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Mini-Game Mapping Contest #8 - Escape

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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
I wish that there are some participants already that is near on finishing their entries for the deadline is drawing near. Even if we say, you still got 1 week and more, still that is very near so good luck!

I am pretty much interested to know if Dat-C3 and Tickles are near on finishing their entry because I can see theirs to be great so I hope you two are doing great there.

Just some cheer up here!
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Added new changes to my entry that include:

1 - More terrain modifications
2 - More exploitable area fixes
3 - More leveling triggers fixes
4 - More victory condition fixes
5 - Reduced Cooldowns

Expect 2 more playable heroes in the next modification, hopefully.


You could include link to entry as well. :razz:
I'll just put this here.

I won't be telling or showing any details though. ;)

Don't expect a finished entry from me though.
Not sure if I'll be able to make it in time.


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I've almost got everything I want done in my contest entry done.
Hopefully I will be able to get everything debugged by the deadline.

The current time for the contest if 2:57pm 30th of December right?
Leaving 1 day and 9 hours?

I would hate for this contest to die from lack of contestants.

Edit: Also is it still true that 40% of score will come from votes?
Master of All Classes
Created by IcemanBo


Master of All Classes was made for Mini-Mapping Contest #8.
It is a 2D single player Jump & Run game, inspired by older games like Super Mario or Rayman.

You are the Black Mage, a very feared DJ in the time.
The time has come to a new DJ-contest and so you are gonna to participate.
But the last champion, the Fire Lord, doesnt want to let you enter the contest, so he is hunting you.

Pass all stages with using arrow keys.
You have a special jump ability which allows you to reach higher spots.
The goal of the game is to master Free-/Ice- and the Lava world.. without touching the creeps of the Fire Lord.



Free World

Ice World

Lava World


- KeyItem by Mc!
- Black Mage by Ampharos_222
- BTNChronoHD by KelThuzad
- dummymodel by Vexorian

Map is unprotected.
It is recommended to turn on music.
It is recommended to play this map with a delay reducer or on a good bot, because of the sensitive treatment with arrow keys.
I'm quite sure I will continue that project after contest, and more versions of this game will come.

Map is available



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  • BlackMage.jpg
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  • Master Of All Classes v.1.0.w3x
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
If there would be 3 or more judges which we have accomplish already, there will be no polls/votes anymore as stated by Kobas at page 2 so it will be base on our scorings maybe.

Interesting! I'll start playing this one now and the other entry.
An Eventful Solution

This is the only and final entry, enjoy. Good luck to everyone. :thumbs_up:

Credits: Hiveworkshop.com. ( If I get to it I will make a bigger credits list. )

Story: Labs...... Moaning sounds...... Blood every...where...... What an eventful situation.

Tips: If you don't complete the first part in time... the quests might give you a hint otherwise it is up to you to figure stuff out.


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Here is my entry.
Won't be presenting it much in the post, I'll let you judge yourself if you play it.
Btw highly recommended to play it with other players to get a full experience (in theory).

Had a lot of fun making this.
Not as good as the last contest entry I made(imo), but I'm just happy I made it in time.

I'll upload it to the map section if I end up modding this again enough.
There is still a bunch of ideas that I want to try out but ran out of time.

Good luck to everyone else!

Used Vexorians map optimizer for those who don't care about WE data yadayada.


  • WFE MMContest #8 Unoptimized.w3x
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  • WFE MMContest #8.w3x
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Here is my entry.
Won't be presenting it much in the post, I'll let you judge yourself if you play it.
Btw highly recommended to play it with other players to get a full experience (in theory).

Had a lot of fun making this.
Not as good as the last contest entry I made(imo), but I'm just happy I made it in time.

I'll upload it to the map section if I end up modding this again enough.
There is still a bunch of ideas that I want to try out but ran out of time.

Good luck to everyone else!

Used Vexorians map optimizer for those who don't care about WE data yadayada.
Added in-case my final entry(kept separate because attachments(rather people not download old version))

Considering that one of the other characters are actually under construction still, to make people not confused and annoyed I need to make a quick update to disable from being able to select it.
Now that I actually have every piece of the map organized, I can do updates and add thing a lot easier.

Sorry if this isn't really legal, but everything seems to be falling into place now at the dead line. :I

Oh yes and I of also forgot to mention that any idea especially and criticism would be epic.
I might make a thread in the map development forums or just upload it to the map section strait away instead, depending on how I feel and might add it higher on my to do list if I get enough positive feedback with new things that will be added.

  • Disabled being able to select the Dreadlord
  • Added a little extra description to characters
  • added description to replenish items


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  • WFE.2 MMContest #8.w3x
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
My map is pretty much screw so I cannot, Hera is a judge so he cant also.

Sad for Tickles though because I always know him to participate into these kind of contests. And also, he'll let his rival Dat-C3 win.
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Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
I ended up redoing too much of mine and haven't had a whole lot of time to make up for it, so I'll be sitting this one out. Good luck to everyone participating.

By the way, awesome map IcemanBo :psmile: I've been messing around in it for the last half hour, and I'm surprised at how smooth it plays.
Level 2
Jan 1, 2014
Though I'm a terrainer by heart, I'd swap the Terrain and Coding pontuation, as the latter is much more necessary for the success of the game. Or at least equal their weights.
^not necessarily.
The code of the map is only seen by those who are interested and isn't a noticeable
thing usually, unless something is coded badly enough or have a bunch of spammed
effects done via code.

Code is most of the time only noticeable if there would be any bugs and weird errors etc.

Whilst Terrain is an all the time viewed thing that is seen bye everyone who would
play the map and something bye far more obvious and easier to judge on.
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