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Naruto vs Bleach 1.6 Open Beta v1

NVB v1.6 OP1 Changelog
[Bug Fixes]
-Fixed creep upgrade system bug
-Sound killings accuracy fixed
-Swapping heroes should not occur after 80 seconds of game time
-Ishida's Seele Schneider damage corrected
-Yoruichi's Spin Kick push not working at the very edge of the AoE is now fixed
-Nel's charge can no longer break through Yamato's wood cage
-Ulquiorra's Eyes duration corrected
-Tousen's Nake slows lasts just as long as the rest of the nake duration
-Corrected Maim's slow percentage and duration
-Corrected attack increase for
-Itachi's disappearing bug with shurikens can be fixed with -debug command (Now he unpauses as well)
-Fixed Itachi's item duplication bug involving Yondaime's Kunai, Sannin Sandals, and 4th Legacy
-Rukia's Tsugi no Mai: Hakuren's damage corrected (Damage is techniqually higher now)
-Rukia's Tsugi no Mai: Hakuren's cooldown error after refreshing is corrected
-The following heroes selection click has been corrected: Nel, Inoue, Grimjaw, Naruto, Hinamori, Nel, Rukia, Shikamura, Temari, and Sakura
-Fixed Temari's Reveresal Spin duration bug
-Fixed Anti-harass creep AI bug where creeps follow heroes forever
-Fixed Grimjaw's Gran Ray Cero and Devour bug

[New Features]
-Added new naruto hero: Sasori
-Added new bleach hero: Sajin Komamura
-New textures for the following heroes: Hidan, Nara Shikamaru, Minato, Hoshigaki Kisame
-Added Mega creeps
-Removed Hichigo from game
-Now allows obs/referees in game lobby for speculation
-Revamps applied to the following heroes: Haruno Sakura, Kaname Tousen, Hoshigaki Kisame, Orihime Inoue
-Added new charged item: Dust of Apperance
-Added new recipe items: Shinobi Guards, Auto-Mail, Hierro Fragments, Spikra
-Revamped Jigokuchou
-Revamped most changes onto items and item recipes (Best way to know is play, did not include the changes into changelog just because there is too much)
-All items moved to their "proper" shops to organize relevance
-Added item shopping hotkeys
-Revamped anti-harass system for better AI
-Optimized new preloading system to reduce lag on first cast
-Added more juking spots on various locations on map (Find them on your own. About 10 are created)

-Creeps balanced the following ways
. Shinigami and genin hp regeneration increased from .25 to .5
. Shinigami and genin no longer has mana or mana regeneration
. All creep's sight decreased by 200 for both day and night
. Shinigami and genin's attack range increased from 90 to 100
. 2nd Division Shinigami and Jounin's mana increased from 100 to 300
. 2nd Division Shinigami and Jounin's mana regeneration increased from .15 to .75
. 2nd Division Shinigami and Jounin's hp regeneration increased from .25 to 2
. Hunter-nins and Kidou Casters changed to be more siege oriented
. All creeps gold bountry changed (Mostly alot more consistent)
. All raxed creeps are changed similar to the notes above (regeneration, sight, bounty, etc)
. All raxed creeps give less bounty (Thats only if it becomes raxed)
. Mega creeps added when all 3 raxed creeps are up
. One more additional spawn of 2nd Divison Shinigami and Jounins at 600 seconds of gametime
. Bleach Main and Hokage's building's hp reduced from 5000 to 4250
. All melee creeps and Hunter nin/Kidou Caster's collision size reduced by 2

-Gameplay constant changed in the following ways
. Real time to warcraft day/night time cycle reduced from 480 to 450 seconds
. Seige attacks deal 20% less damage on unarmored units
. Seige attacks deal 50% more damage on structures
. Hp per strength point increased from 17 to 19
. Defence bonus per agility point decreased from .16 to .14
. Player gold lose per hero death calculation changed from -95 - (5 x Hero Level) to -80 - (20 x Hero Level)
. Player will recieve +50 more gold for every hero kill
. Player will recieve gold based on amount of hero kills streak (Starting at 3 kills...50/100/150/200/250/300/350/400 and 400 addition gold for every kill after that)
. Hero revival time calculation increased from (2.25 x hero level + 4) seconds to (2.5 x hero level + 5) seconds
. All hero hp regeneration base set to .25
. If enemy denys their own tower, opposing team will recieve +100 gold (Rather than +200 gold if opposing team manages to kill enemy tower)
. Creep teching research time increased from every 300 to 450 seconds
. Creep teching begins at 80 seconds of gametime (Previously 30)
. Creep teching max level increased from 10 to 30
. Additional melee creeps will spawn at 15 and 30 minutes of gametime
. Additional ranged creep and seige creep will spawn at 45 minutes of gametime
. If game is set to normal mode, free gold gain is +1 gold/.875 sec and if game is set to short mode, free gold is set to +2 gold/.875 sec
. All heroes turn rate speed increased by 50%
. Double/Triple kills time extension increased from 6 to 8 seconds
. First Blood now gives gold to killer (+150)
. All heroes nightvision sight reduced from 1200 to 1000
. All heroes movement speed reduced by 10
. Starting gold changed from 1000 to 1003

-Items changed in the following ways
. Idates Sandals and Scroll of town portal's teleportation time reduced from 6 to 3.5 seconds
. Scroll of town portal's mana cost reduced from 75 to 50
. Scroll of Chakra Armor cost increased from 675 to 1000 gold
. Soldier pills removed inexchange for Dust of Apperance
. Morning Glory breaking during invis can deal 125 damage to target
. Morning Glory invis speed increased from .6 to .3
. Amplified Silver Watch hp regeneration buffed from 4 to 5 and mana regeneration from 100% to 125%
. Asauchi's cleaving AoE increased from 150 to 225
. Asauchi's attack increased from 60 to 65
. First-Aid kit price reduced from 125 to 100 and heal increased from 300 to 400 hp and healing processing reduced from 30 to 10 seconds
. Med-Packs price reduced from 85 to 50 and mana heal reduced from 125 to 100
. Kon and Pakkun price reduced from 225 to 200
. Smoke bombs and Soldier pills removed from game
. Reiraku's invis detection AoE increased from 900 to 1100
. Ulquiorra's Eyes price reduced from 280 to 200, however the maximum stock in shop is 2, taking 6 minutes to restock 1
. Ulquiorra's Eyes sight range increased from 600 to 1600
. Ulquiorra's Eyes charge reduced from 3 to 2
. Ulquiorra's Eyes can no longer detect invis/burrowed units
. Jigokuchou revamped to act as a ward (With hardly no vision) that can detect invis/burrow units (Contains 2 charges, cost 200, lasts for 360 seconds)
. Ring of regeneration price increased from 325 to 350
. Kisuke's device is now global range and detection frequency increased by 50%
. Kisuke's device price increased from 400 to 500
. Idate's Sandals now requires 50 mana to use
. Scroll of Idate's Sandals price increased from 1700 to 2200
. Leather gloves price reduced from 510 to 500
. Gokontekkou's mana cost reduced from 75 to 25
. Gokontekkou's cooldown increased from 90 to 100 seconds
. Gokontekkou's transmutation gold gain increased by 5%
. Scroll of Hollow mask price reduced from 1050 to 1000
. Shinobi Trends now have 3 different build combination (No longer requires scroll)
. Shinobi Trends can now have +10 strength, agility, or intelligence based on those combinations
. Sannin Boots requirement of mithril hammer has been removed inexchange for Shinobi Claws (Yes the overall price dropped)
. Sannin Boots attack reduced from 16 to 15
. Kage's Relic price reduced from 2150 to 2100
. Food Pills healing hp increased from 145 to 200 and mana reduced from 195 to 150 (But healing duration improved from 40 to 30 seconds)
. Food Pills price reduced from 335 to 275 gold
. Removed Fraccion and Item recharger from game
. Tobi's mask aura radius increased from 900 to 1100
. Scroll of Spikra's price increased from 225 to 400
. Chakra Smasher can now attack heroes
. Chakra Smasher lightning chance increased from 20% to 25%
. Chakra Smasher damage reduced from 125 to 120 and number of attacks reduced from 5 to 4 and bounce range decreased from 600 to 500
. Kusanagi's armor reduction increased from -4 to -5
. Kusanagi's agility decreased from 18 to 15
. Scroll of Kusanagi decreased from 650 to 400
. Quincy Cross no longer requires scroll to make Quincy Cross
. Metal Claws price reduced from 1150 to 900
. Spikra and Shun'ou and Ayame hp regeneration aura AoE reduced from 900 to 500
. Byakugan (Item) is removed from game
. Sword of Tesuka renamed to Ragnarok (With new icon)
. Spikra has a type B version, which gives another possible build and different effect under different requirments
. Kisuke's Device now only works on heroes
. Sanrei Gloves no longer has release ability, but now has +30% evasion
. Sanrei Gloves is now a lumber item requirement
. Various items have new item requirements and effects
. Removed nightscope from game
. Reiraku now has a new added effect where nightvision increased (Basically Nightscope effect is added)
. Yondaime's Special Kunai blink distance increased from 1100 to 1200
. Yondaime's Special Kunai blink cooldown decreased from 25 to 18 seconds

-Runes are changed in the following ways
. All runes are now colored to be identified easier
. Rune of Invisibility duration reduced from 90 to 45 seconds
. Rune of Illusion now deal 35% of the original and take an extra 300% damage.
. Rune of Speed now increases 100% movement speed (Originally 200%) and duration reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
. Rune of greater healing and mana removed inexchange for Rune of Regeneration (Heals 3000 hp and 2000 mana over 30 seconds. If attacked during regeneration, regeneration will stop)
. Rune of Shield only applies to 1 person, no longer area effect
. Added new rune: Double Damage Rune (Doubles damage for 45 seconds)
. The appearance of runes increased from 45-90 to 120 seconds

-Sakura's Chiyute no Jutsu heal value % changed from 5(10)/ 10(20)/ 15(30)/ 20(40)
-Sakura's Chiyute no jutsu mana cost reduced from 65/105/160/250 to 65/95/125/155
-Sakura no longer has Chakra Control
-Sakura has a new ability: Shosen no Jutsu
-Sakura no longer has Inner Sakura
-Sakura's has a new passive ultimate: Chakra Precision
-Sakura's Earth Slam revamped (It slows instead of stun and damage is based on strength)
-Sakura's strength growth reduced from 2.3 to 2 and agility growth increased from 1.55 to 1.75 and intel growth from 2.2 to 2.3
-Sakura's starting strength decreased from 20 to 18 and starting agility from 12 to 14
-Nel's charge can no longer destory destructibles
-Shino's missle speed of auto attack increased
-Yamato's cast range on his cage and ultimate reduced by 50% (5000 to 2500)
-All heroes starting base hp is set to 150 (Some heroes originally are 215 or 265)
-Tousen's Nake slow reduced from 25% to 10%/15%/20%/25%
-Tousen's Bankai can no longer silence
-Tousen's sense of justice removed from game inexchange for Suzumushi's Echo (Every time Tousen casts a spell, enemies in 650 AoE will be silenced)
-Tousen's Bankai: Enma Korogi's cooldown increased from 90/85/80 to 100
-Hidan's taunt cooldown increased from 18 to 20 seconds
-Hidan's Ritual of Pain mana cost set from 120/140/160/180 to 150 all levels
-Hidan's Ritual of Pain cooldown increased from 30 to 50/45/40/35 seconds
-Hidan's Self-Pain mana cost redecreased from 180/210/240 to 175/200/225
-Hidan's movement speed reduced from 335 to 330
-Hidan's strength growth decreased from 2.75 to 2.7 and intelligence growth increased from 1.7 to 1.75
-Hidan's starting armor reduced by 1
-All heroes have different armor values
-Rukia's Some no Mai: Tsukishiro cooldown decreased from 40 to 28 seconds
-Rukia's mana cost cost of spells adjusted to make proper sense
-Rukia's Tsugi no Mai: Hakuren's cooldown decreased from 40 to 20 seconds
-Rukia's San no Mai: Shirafune's cooldown changed from 100/95/90 to 100/85/70
-Rukia's San no Mai: Shirafune's mana cost decreased from 195/205/215 to 190/165/140
-Ishida's Sprenger is now easier to activate by using his Avtivate Sprenger button
-Ishida's Sprenger no longer damages Ishida when inside Sprenger
-Ishida's Seele Schneider range increased from 2100 to 3000
-Ishida's Seele Schneider mana cost reduced from 110/125/140/155 to 75/85/95/105
-Ishida's intel growth reduced from 2.4 to 2
-Ishida's agility growth increased from 2.1 to 2.5
-Ishida's Hirenkyaku mana cost changed from 40/35/30/25 to 40 all levels
-Shino's Nature's Reaction reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 15/30/45/60
-Momo's Kidou Nets cooldown increased from 2 to 3
-Momo's Kidou Nets mana cost increased from 125/125/150/150 to 130/130/160/160

-Added Blood-elf and narutoj into credits
-At start of game when you first select your hero, the hero will be not auto-selected to avoid learning the wrong skills for hero
-Corrected tooltip error on Hollow Mask and Arrancar Mask
-Corrected learning hotkey of Rinji Shuuren
-Corrected Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai's tooltip by adding its a channeling ability
-Corrected Kaname Tousen's tooltip
-Corrected display text error when Yamato tries to pick Chakra Smasher
-Corrected cooldown information on Hidan's Self-pain
-Corrected Rukia's Some no Mai: Tsukishiro tooltip
-Corrected Rukia's San no Mai: Shirafune tooltip
-Added Aura radius info for Tobi's Mask
-Added total price cost to items in recipe shops
-Added Shun'ou and Ayame's hp regen AoE

This is the open beta. There will be 3 versions of this. A tournament will be held for 1.6 for cash prize, check our forums out at z13.invisionfree.com/SLK_Production for details.

aos, Dreamraider, NVB, naruto vs bleach, bleach, naruto, anime, wars, shinigami12, Blinkboy, SLK

Naruto vs Bleach 1.6 Open Beta v1 (Map)

This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under...
Level 4
Jan 29, 2009
Found a bug: Kenpachi's Eyepatch Release stacks. After he used it, after waiting for the cooldown and at the required health, he gets the strength bonus again stacking with the old bonus, without the last bonus dissappearing.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
sigh many problems with these , some character always get into hoster banlist and it really annoys me, why ban a new created character? is it the character that is wrong or the creator itself creatign this useless thing? ii.
Level 9
Feb 3, 2008
Somewhat dissapointing. Many of the characters were very uninteresting, like Toushiro and Soifon. It seemed as if more effort had been put into the Naruto side of things, which greatly upset me. Whilst this is a good game, it is too similiar I think to Shinobi Wars, and unfortunately there is nothing special about this AoS which makes it stand out from a crowd. I rate this 3 / 5 . Also, had you given up on Itachi when you made Ameratsu. That was one of the most dissapointing features of all.
Level 1
Aug 9, 2009
please upload the range of Ishida's arrow 2200 - 2700 or a little less .. and place that is 1 seconds - 5 seconds depending on the range that the arrow is shot .. please respond .. vizard a big fan ^ ^
Level 4
Apr 4, 2009
one character is always missed: the good shirosaki! he is the best character in bleach, please insert him in your map as fast as possible, he and byakuya in the next version.

edit: lol, a great fight between ichigo and shirosaki is the thing that is misse on this map! =D like on bleach vs one piece: ichigo vs. shirosaki = shirosaki wins!!!
Level 2
Sep 29, 2009
Ihre Karte war ruhiger Spaß, jedoch es gibt viele Probleme darinnerhalb. Einer ist jener alot der Charaktere ist unausgewogen, und Ihre Türme sind homosexuell. Dieser ganze Begriff ist nicht schlecht, aber Ihr Spiel ist nicht spielbar mit die Anzahl der Wanzen es enthält. Einer schließt ein, wenn der Pfeilbursche seine Pfeildingfähigkeit auf einem Helden es wird gesteckt benutzt, und der Pfeilbursche wird anstatt verletzt: O. Diese Karte ist Schrecklich! 1/5!
Level 2
Sep 29, 2009
Jetzt erinnere mich ich an! Ihre Helden beleben nicht wieder, entweder wenn sie sterben, ichigo auszuhöhlen!
Level 2
Sep 29, 2009
Hoffen Sie, dass Sie diesen Traum lesen. Ich schaue wirklich vorwärts für Sie an, Ihre Karte zu verbessern.
Level 8
Oct 21, 2007
Hey duechso, how about you talk in english not fucking german? And when u say it has "alot" of bugs, that was versions ago which tells me you did not play the recent version. Either u think it's a bug (Which probally isn't) or u just have no idea since u can't fucking read english within the text.

And stop saying i have bad english? U cant talk shit in english and stop making multiple fucking posts of your lame message. Go back to fucking germany
Level 4
Jan 29, 2009
Hey duechso, how about you talk in english not fucking german? And when u say it has "alot" of bugs, that was versions ago which tells me you did not play the recent version. Either u think it's a bug (Which probally isn't) or u just have no idea since u can't fucking read english within the text.

And stop saying i have bad english? U cant talk shit in english and stop making multiple fucking posts of your lame message. Go back to fucking germany

Agreed. Anyways Good Work Dream, I hope you still add in Byakuya >.>, And wow I did not understand a word Duechso said... Man I never knew you can read german!
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Level 4
Apr 4, 2009
duechso is a f*cking idiot, the rules of hive say that you aren't allowed to speak other languages than english, except pn's. yeah, he talked german, but, his compiliation of the words don't make any sense, this isn't real german...-.- btw, he's not from germany, when he is from germany, he could talk german right, not so, i can't understand him, he's way a f*cking idiot.

Hey, dreamraider, please don't say that our language or germany is fuck, just if some n00nb is going to TRY talking german, he can't speak german, he just wanted to make you agressive and he wanted a dispute. so, please don't say that germany is fucked. thanks. anyway, i dunno what he meant, you map is great, just because he can't make a great map like this, he started this shit. 10/5 points from my side, continue good working^_^
Level 5
Jan 27, 2007
dream, it was an ages ago when the hollow mask learning description still uses the old Bankai description....

GJ with GJ (Grimmjow).. xD

And... Sprenger is really hard to hit... highly suggest to have a subskill for it to explode...
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Level 8
Oct 21, 2007
duechso is a f*cking idiot, the rules of hive say that you aren't allowed to speak other languages than english, except pn's. yeah, he talked german, but, his compiliation of the words don't make any sense, this isn't real german...-.- btw, he's not from germany, when he is from germany, he could talk german right, not so, i can't understand him, he's way a f*cking idiot.

Hey, dreamraider, please don't say that our language or germany is fuck, just if some n00nb is going to TRY talking german, he can't speak german, he just wanted to make you agressive and he wanted a dispute. so, please don't say that germany is fucked. thanks. anyway, i dunno what he meant, you map is great, just because he can't make a great map like this, he started this shit. 10/5 points from my side, continue good working^_^

Yea sorry for the critisim, i had alot of angry germans at me sorry sorry.
Level 1
Aug 4, 2009
hey dream i registered me on slk forum but i can´t write anything and now i can´t even log in : Sorry, we could not find a member called Shinoda, are you sure it's correct?
Level 1
Oct 6, 2009
Hey dream is the nvb 1.42 created by u or is it a deprotected and some1 else made it? and also wen can i start
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Mein Gott, jemand haben mein Konto verboten!! Glücklich den ich habe einige hackend Fähigkeiten. Sowieso Saugen Traum Raider, Sie! Ihre Karte hat alot von Wanzen und ich habe kein Geld, mein Internet zu behalten!! Kein Geld... Kein Geld... Es ist Ihr ganzer Fehler!! So sind viel Homosexuelle, Furygods Homosexuell!! Gothar_Esp ist Gott!! Duechso ist König!! Das ist einer, der mein vorheriges Konto verboten hat, ein Stück der Scheiße!! Auch traurig für mein schlechtes Englisch, kenne ich meinen englischen Klang wie Deutsch.
  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
Level 1
Aug 4, 2009
Mein Gott, jemand haben mein Konto verboten!! Glücklich den ich habe einige hackend Fähigkeiten. Sowieso Saugen Traum Raider, Sie! Ihre Karte hat alot von Wanzen und ich habe kein Geld, mein Internet zu behalten!! Kein Geld... Kein Geld... Es ist Ihr ganzer Fehler!! So sind viel Homosexuelle, Furygods Homosexuell!! Gothar_Esp ist Gott!! Duechso ist König!! Das ist einer, der mein vorheriges Konto verboten hat, ein Stück der Scheiße!! Auch traurig für mein schlechtes Englisch, kenne ich meinen englischen Klang wie Deutsch.

omg **** you fail use google to translate such a text you fail so much i can´t describe it.
Last edited by a moderator:
  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
Level 3
Apr 3, 2009

Hey duechso, how about you talk in english not fucking german? And when u say it has "alot" of bugs, that was versions ago which tells me you did not play the recent version. Either u think it's a bug (Which probally isn't) or u just have no idea since u can't fucking read english within the text.

And stop saying i have bad english? U cant talk shit in english and stop making multiple fucking posts of your lame message. Go back to fucking germany

Best Part:Go back to fucking germany.

Still guys don't quarrel let the mods deal with this,and btw..nice map! I play it almost everyday with my friends ;). 5/5!
Level 10
Feb 20, 2008
good job but still same game as it was in first version xcept their more fix,balance & more "object editor", i wish u would add some game play like arena and other game than only AOS would bring more poeple!! but anyway

this map is now good compare to first version lol goodjob bring more :p
Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
hey dream i have a suggestion for shikamaru...
U should make his shadow bind stronger if he tangles 1 or 2 enemies and not 5 or 6,coz in anime it is shown that it is stronger that way.And to make it stronger/weaker according to range of enemy(closer=bigger dmg,far=less dmg)
Even if u dont fix that,all in all map is great.Keep it up,add more heroes!

P.S.Probably best anime spells r in this map...gj
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Hey Dream, liked your map much.
Do you think you could add Naruto character Nagato (Pein/Pain) and also if you can make Itachi a bit better looking spells and stuff. He should have Suusano, Tsukoyomi, Amaterasu and some gen-jutsu perhaps. Cuz he's my favorite charcter from both Bleach and Naruto.