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SH v1.4 The Hunters


Update 4 released

Map: The Hunters
Background story: The Hunters is a hunting preserve owned and operated by Terran Wildlife Services. The Infested want to infest the population and the Void Predators want to 'purify' the place by killing all the Terran and Infested forces. While the Bionics protect the Terran in exchange for food and water supplies.












Starcraft Hybrids general information

This is a new take on the traditional Starcraft races. The three races have been replaced by three hybrid races. Includes AI variations to make playing against computer more interesting. Includes sounds/voices from Starcraft 1, except for the music but you can easily find the playlists of Starcraft 1 music on youtube (for the full experience ;D).

This has nothing to do with the Hybrids in Starcraft 2. The Hybrids have an other (/new) story which will later be explained through a custom campaign.

Important! Only choose between Human (/Bionic), Orc (/Infested) or Undead (/Void Predators) for both you and AI players. AI does not function as it should when it has its race as Night Elf (Warcraft 3 bug).

SH Gameplay video (map: The Hunters, from V1.2b so a bit outdated):

* 3 new defensive/support buildings (1 for each race).
* The build time of Drones has been reduced from 9 to 7 to compensate for the worker lost when creating a building.
* Sunken- and Void Colonies now give supply too like non-upgraded Colonies.
* Shocker has a new ability: Blaster.
* Minions now have the Horror passive ability which decreases the combat effectiveness of nearby enemy ranged units.
* Top vs Bottom: the two expasion islands that are close to the starting locations of the players have been made a bit wider, so more room for structures.
* Top vs Bottom: center island (which a bit to the south) made a bit wider so it is easier to capture.
* Island Deluxe: improved terrain detail.
* The Hunters: fixed the victory conditions and defeat messages bug.

* Hotfix Top vs Bottom (8 september): added Xel'naga Tower to Top vs Bottom, 'resources at the player start locations are removed for players that are not playing' is now properly working.
* Hotfix for Island Deluxe and Top vs Bottom (2 september): fixed the victory conditions and defeat messages

* New island map for SH. More maps will come.
* Improved AI, more expanding and with a better economy. The AI variation that focusses on 'air' has been remade.
* Added terrain bonuses system.
* Option for player 1 to choose between easy, normal and insane AI.
* Option for player 1 to disable superweapons.
* New siege unit for Void Predators added: the Shocker.
* Some terrain improvements.
* Fixed Templar of the Void's and Spectral Archon's food cost (they were very high for some reason).
* Drones are now trained faster (from 12 to 9) compared to other workers to compensate for the Drone lost when creating a building.
* Void Predators buildings' mineral cost reduced to compensate for the Drone lost when creating a building.
* Rebuild improved alot, from 75 hp restore to 200 hp restore.
* Reaper faster movement (+30), weaker Sythe attack ability (from 40% to 30%).
* Broodlings have gained the Reflecting Carapace ability, rendering them immune to all effects.
* Void Walker now has Weaker Gravity Pull instead of the Templar of the Void (the Templar could not auto-cast it properly cause it is invisble).
* Dreadnought's area damage reduced.
* Increased the range of Dark Stream so it matches the range of the Darkling.
* Into the Void has a longer duration and improved effect.
* Voidwalk has a longer duration (from 20 to 30 seconds).
* Swarm Nest (from Mephit) damage increased from 4 to 6.
* Call Forces area of effect reduced from 250 to 200.
* Killing a neutral unit (e.g. an unit that is effected by the Chaos spell) won't give bounty anymore.
* Void Accumulator now has a proper birth animation.
* Enfeeblement Aura buff graphics changed, less noisy.
* Grim Ward less noisy.
* Buff for Nanobots fixed.

* camera zoom function (done)
* Plague Nuke destroys minerals (done/fixed)
* Infested Nuke Silo requirements fix (done)
* Dark Force -> Void Predators (done)
* Void Predators AI ability to expand improved (done)
* Darkstream more damage (done, 25% faster and damage from 4 to 6)
* Energy mass bigger and bigger area (done, +0,3 scale and +30 aoe)
* Bionic Marines Mark Target too strong effect (done, from -5 to -4)
* Darklings keep "tilting" when they move for some reason (done I think, slowed walk/run animation)
* Nightskin Ultralisk's tooltip didn't changed. (done/fixed)
* Undead at the lobby when you create a game still didn't changed (done/fixed)
* 1 Nightskin Ultralisk can kill a horde of zombies in 1 charge, coz 100 hp vs 100 damage. (done, now 80 damage)
* Hellflury Mech has melee combat sounds (done, removed weapon bash sound)
* Swarm Nest from mephits were useless. give them higher hp or something (done, +40 hp)
* Mephit's Swarm Nest ability creates the egg before the projectile even landed. (done/fixed)
* Templar of the Void's invisibility upgrade requirement (done/)
* Call Forces aoe reduced (done, from 300 to 250)
* buff for the Cavern of Void's mana regeneration aura (done)

* Added a whole new hybrid race (Dark Force) with new AI (next update will give new AI to Bionic and Infested too)
* Superweapons! (AI builds and uses it too)
* The Bionic and Infested gained lots of new abilities and upgrades + longer tech tree
* Fatal error bug fixed
* Redone hotkey system, based off position icon on inteface now.
* Many abilities now cost mana instead of only having a cooldown (the cooldown is lowered though to let the abilities stay usefull).
* New worker abilities and upgrades, also different for each race now.
* Improved AI vs enemy towers
* Fixed bug that Abomination Fear ability also effects buildings.
* Fixed defeat messages about Neutral Victim.
* Fixed some repair times of various structures. Towers can be repaired a little faster.
* Fixed repair costs of Infested Worker and SCR (Bionic worker) so no more high gas costs for repairing them.
* Hellflurry Mech's have 30 hit points less and their second attacks only attacks air units now
* AI Dreadnought Hangar Bay ability has been nerved to compensate for full control for AI over Interceptors.
* Dreadnought's attack range reduced from 740 to 670
* Bacterian health increased from 35 to 50, stronger against Dreadnoughts
* Spore Turret has an improved Spores ability that also reduces the target's attack speed
* Aurochs now have 4 tranport slots instead of 3
* Broodmothers now have 8 tranport slots instead of 6
* Broodmother population cost decreased from 4 to 3
* Tier 2 ground-troop production buildings (Bionic Core, Plagued Enlargement and Cavern of Void) build time increased from 60 to 75.

* New Starcraft 1 terrain tiles (by Stryderzero)
* Gas is mined faster, from +3 to +4
* Mineral mining is changed a bit, mining goes slower but workers can carry a bit more.
* Removed 1 mineral from starting positions. It is now more important to expand for minerals.
* Upgrade length is reduced by 33% except for general damage and armor upgrades
* Radiating Core (from Nucleair Pylon) damage reduced from 10 to 6
* Flesh Bomb shorter duration (from 30 to 20 seconds)
* Fixed Infested armor upgrade used for Infested Worker
* Fixed repair times for mechanical units
* Phantom's invisibility ability improved alot but damage reduced a bit
* Dreadnoughts (Bionic huge ship) aoe damage is reduced (from 70/40 to 35/20) and attack range is decreased a little bit
* Spitters (Infested long-range flyers) attack speed decreased, from 1.00 cooldown to 1.25
* The upgrades Electronic Pulse Attack and Salvage (for workers) are cheaper and length is reduced by ~40%.
* New armor icon

There are three playable races:
The Bionics - a combination of Terran and Protoss forces
The Infested - a merge between zergs and infested Terrans
The Void Predators - a merg between Zerg and Protoss

- Play with one of the three Hybrids races. Each race featuring an arsenal of new and unique units and structures.
- The focus is more on strategy than micro managment, like in Starcraft 1. Many abilities can be auto-cast or are passives, allowing you to focus on other important things. Also terrain bonuses. However there are still some units for you who like lots of micro management.
- The all new units and buildings enable entirely new defensive and offensive strategies.
- Many custom resources and Starcraft 1 sounds (even voices) have been used to give it that starcraft feeling, while staying under 8mb! So you can still play the map on battlenet and lan.

Not protected:
This map is not protected, you can modify, take things from it and hopefully learn from it. Do as you like.

Credit list (resources):

Blizzard for interface skin, tiles and images
Starcraft Interface Package by unwirklich
Starcraft tiles for Warcraft 3 made by Stryderzero
Urban Environment Pack Pt. 1 by Illidan(Evil)X and xXm0rpH3usXx

Protohydralisk By Afronight_76
The SC2 Marine By GhostThruster
Onslaught by Callahan
Goliath by Max666
Stalker by Fingolfin
RA2 YR Mastermind Tank By Misha
Probe by killst4r
SCV Final by killst4r
ZombieA.blp By Kazzo
Marine by Hellish Hybrid
F.R.E.D. By Thrikodius
ThunderLizardVizier.blp By FrIkY
Ocula by -Grendel
MountainGiant.blp by halo
Snipe Target Green by Tranquil
Brilliance by JetFangInferno
Protoss and Terran building icons by Frankster
Fusion Cannon by Thrikodius
Flamethrower Turret by The_Silent
Alien RepairDrone by Texture By M0rbid [Amigurumi]
Zerg Scourge by Kimberly
Demon Treant by Iyzz_Fryzz
orb_big03 by EdwardSwolenToe
Brilliance by JetFangInferno
Wraith by killst4r
Stargate by killst4r
Phoenix_Missile by JetFangInferno
Konstrukt_SubmachinegunMissile by Talon the Mage
LaserRay by Ergius
Cracked Cliff by Felz_09
Drone by Markus3832
Protoss Dark Templar by Norinrad
Zerg Lurker by Cavman
Mutalisk by Kimberly
Reaper by Gottfrei
Ultra by killst4r
SpawnOverlord anim by killst4r
Zerg buildings by ?? (pm me if you know)
SoulArmor by JesusHipster
RejuvenationTarget by Metal_Sonic
Arcane Explosion By Champara Bros
Bonestrike by Callahan
MagicShield by JesusHipster
Astral Imprisonment by exfyre
Stomp by nGy
ToxicField by UgoUgo
CloudOfFog by Callahan
FirstAid by Em!
Nuclear Explosion (no missile) by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
WC3 - UnitFX - Black Hole07 by Carrington2k
SkulborbByZerox by Zerox
Reach Trees (Red) by Fingolfin
Reach Trees small by Fingolfin

Special thanks to GhostThruster for portrait edits and loading screen.
And to Hiveworkshop members that gave me feedback!

starcraft, hybrid, hybrids, rts, protoss, zerg, terran, macro, ai, spectre, infested, bionic

SH v1.4 The Hunters (Map)

Orcnet20:44, 9th May 2013 Map Approved Starcraft Hybrids (No Version/s Stated) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
Alright, played this with my friend.
  • Creepers are too overpowered, you need a unit just to detect them.
  • Templars does not have a collision and can destroy a building in a second due to their high attack damage.
  • The superweapons looks really weird xD It can't even destroy low-tech buildings, it would be good if you could.
  • Darkling's spark energy ball aoe is too small.
  • Mephit's ability creates the egg before the projectile even landed.
  • When you right click a templar while you're selecting a templar, they will combine even if i didn't ordered, pretty annoying :S
  • Overlord of the Void's unit teleportation ability (I forgot the name) is too op, maybe add a casting range limit and reduce it's aoe size?

Overall, the new race needs rebalances.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Alright, played this with my friend.
Creepers are too overpowered, you need a unit just to detect them.
Templars does not have a collision and can destroy a building in a second due to their high attack damage.
The superweapons looks really weird xD It can't even destroy low-tech buildings, it would be good if you could.
Darkling's spark energy ball aoe is too small.
Mephit's ability creates the egg before the projectile even landed.
When you right click a templar while you're selecting a templar, they will combine even if i didn't ordered, pretty annoying :S
Overlord of the Void's unit teleportation ability (I forgot the name) is too op, maybe add a casting range limit and reduce it's aoe size?

Overall, the new race needs rebalances.
, thanks for testing. I don't know about the Creepers one. Do you know the Lurkers of Starcraft 1 Broodwar? They are very similar. When burrowed Creepers get detected, they often die very fast. And they have nothing against air. Dark Templars in Broodwar (they have some other abilities but basically comparable) were also permanent invisible and high damaging. Powerful when the enemy has no detection, but expensive and weak (low hp) to an enemy army with detectors. Maybe the problem is more that are too few ways to detection. Now every race has about 2 or 3 ways (where 1 is a tower and 1 or 2 is/are units). Maybe something like Radar and similar things should be added.

I found a bug I think with the superweapons by the way, some or all don't seem to effect air units (could be I did not saw it correctly though).
Thing is about increasing the damage of the superweapons, is that you would get a bit of that Command and conquer 3 gameplay where superweapons rule the game (next to the heaviest units that is). I think they would get overpowered. The rest is added on the to do list ;).

I suggest you tint the icons to yellow , i know you know SCBW icons :)
, I would like this but it is not worth the time (a lot of icons are used) and default warcraft 3 icons cannot be changed without reimporting them which adds to the valuable size (8mb map limit). The map is already optimized in countless ways, I am reaching a border where going beyond means ugly skins and icons etc. ;).
Level 6
May 23, 2011
[K40$]-Spectre;2384850 said:

, I would like this but it is not worth the time (a lot of icons are used) and default warcraft 3 icons cannot be changed without reimporting them which adds to the valuable size (8mb map limit). The map is already optimized in countless ways, I am reaching a border where going beyond means ugly skins and icons etc. ;).

so i guess theres no chance of having a 4th race?
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Update to V1.2b hotfix

With new easy adjustable camera function a moar!




* camera zoom function (done)
* Plague Nuke destroys minerals (done/fixed)
* Infested Nuke Silo requirements fix (done)
* Dark Force -> Void Predators (done)
* Void Predators AI ability to expand improved (done)
* Darkstream more damage (done, 25% faster and damage from 4 to 6)
* Energy mass bigger and bigger area (done, +0,3 scale and +30 aoe)
* Bionic Marines Mark Target too strong effect (done, from -5 to -4)
* Darklings keep "tilting" when they move for some reason (done I think, slowed walk/run animation)
* Nightskin Ultralisk's tooltip didn't changed. (done/fixed)
* Undead at the lobby when you create a game still didn't changed (done/fixed)
* 1 Nightskin Ultralisk can kill a horde of zombies in 1 charge, coz 100 hp vs 100 damage. (done, now 80 damage)
* Hellflury Mech has melee combat sounds (done, removed weapon bash sound)
* Swarm Nest from mephits were useless. give them higher hp or something (done, +40 hp)
* Mephit's Swarm Nest ability creates the egg before the projectile even landed. (done/fixed)
* Templar of the Void's invisibility upgrade requirement (done/)
* Call Forces aoe reduced (done, from 300 to 250)
* buff for the Cavern of Void's mana regeneration aura (done)
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
I found a minor bug while playing, Swarm Nest's buff is still Pocket Factory, and the AoE indicator is gone? Swarm Nest's damage is also too low, can't even kill a worker.

I also attached a replay of we playing. Disregard the rude words, that's how we chat xD. Requires 1.26a patch, replay time is 1 hour. I'm the one who's playing the Void Predators (The_Optimizer).


  • SH.w3g
    399.9 KB · Views: 89
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
I found a minor bug while playing, Swarm Nest's buff is still Pocket Factory, and the AoE indicator is gone? Swarm Nest's damage is also too low, can't even kill a worker.

I also attached a replay of we playing. Disregard the rude words, that's how we chat xD. Requires 1.26a patch, replay time is 1 hour. I'm the one who's playing the Void Predators (The_Optimizer).
, haha map folder: 'Special Maps'. Loved the replay, thanks for sharing that. From what I have seen:

- your 'bin laden topsecret bunker' :grin: (aka Void Predators superweapon) misses its birth attachment. Easy fix.

- mephit's egg ability is indeed too weak.

- into the void is too weak too probably.

- attacking with workers is the best offense :p

I also saw now that the Void Predators expand well now (too lazy to check it :cred:). The idea is to make it that the Bionic and Infested AI do this too.
Level 3
May 1, 2012
I very very like the VOID PREDATORS!!! :D my favorite is the creeper :D THE MODEL LOOKS SO AWESOME!!!
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
you can easily mow down a horde of zombies with 4 reapers i think you should buff the zombies a bit more or nerf the reapers
, hmm, this is hard. I don't want to buff Zombies more, they feel balanced now. But weakening Reapers makes them maybe to weak against masses of Marines.

How about I increase the movement speed of Reapers a bit more and decrease their Sythe attack ability a bit?
Level 6
May 23, 2011
[K40$]-Spectre;2386543 said:
, hmm, this is hard. I don't want to buff Zombies more, they feel balanced now. But weakening Reapers makes them maybe to weak against masses of Marines.

How about I increase the movement speed of Reapers a bit more and decrease their Sythe attack ability a bit?

yea that should even the odds:wink:
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Its a great starcraft copy. I have not played all till now, but i LOVE some of the units. I like innovated units like the Darkling.

I will you motivate to make a campaign, wich you can controll the races and learn their specialitys slowy.
, thanks! I indeed want to do a campaign at some point and giving it something extra. Something like heroes but a bit different than in Warcraft 3 (more Starcraft 1 campaign style heroes). Or maybe 'commander' like units that are a tad stronger than normal units but have abilities that strengthen groups. Still pure pondering though. I first want to finish/improve AI a bit further and than add some extra maps/terrains.
Level 7
May 29, 2011
Maybe non experiencegetting big fleetships and skilled infanteryunits with 1 or 2 special abilitys and good in combination with other units of the game. I can suggest the dark one(bigger version of darkling), which summon stormmasses for example and other spells.
Level 6
May 23, 2011
Maybe non experiencegetting big fleetships and skilled infanteryunits with 1 or 2 special abilitys and good in combination with other units of the game. I can suggest the dark one(bigger version of darkling), which summon stormmasses for example and other spells.

I think a superior archon would fit more
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Maybe non experiencegetting big fleetships and skilled infanteryunits with 1 or 2 special abilitys and good in combination with other units of the game. I can suggest the dark one(bigger version of darkling), which summon stormmasses for example and other spells.

I think a superior archon would fit more

Those are good ideas. This is like the Starcraft 1 heroes but than they would be unique units too (instead of just 'elite' versions), which I think would be fun.
i reckon u shud remove the superweapons if ur gonna put in unique units. i dont like superweapon mechanic that much coz it doesnt feel like it requires 'effort' if u noe wat i mean? like all u need is patience and a wall-in for the mana to reach 300, it wud be better to either set it to like 50 mana but nerf them alot OR scrap them and make unique units with powerful abilities (though not as powerful obv)
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
i reckon u shud remove the superweapons if ur gonna put in unique units. i dont like superweapon mechanic that much coz it doesnt feel like it requires 'effort' if u noe wat i mean? like all u need is patience and a wall-in for the mana to reach 300, it wud be better to either set it to like 50 mana but nerf them alot OR scrap them and make unique units with powerful abilities (though not as powerful obv)

Or maybe add a casting time that alerts nearby players.

Well first to get this right, in the normal/skirmish maps unique/hero units will not be added. This will only be for the campaign where they can be integrated with the (campaign) story.

As for the superweapons, something like casting time sounds good. Next to that, I must say I personally like them since they make the game more dynamic and less predictive. Smaller bombs would only involve more micros.

Btw, where the siegeunits? :O
, Hellflury Mech (Bionic), Spitter (Infested) and Voidpredators have a way to teleport groups with their Overlords (behind enemy lines). Next to that there are units that are effective against clustered buildings or towers: Radiator with its Meltdown (Bionic), Mutated Beast (Infested) and Darklings merged as those energy balls (Voidpredators, you do it right this; take 2 darklings and merge them next to buildings or some towers, and when the energy ball is about to die bring in another darkling to create a stronger energy ball, do this one more time and optionally you can end the energy ball with the spark ability). Superweapons are also an option against big groups of towers (instant kill with some superweapons!).

ps: if some people dislike superweapons, I can add an option that allows player 1 to choose whether superweapons are enabled or disabled ingame.
Level 7
May 29, 2011
Damn, im so stupid. Have misunderstood this:
Hellflury Mech (Bionic), Spitter (Infested) and Voidpredators have a way to teleport groups with their Overlords (behind enemy lines)

I think all named units have the ability to teleport behind enemy lines(which is the same like drop). I tested just all voidunits till now. But when this is true, i find, the void need a high range siegeunit too for the balance. Teleport is something difference then this: By teleports, you units can be attack and damage from enemy canons. Units with high range can kill canons without take damage.

Greetz, The_New_Divide
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
I forgot to mention the Keeper for the Infested too. But yeah good point, the Void Predators does lack indeed 1 siege unit but their Nightskin Ultralisks are good against towers. I maybe have a solution for it. At the moment the Spectral Archon (created when 2 Templars merge) seems to be useless at some moments so I can give him an channeling bombard spell. The same mechanics the blizzard or death & decay spells have in Warcraft 2 (not like the ones in Warcraft 3! but like this -> the unit casts an another wave of the spell if it has enough mana) with a small area of effect.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
I managed to let the new Bionic AI Air variation do droppings (harassment style). Was somewhat funny with 7 cpu players. This AI variation will mainly be activated when playing island maps and 34% when playing non-island maps (where 66% is the normal AI). SH mappers (like me :vw_love:) only need to change 1 simple variable to let the AI properly work.

Now only to let it properly expand like the ground AI and than the AI air variation is ready to rock.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
dont dubble post [K40$]-Spectre, it is against the rules.
, you may bump your thread after 48 hours. The post I made before the post I made yesterday was 3 days ago ( > 48 hours).... :vw_unimpressed:

Bumping and multiple posting: A post (or the act of posting) with the purpose of making the thread rise to the top of the listing is called bump(ing). You may only bump your thread if no posts have been submitted to it in the last 48 hours. You may not submit one or more posts after you've posted (double-post, triple-post, quadruple-post...).
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Hmm, I was thinking of creating different landscapes on 1 map like in EotA or Troll vs Elves (ever played that?), where you choose a terrain to play with, using a dialog. But yeah, I'm aware of the file size too :/
, it is a fun idea. I tried random terrain templates through trigger with an other map, it was too hard though to get it right. I never played Troll vs Elves, do they it through triggers or terrain templates already in the map? In anycase, won't take long anymore before terrain variations can be made :). I have made the map so I can easily keep updating several map terrain variations of it.

What do you guys think of differences for easy and insane for the AI? I can't do really different AI scripts (cause of the map filesize) but I can add things like a handicap (for easy) or a boost (for insane) in resources gathering etc.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
To bonus (or handicap) is optionally though (just choose normal difficulty than).

The AI files are about ~80-100 kb and squished alot (reducing filesize by manually removing not needed object data for that specific race, e.g. Bionic AI don't need the object data of Infected units/upgrades). Each race already has 2 AI variations (in the upcoming V1.3 that is) that differ alot (1 with ground focus & 1 with air focus).

you cant train agains this version for get better against real opponents.
, sry I don't understand what you say here :p
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
That depends on the skill of the human-opponent. It makes the AI atleast a bit better or worse though, especially in the beginning. Also vespene gas (the second resource) is more scarce. If you play with an AI as ally, you can see that he often has enough minerals (but not so much that it is useless) and almost no vespene gas.

But you have a good point that timing still matters, and gave me an idea +rep. I can increase the timing of the AI too, by speeding up the production/research processes of the AI. That should make it definitely more of a challenge.

ps: can't +rep you now will do it later :p
Level 7
May 29, 2011
Hey, someone here, who want play this game on B.net?(best 1vs1 or 2vs2)

I know this sounds stupid. But i dont know how to use bots for hosting maps in wc3.
(Only heared from MakeMeHost.com, but dont find this map on this site)

BTW, anyone know, where get replaybase of custom games? Specially Games like Starcraft Hybrids is nice to see.