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[ORPG] Shadows of Everwood

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Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Hello guys, long time no see!

I'm not going to make a long post,
but hopefully long enough to explain our current status and our plan.

I'll start off with what we've been doing the last couple of months:
Pretty much only discussion different ideas, writing down noteworhy ones and getting a better, less complicated map structured.
We have written a big documentation-file that contains every major aspect of our new map, and we try to update it as much as possible.

Did you notice? I said "new map".

After developing SoE for about 2 years, with all the re-makes it has 'suffered', we feel like it has lost some identity.
With a new plot, world and lore, it really isn't SoE anymore. But fear not, we're still the same team, for better or worse ;)

To prepare for the reboot, I've begun scripting our core systems.
So far my progress has been pretty nice; Buff, Damage and Projectile systems are pretty much up and running in just a week.

Aside from coding core systems, I've started to get the team together with the plan of getting everyone up to speed.
Though, I haven't heard from some members in a while, mostly because I've been busy with university and never took time to get in touch with them.
However, I feel like we will work something out. Give us a couple of weeks and I bet we'll be able to show off some cool stuff!

I hope I've cleard up some question-marks, and perhaps raised a couple of new ones.
However, before I end, I really want to thank you guys for the support, it means a lot! :)
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Major changes so far is story, setting, abilities, gameplay. More info will probably come as we all agree.

We're planning to reuse some of the old DGUI-code, and make changes to the interface.
So, yes. :)

I've finished the projectile engine and added projectile attacking (units using projectiles instead of standard wc3 missiles) to the map.
Also started working on item system, mainly generation and loading generated items.
Level 5
Dec 9, 2012
I recently found this thread and read through it. Then I frantically searched for a download button :D I then saw the date and I was like, damn another great idea abandoned. Then I saw your post and I am very happy that this is going to continue! Do you have any idea when the first version will be released?
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Major changes so far is story, setting, abilities, gameplay. More info will probably come as we all agree.

We're planning to reuse some of the old DGUI-code, and make changes to the interface.
So, yes. :)

I've finished the projectile engine and added projectile attacking (units using projectiles instead of standard wc3 missiles) to the map.
Also started working on item system, mainly generation and loading generated items.

Finally, a good update in the game. So many years that the user waited for this....lol!:xxd:
Level 3
Jan 26, 2012
Major changes so far is story, setting, abilities, gameplay. More info will probably come as we all agree.

We're planning to reuse some of the old DGUI-code, and make changes to the interface.
So, yes. :)

I've finished the projectile engine and added projectile attacking (units using projectiles instead of standard wc3 missiles) to the map.
Also started working on item system, mainly generation and loading generated items.

When you say gameplay and abilities are major changes we are still keeping the individual class mechanics right? I.e. daemonic state
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Since we've just about started working, it'll take a while. Perhaps we'll have something to show by the Easter holidays!

A new thread will be made when we've compiled and made sure that everyone in the team agrees to the plans.

Initially, we moved away from the whole class concept for a more open approach.
However, Wolfe told me briefly that he had another idea so we'll wait and see.
Level 3
Jan 26, 2012
So in other words no Berserker Frenzies, Daemonic state, or Arcane Orbs? ... But those were unique, they made this game much more exciting for me! Now its more like an everyday warcraft 3 ORPG it seems and that's not why i have been been following the thread for about 2/3 of a year... Am I the only one who feels this way?
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Masteries would have removed the class aspect and promoted focus on personal customization, sort of unique?

However, no classes equals no class mechanics.
We're still working on it, though, so if you feel you either hate/love the current idea, express it!

I think I've nailed down the item generation (+ general item system stuff).
It will be sort of similar to the way Diablo 2 did item generation.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Items can only be generated from a blueprint that we've designed, so if you see odd stat combinations the item is probably suitable to another playstyle.

So far I've nailed Item Quality generation with Magic Find formulas.
Generated items can have a quality level of:

Unique > Epic > Rare > Magic > High Quality > Normal Quality > Low Quality
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
I would just like to say that we are looking for a creative type to terrain. I would attempt to do it but this year has a lot of pain in store for me. If you're interested PM Tukki! :)
Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Okay, I might be wrong here, but Wolfe said that someone named Kino was interested, so we could be back on track in the terrain department!

Furthermore, I've tinkered around with affix generation and the current model is to use multiple versions of an affix-type, say Fire Enchant, with each version being more powerful than the previous.

Basic Example:
Fire Enchant: + X-Y fire damage
Level 1: Smoldering - 15-37 fire damage
Level 2: Fiery - 51-87 fire damage
Level 3: Blazing - 101-204 fire damage

The other model I was testing out was a scaling type, where affix stat bonus was scaled depending on item level. It had some drawbacks, mainly that it was darn hard to balance.

Still not sure that it's the best affix 'system', any suggestions?
Level 3
Jan 10, 2013
you could use some other things from other maps like the health and mana bars from invasion in dusk wood and give him acredit and i hope you put ai after the beta stage cause i really dont find someone play good maps :(
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008

Still alive and kicking.
Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
The Project is very impressiv. A lot of work guys! Respect for that!

I took a look @ your vids on youtube... they are really nice. Which tool you used for it? You've a facebook fanpage?

Reg and still gl with this amazing project!
Level 3
Jan 26, 2012
Ohh.. this project.. when this will be released..

Just a demo and a demo..

Oh god haha... The team learned the hard way that giving out a release date or demo date is a bad idea... It will be finished when it is finished. All most know is progress is being made.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Hey guys!

No testers are required yet, but we are still actively working on the project. Our core systems are coded and ready, and we are currently at the point of writing documentation for content and discussing how players will be able to interact with NPCs. We are considering an extensive dialogue system involving Quests, Gossip and Reputation.

I think we may need to provide a more detailed report of what's going on, and I will certainly mention something in our next meeting, but until then...

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