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Runescape Survival 1.31

FINALLY out of Beta! A fun game about several Runescape players venturing into the wilderness (which unfortunately, sucks now in the online game) and trying to survive for 30 min. No bugs found yet but if you find one email me at [email protected] and I'll see what I can do. (Based on Jagex's game-Runescape)
This is my first map! Go easy on me!

The jump from 1.23 to 1.3 was HUGE! I fixed the worst glitch in the game and added a repick feature. There's a lot of other stuff updated too, play the game to find out what!

NOTE: I hate Runescape. Don't comment on how badly RS sucks, because I also think that it sucks now. I liked it at one time, but now I would much rather play this than actual Runescape. Boobs.

Rune, scape, dudemanbob, warrior, dragon, archer, range, ranger, made, karil, lava, battlestaff, jagex

Runescape Survival 1.31 (Map)

Ghan_04: Approved. Just check out some leak tutorials to make your map even better.




Ghan_04: Approved. Just check out some leak tutorials to make your map even better.
Level 3
Oct 6, 2007
Runescape wilderness is dead, yo crazy, runescape isn't that good anyway. (And Im level 90 on it so im not saying it because I suck)

I know, I started this map like a year ago, then came back and finished it.
I used to play, I was level 76, and now I think RuneScape sucks, and I play WoW.
Actually, I like this game much better than Runescape lol
And I don't understand how this makes me crazy....?
Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
every one saying it pretty good i say its really bad not just because runescape abousltey sucks just the tereain everything on this was bad
Level 12
Oct 23, 2007
My comments:
The terrain was horrible, and you cant just say that you dont do realistic terrain. Try and do something about it.

Gameplay wasent much, i lost interest after the first few min.
The spells are still the same, not runescape related

Story wasent good as, your sent out to help some people, [you see them die but you have to 'help' them anyway] and then you have to survive, no quest nth.

Too massive for this map, nothing at all was used, no models/skins, nothing, yet the size is 300+kb,
this is because u imported too many sounds, sounds that have nothing to do with anything...

i rated the map 1/5
Lot of room for improvement, read some tutorials here or ask for some help.
I dont see how this can be approved when there are much better maps that arent...
This can improve, im not saying that it sucks, im saying you have to make it better.
Level 3
Oct 6, 2007
Honestly.. I agree. This is my first map. I don't know shit about terrain, but I'll try to improve on it if you give me some tips on what would be better. I don't really see how to change the gameplay.. I based it off of Halo Recon.

Yea. lol they die. sorry.

I do need to delete some of the retarded sounds like the gunshot, the weird sound that guy makes.. yea. Give me some suggestions. I'll try to put in some skins, I've downloaded a few RoC compatible ones off of this site, so that should be fun.