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Official WarCraft IV Discussion

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Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
Whos to say they'll change the way models are treated? They'll probably change/edit JASS alot, and maybe consider adding a more vJASS feeling to it (Its that or Vex does it)
So really it all comes down to how much Blizzard changes. They'll probably make a program that can convert .MDX/.BLP files to fit whatever WC IV's files will be, if changed at all
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Wait..you honestly expect Blizzard to allow wc3 content to be transferred into wc4?

urgh.. Look, it wont work, it doesnt work like that. Its going to support a whole new engine with new model and map features that will no longer use wc3 features as they will be obsolete. Wc4 and wc3 will be released like..what? 7-9 years apart?

I mean honestly, do you see other games allowing features like that? No...

wc3 is OLD, there is no point spending an extra year adding features in wc4 so it can use obsolete features in wc3. There is just no point.. its stupid.

Wc3 is just old like any other game, and its new standalone version will have much better features that will put wc3 to the dust. Wc3 community will just fade out, i mean, its life. Do you see blizzard trying to add features in wc3 or sc2 to make them import older game features like a map transfer-er/translator? No. Did wc3 and sc1 whine about it? No. Because that's how things happen.

Sure, people in general but not blizzard may find a way around it, but you seem to act as if Blizzard owes it to you, we owe it to blizzard for allowing us to mod wc3 in the first place.

EDIT: Sorry if i sound grumpy o.0 i dont mean to..



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I thought older models could be imported as long as the game accepted the format. I knew they'd look inferior when compared to others, but I thought it was possible, nevertheless. I guess I'm wrong.
Anyway, Kimberly got it right. Don't make such a big deal out of it – everything that has a start also has an end and Warcraft III is not an exception.
It's a pity some things don't get recorded in history, though; this is why I suggested the creation of a WarcraftWiki (or whatever you'd like to call it), essentially a place for things to get written down. Someday, a teenager playing Warcraft IV (if it happens) might wonder: «How was it like in Warcraft III? The game, the communities, the maps?». The Wiki would certainly be a good place to find answers!
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
I thought older models could be imported as long as the game accepted the format. I knew they'd look inferior when compared to others, but I thought it was possible, nevertheless. I guess I'm wrong.
Anyway, Kimberly got it right. Don't make such a big deal out of it – everything that has a start also has an end and Warcraft III is not an exception.
It's a pity some things don't get recorded in history, though; this is why I suggested the creation of a WarcraftWiki (or whatever you'd like to call it), essentially a place for things to get written down. Someday, a teenager playing Warcraft IV (if it happens) might wonder: «How was it like in Warcraft III? The game, the communities, the maps?». The Wiki would certainly be a good place to find answers!

Wowwiki does have some pages on warcraft 3...



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
But zero regarding the communities. For example, what if The Hive Workshop closes? Who will know, besides the people who continued to play, the great things that were done here? That takes me to the question: how many teenagers keep playing games after they hit adulthood? Most of them end up quitting because of university. How many combine a life of work with games?
Level 3
Nov 22, 2008
I think that when Blizz release Warcraft IV, they maybe don't make it compatible with Warcraft III maps, but later they will make it compatible with some patch or whatever.

Another of my opinions is that they will make Warcraft IV, and it will be compatible with Warcraft II maps without any patching.
Level 9
Aug 17, 2008
Well, in the pas it is not yet done because of poor technology. But what about now? Almost every noob can edit things using a modder's tool. Then what could Blizzard possibly do? They can't just abandon warcraft iii communities. I mean, In WoW, they also use Icons from moddings sites. And WoW is old. Maybe in the future, we will have CGI Like MMO. It's just, nothing is impossible now. It's just only a matter of time.
There is no official info that such will ever be made and you are asking about sold in stores? How about asking when it will be delivered to your home?

I just wondered "When it happens" if hiveworkshop will keep support another game. After I read all of this I got the idea that this was never considered since it has many years to happen.
I know this isn't the time. As I said I am curious about if a site meant for one game only will become for two games in the end.
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Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
WC4 is already in production. Blizzard has thousands, really, THOUSANDS of employees. They have a few projects, yes, but they don't put all of their employees on D3, SC2, or WoW.

They spread them out >>; And I highly doubt WC4 will take more than 2-3 years. It's not like they're making the game from scratch, they'll probably edit WC3/SC2 mechanics.
I don't care if a single blizzard employee said a single line about Wc4. I'll believe it's released once it's in the stores and not a moment before.

I agree that nothing was public yet - NOTHING, however as you can see war1 -war2 -war3 - 1 expension wow - a lot of expensions - are all about this seryes, its highly possible that there will be another version, and if you hear it was written somewhere you can be SURE of it. However I doubt that there is something that can block them from telling the public about it, maybe a failure in their program making , or maybe since they made a lot of games they are OUT of ideals , other than that , nothing can make them be in total silence for few years.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I havent seen a single proof that such game will be out ever. And rumors are not to be believed. And how would it go? Story continues after TFT? This is the only option that makes sense. Though, the D3 storyline is a bit weak. You kill all brothers in LoD and Tyrael becomes evil - ok fine for Tyrael but suddenly Diablo revives to give a point to the game. And the way D3 is delayed, even if WC4 were ever made, some of you don't really think that in 3 years you would see WC4, do you?
Level 2
May 24, 2007
I dunno what I think...
But I know that I hope that they will make a WC4 :p I think that gaps of the storyline in WoW is kinda weak for a continuation of WC3...
But I won't be suprised if blizzard never releases WC4... wow has kinda taken over that story...

Next spring they are releasing starcraft 2... Starcraft 1 was a big success, so it's kinda weird that they havent followed up on this one untill now, 12 years later...
So if they contineus like this, we will have WC4 in 2016 +++ maybe...
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Well, Blizzard has thousands of employees working on World of WarCraft as in customer support, maintaning server, content development etc. but they are not exactly part of the development team. Blizzard has multiple teams working on their own project like the Diablo team works on Diablo 3, the RTS team(Worked on WarCraft III) works on StarCraft II etc.
I would probably guess they don't have more than 300 game developers. :D

I would predict that the game will be out by 2017 or later after the StarCraft II trilogy is out. It's better to get the best RTS team to work on WarCraft IV. :p

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
WC4 might be very different from WC3 but will come eventually. The blizzard devs have even mentioned WC4 a few times as a possible future product.

However, due to the popularity of WoW and the difference between WC3/SC2 and WoW type games, I would not be suprized if WC4 is not made into a combination of both (which would be wierd and nuts) to try and appeal to WoW fans who buy the game based on its series and WC3 fans as a sequal (with pay to play obviously which would be irritating). Melee would probably be a combination of WoW raids for most people and some general who builds the base and gets resources to equip men etc. There would be a MMORPG part to it like with WoW where you can go around doing crap in what ever worlds it takes place on. Finally there would be the custom game part where you can make your own user gameplay types and events and stuff.

Advantages of such a game would be. . .
Lots to do all bundled in one, with a mmorpg, RTS and custom unique elements to it.
Based on a RPG engine as well as some RTS engines so better custom RPGs could be made (as apposed to WC3 and SC2 which are RTS engines with some RPG stuff added).
Less boring melee which could take up to hours of teamwork to win (still aiming at less than an hour though) rather than 5-6 minutes of rushing and microing.
Huge ammount of models and content available for custom games to use due to being based on a MMORPG.

Disadvantages. . .
Pay to play, but sadly that is the way the world is going and in the comming decades more and more games will probably adopt this as a standard.
WC3/SC2 players will WTF at it for the Pay to play and MMORPG elements.
WoW players will WTF at it as some of the stuff needs brains to win and not hours of grinding or hundreds of dollars of gear and gold (not used to RTS).
May be awkward to run custom games due to posible needs of dedicated servers and advanced modding knowledge (they would not be so numerous).

Why this idea is not as far fetched as it may sound or seem. . .
We are talking atleast 2015 (possibly later) before any major news will be announced on a WC4.
Think how much computers have changed in the last few years (double or tripple gaming graphics power so MMORPG quality RTS graphics are becomming realities slowly).
MMORPGS are popular and earn good revenue (WoW) and would please confused WoW players and it would cut a lot of cost from developing a RTS game separatly due to shairable content.
Unique game play for blizzard and the series if not the world, no arguing about that.
A lot can change in 5 years let alone more.
Average computer will have 4 or more cores in 5 years time with high clock rates.
Games may be different in 5 years time calling for such dramatic gameplay.

Honestly it would make most people here WTF when thinking about this possible idea for WC4, including myself. However will it in 5 or more years time where 5 years ago the games currently being made would make people go WTF.
Level 2
May 24, 2007
Seems like you maybe have an idea of how WC4 will be, Dr Super Good:)
A mix between melee and MMORPG sound kinda shitty, I think... But I am no big wow fan. (never had the guts to start paying a monthly due for a game... )

I don't see any point that blizzard makes another MMORPG game out of the same consept as wow... that would be a bit pointless.. I think that they should focus more on the melee and strategic part... that's what has made WC3 popular....
Level 2
Jan 21, 2012
Warcraft 4 would be awesome. If you've seen how good the Thrall looks in Blizzard DotA
in Starcraft 2 then you'd know what I'm talking about. :-D
Level 5
Jul 18, 2010
mb WarCraft 3.5 ;>? better graphics, better engine, Battlenet 2, few more units new campaing and ofc new editor :)... this will not take as much time as new game but will make WC3 players and modders really happy! It's my dream to play WarCraft 4 but WC3.5 will be really nice ;p

Oh... dreams ;/
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Oh God O.O This thread again?

Vunjo? wc.player?? Miss_Foxy??? Where my B--- Oh there you are Miss_Foxy! Hi, hey how are you doing? Nice to see you in this thread.

Ahem so, actually.... my stance about Wc4 has changed! I do believe that one day we will see Wc4.

But that's only because Blizzard is just too lazy to come up with something new and different.

In fact Blizzard is just milking money of their franchises. Hiring people with low salary (cuz working at Blizzard should be payment enough), promoting relatives or close friends to key positions, and just make a game, label it to one of it's existing franchises... and profit!

Now I agree that WoW pushed the MMO genre further and further and has awesome systems. And I also agree that SC2 is the leading game of competitive e-sports and because of SC2 we have huge tournaments for other games (LoL comes to mind) as well. Yet I always said that SC2 is just SC1 with better graphics, better pathing and better unit stats (which makes for easier balancing). I agree that SC2 multiplayer side is actually good, although SC2 itself brings actually little improvements (though important I guess). What I am trying to say is, I'm one of those people who think that SC2 could have been a hell of a lot better since it was made by Blizzard.

Also D3 seems to be just D2 with a RMAH. And don't bring the issue of runes here, as they are just Glyphs from WoW.

If we look at other series (AC, DA, GTA, etc) we can agree that hey, SC2 or D3 as the continuation of their respective franchises, it's not all that bad. However while AC has 1-2 years between each part of the series, SC2 had over 10 years, and if I'm not mistaking, D3 as well. So again, I expected much more out of these games to warrant 60$. I guess they warrant 60$ just because there are other bigger rip-offs on the market.

But I guess how Blizzard continues their line of products, is not indicative of the future.... But I think it is. I think we will see a Wc4. And by God I hope I will never see it. There will be many many years when that happens, mostly because SC2 isn't fully released yet, and WoW is still developed. But I think Blizzard will return to their already established franchises, just to milk more money. As it stands... Blizzard as a company shows no interest in existing in the next generation. They will stay content with their current franchises, and milk money out of them... because hey, it's easier, and anyway they lost their passion for games.

P.S.: I'm not talking about Dustin Browder or what's his name is, I am talking about the old Blizzard... Metzen, Samwise, etc.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Also D3 seems to be just D2 with a RMAH. And don't bring the issue of runes here, as they are just Glyphs from WoW.
You must be the only person in the world to think that. Most people are complaining that Diablo III is too different from Diablo II as almost everything in it has changed.

D3 as well. So again, I expected much more out of these games to warrant 60$. I guess they warrant 60$ just because there are other bigger rip-offs on the market.
They warrant 60$ because this is the year 2012 where bankers have destroyed the global economy. Also it will probably be sold at less than 60$ by major retailers.
Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
I dont think that WoW ruined the whole universe that was originaly made for WC series, If you've played WotLK and WoW Cata you can see that they made quite a progress in 'WOW Storytelling' but I must say I was disapointed when I heard about WoW the first time.

I belive that Mists of Pandaria will bring even more story into the already known races (I am not that much into Pandas), I kinda liked the Undead, Goblin, Worgen, Orc's and others storiline in Cata but not in WotLK.

WotLK was more about Arthas and what he is now - a Lich King and stuff while Cata 'touched' the whole Azeroth and Outland so no i dont think WoW ruined the Storyline I just think that the story they have now could be much better told throu Strategy game like WC3 is. Still I dont know a game that has better storyline that the one fron Warcraft Universe (both WC and WoW).

But as someone said here, what matters for Blizz is money so I dont think I need to say anithing else...
Level 7
Mar 6, 2008
For 90% of the gaming companies money is the most important thing, lol. Also from my pov the only way to continue the warcraft series with a rts game is a fresh start and by that I mean ending the current plot and set the game like one hundred years after the last WoW expansion with new characters, new plot and new races (maybe) or set the game in the past during one of the major events in warcraft history, but I find the first option to be much more interesting.
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