc etc), or perhaps combining some of them. Then you'll create the thread for it, remember to include rules, a description on how the RP works, and of course a start to the RP's unique story, in your thread's main post. And lastly, advertise it to others. And during your time as DM, you'll get better and better at the job. That's pretty much it - Good luck! :)
(If you have any specific questions, just ask here, or VM/PM me)

I haven't read new posts in RP thread, but that's the next thing I'm gonna do after I press "Submit Reply". You can probably expect some comments from me afterwards ^^
EDIT: Lol, only one post? No comments this time then :b
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Axe vs Bloodseeker = Amar vs Razet
Faceless Void vs Storm Spirit = Regex vs Auxion
These two battles really made me laugh when I imagined them lol.
And I can list you whole load of many more :D

I haven't read new posts in RP thread, but that's the next thing I'm gonna do after I press "Submit Reply". You can probably expect some comments from me afterwards ^^
EDIT: Lol, only one post? No comments this time then :b

*Le me waits for a good moment.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Chillax, it isn't dead yet, but yeah perhaps we should aim for the end of the story now ;)

Aaron Talwar - ?
Aina - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Alaina - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Am'ar Gaardos - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Arcisal/Galros - Citadel of Evil
Auxion/Selia - Near Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Cadaos/Rex - ?
Claira - ?
Darkness - ?
Duke Talban - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Kareena - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Kargath - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Leo - Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Lillith - The Arena
Nargos - Citadel of Evil (Dead?)
Overlord Razet - Near Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Rave - Near Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Regex - Near Wall of Horror/Rebel Main Camp
Taera - ?
The King - Citadel of Evil
Vayne von Fabre - Mysterious Temple School
Zaarnoth - In a God realm or something
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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Maybe we don't need an end of story? Maybe we could just have a cliffhanger or a victory for someone, like in Star Wars (except for VI of course). Perhaps a triumphant victory for the rebels and evil retreating back into the inner lands? Then the story could be continued on in a sequel, unless you want to expand on the characters backstory. :)

Just my thought. Yeah, it's getting pretty tedious posting now.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Maybe we don't need an end of story? Maybe we could just have a cliffhanger or a victory for someone, like in Star Wars (except for VI of course). Perhaps a triumphant victory for the rebels and evil retreating back into the inner lands? Then the story could be continued on in a sequel, unless you want to expand on the characters backstory. :)

By end of story, I mean an end of the Avataria#2 story (Not of the entire Avataria franchise) - I don't care how it ends, an exciting cliffhanger or a victory for the rebels/evil forces. No matter what, I should be able to make a sequel.

By the way, everyone are allowed to kill Duke Talban and Rave, but please let Am'ar survive this one :)

I've several ideas for Avataria#3 as you all know, like make it a sequel of this one, and changing the permission to create new chars, I even considered using a wiki instead of the main post (I'm pretty good with wikis). If any of you, experienced parts of my RP, which you think I should change in #3, please tell me :)
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
By end of story, I mean an end of the Avataria#2 story (Not of the entire Avataria franchise) - I don't care how it ends, an exciting cliffhanger or a victory for the rebels/evil forces. No matter what, I should be able to make a sequel.
Cliffhanger is the best.
We need to end it before it dies.
I've several ideas for Avataria#3 as you all know, like make it a sequel of this one, and changing the permission to create new chars, I even considered using a wiki instead of the main post (I'm pretty good with wikis). If any of you, experienced parts of my RP, which you think I should change in #3, please tell me :)
Wiki is the best.
Just my thought. Yeah, it's getting pretty tedious posting now.
Yeah, I'm just being honest. Now it's getting tedious.
The reasons:
1. Too many character to manage and places they separated.
2. Maybe a new system for the #3?
3. How the story develop, in my head it's getting way too lame. Just being honest.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Why don't we all give our views on how it should end before someone gives a crappy finale? We all should agree (maybe even change what we want) in order to avoid arguments on how the RP should end.

I vote for a cliffhanger, but how I just need someone to tell me what's going on.

And yeah, like Iron said, we can't end it in one post. Maybe we each could "phase" it out? Like (for example) clock posts about the "attack", I post about the "fight", -Peper- posts about the conversations, Iron posts about the results and finally Amaar posts about the end. Just an example.

But one thing I think should definately happen is Amaar posting the very last post. It's his RP after all. We all can just contribute to how the end happens.

As I said before, cliffhanger. I think maybe some of the good guys can become baddies and some of the baddies can go rogue. IMO, that pretty cool. Maybe Lilith can backstab her way out of returning to hell?

And another thing, we need someone to die, like a final boss or fight. But the contestants don't have to be the big players. Maybe between Nagros and Duke Talban?

C'mon, let's contribute!
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Cliffhanger is the best.
We need to end it before it dies.

I'm starting to doubt - what exactly is a cliffhanger?

Yeah, I'm just being honest. Now it's getting tedious.
The reasons:
1. Too many character to manage and places they separated.
2. Maybe a new system for the #3?
3. How the story develop, in my head it's getting way too lame. Just being honest.

I appreciate honest people, especially in an RP such as this, where teamwork is the most important :)
1. Yeah, that's why there will be less characters in the sequel.
2. What would you suggest? :)
3. Agreed it's lame, but what's done is done, and all we can do now is trying to improve the story without adding more lame stuff ;)

I agree with us ending #2, unfortunately I'm not good at doing that so I'll really need something like pointers on how to go about doing that.

Well, it's easy - just stop making new minor side plots and focus on the main plot only :)

Why don't we all give our views on how it should end before someone gives a crappy finale? We all should agree (maybe even change what we want) in order to avoid arguments on how the RP should end.

I vote for a cliffhanger, but how I just need someone to tell me what's going on.

I'm in for everything. I'll follow where the story takes me - towards the end, that is.

But I would prefer a good end, with either the defeat of the king or at least the citadel's fall, but readers should know that evilness will live on somehow.

And yeah, like Iron said, we can't end it in one post. Maybe we each could "phase" it out? Like (for example) clock posts about the "attack", I post about the "fight", -Peper- posts about the conversations, Iron posts about the results and finally Amaar posts about the end. Just an example.

But one thing I think should definately happen is Amaar posting the very last post. It's his RP after all. We all can just contribute to how the end happens.

That is a possibility, yes, but personally I think we should just carry on as we have done the whole time - but with a lot of planning between each post, to avoid anything that may push the end farther away :)
I would be glad to have the last post, but it doesn't matter that much to me :)

As I said before, cliffhanger. I think maybe some of the good guys can become baddies and some of the baddies can go rogue. IMO, that pretty cool. Maybe Lilith can backstab her way out of returning to hell?

And another thing, we need someone to die, like a final boss or fight. But the contestants don't have to be the big players. Maybe between Nagros and Duke Talban?

C'mon, let's contribute!

Rex is a good choice for switching side (From evil to good). Where is he at the moment, by the way? In the rebel camp with the good guys?
Nargos too, wants to leave the evil side, I think.
And yeah, maybe Lillith?
Rave was a good guy in Avataria#1, he may join the rebels too.
Selia can perhaps become evil, due to the curse from Auxion.
Or any other character, can be infused by Darkness.

We need a lot of deaths. Rave can die, and I planned to kill him during the current assault anyways. Most, if not all of the evil guys will have to die as well. And some good guys must of course have to die too. If Duke Talban has to die, it should be in the end.
I would like Am'ar to stay alive, as I want him as my Avatar Character in #3 as well, so please do not kill him :b

Here is a list of events, that I think should be included during the end of our story. Just my opinion.

*Rave is defeated.
*Overlord Razet kills someone, then is defeated.
*Aaron comes back.
*Fighting moves to the Arena and Hillcrose Top.
*Kargath and Rex bonding or fighting.
*Vayne completing school and rejoining battle.
*Remaining rebels assaulting the Citadel of Evil.
*Duke Talban and Galros encounter (Father vs son).
*The fight with the King.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Why don't we all give our views on how it should end before someone gives a crappy finale? We all should agree (maybe even change what we want) in order to avoid arguments on how the RP should end.

I vote for a cliffhanger, but how I just need someone to tell me what's going on.

And yeah, like Iron said, we can't end it in one post. Maybe we each could "phase" it out? Like (for example) clock posts about the "attack", I post about the "fight", -Peper- posts about the conversations, Iron posts about the results and finally Amaar posts about the end. Just an example.

But one thing I think should definately happen is Amaar posting the very last post. It's his RP after all. We all can just contribute to how the end happens.

As I said before, cliffhanger. I think maybe some of the good guys can become baddies and some of the baddies can go rogue. IMO, that pretty cool. Maybe Lilith can backstab her way out of returning to hell?

And another thing, we need someone to die, like a final boss or fight. But the contestants don't have to be the big players. Maybe between Nagros and Duke Talban?

C'mon, let's contribute!
We need to get Vayne back first
My idea :
The rebels advanced into the citadel, rushing forward. The King stands in the front line himself, and Zaarnoth watch the amusing scene. Darkness managed to get into Rex and invokes Cadaos, possessing him once more to annihilate the rebels.
My suggestion of The battles :
King vs Talban and rebels
Am'ar vs Nargos and Galros, Galros then rejoins the King to fight Talban while Am'ar switch to fight the King
Darkness Cadaos vs Aaron, Kargath, Alaina
Auxion vs Selia and Regex (again, in the citadel)
Razet is immortal and Lilith is 'immortal', couldn't think any best way to kill them :D
Also, I haven't introduced the prince yet.
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