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[Campaign] MegaCraft I : The Reunion of Two Worlds

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Okay, lately me and Leo has been working on the project (mainly on techtree), and I have come out with a draft of the introduction story:

As the Allies have tempered with the space-time continuum too much, as well as Yuri Prime's imprisonment in the Psychic Isolation Chamber, the timelines slowly begin to merge, and the Multiverse have been unified since the Great Sundering...

The merging of the universes have brought massive impacts to the Multiverse. Due to the universe merging, not only Yuri's power didn't get restricted by the Psychic Isolation Chamber, but his power has also greatly amplified...

and the evil in a humanoid -- Kane, whose body and soul was split up at different universes, have been reunified. Now Kane and Yuri then began their respective evil plans, striving for revenge and domination of the multiverse...

Jaina was enraged. Her heart was filled with utter grief, hatred and vengeance, after seeing her city Theramore being perished in the wake of the manabomb explosion.

Jaina has been changing drastically since then...

She has vowed to bring the warmonger Garrosh down, at any cost, and to restore Theramore back to its former glory!

A mysterious voice soon contacted Jaina. "Jaina... do you hate Garrosh and Varian? Do you wish to restore your city Theramore to its glory? Do you want to be an influential figure? Are you thirsting for more magic and power?"

"What> and how did-?" Jaina said with awe.

"What my doesn't matter, for now. What matters is that show me that I can trust you and believe you can trust me" the voice said.

Jaina remained silent then managed to say "What would I need to make you trust me?", she clenched her fists and spit out the words "As long as I see that Garrosh DEAD!".

"You will... my child... you will, for now, go to the frozen lands of Northrend, bring back the Focusing Iris... and we shall continue our conversation..." the voice slithered.

"Very well.." Jaina turned to a doorway when she heard "Wait... let me give you some of my trusted initiates", the voice said.

Several rifts broke open and some men in black suits (Initiates) and bald-headed cloaked men (Adepts and Elites).

The men said together " ALL HAIL EPILSON!". They proceeded to create a barrier around Jaina and said in an echoing voice, "You are to command us, Proselyte!"

Jaina for a moment was surprised at their devotion, then it turned to hope, perhaps this mysterious leader of the so-called Epilson would give way for the downfall of the Horde, and more importantly, Garrosh's Death!


Years after the defeat of the Epsilon and imprisonment of Yuri, the pro-Allied Republic of China (ROC) and pro-Soviet People's Republic of China (PRC) armies have begun another bloody civil war in China...

Meanwhile, some mysterious rifts have been formed on the war-weary land of China, sucking a Soviet expeditionary force along with a Kuomintang (KMT) rebel brigade into the world of Azeroth... (not at the exact same location of course, Soviets maybe find themselves in Quel'thalas in the midst of Civil War, KMT maybe somewhere in Stromgarde)...

The trapped Soviets and KMT rebels now find themselves trapped in a strange new fantasy world of Azeroth... they don't have access to fancy high technologies from home, not to mention even the most primitive of spacecrafts.

The Earthlings, Soviets or Allies (KMT) will have to wait, while establishing their foothold...

But luckily for them, they won't have to wait for centuries, for a connection between the worlds of Azeroth and Terra (Earth) is going to be established...

and the First Multiverse War will soon break out...

How does it sound?
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
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Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
I expect to see "All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!" easter egg somewhere around here mate, haha. Other than that, this is quite a unique idea right here!
Thanks for your concern, homies.

Sadly, before now I was busy with school and real life and I needed some time to recover.
Now the issues were over and I am now working on it.

Before this I was thinking about implementing some changes (mostly storyline, game system and the object data), I just feel that something's strange about MegaCraft. That means, I need to spend some longer time making these changes.

Don't worry, I'll work on it soon.

I have an idea -- some of the units will automatically upgrade to an advanced version as the game progresses, or when certain optional quests are completed. It's weird and illogical to see a Footman of a Dark Ages fight against an Apocalypse Tank with weak blades and worn armor, right? And unarmored mages wearing robes couldn't survive a rain of bullets either, so they would become Battlemages later on (armored mages' not only capable of magic but also trained in the arts of physical combat and equipped with a bulletproof armor).

The Warcraft factions especially, since they'll be receiving far more advanced equipment technologies from their respective allies from Earth. The Earthlings will also receive some magical knowledge from their Azerothian brothers.

(Most of the individual units can also be upgraded at a cost)
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Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
By the coocked potato double mashed! This seems like a gigantic project!
About the story - will there be a mention about the Tiberium, or is it excluded?
By the coocked potato double mashed! This seems like a gigantic project!
About the story - will there be a mention about the Tiberium, or is it excluded?

And yes, there will be Tiberium (but they will only show up in Azeroth after quite a long moment)... and Yuri...

Working on Chapter One now, here are some screenshots:



P.S. Are you a C&C fan? Just wondering.
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Yeah I played most c&c games, starting with red alert 1. I never replayed RA1, but even now I have ra2, c&c3 and generals installed, with expansions ofc :D
Not a hardcore fan, I never play it online but I've done several playthroughs of those.
It would take me a long time, but whenever I have the time I will work on it.

I have an idea for another faction -- the Elvenhood of Flardyrn. It's a secretive blood elven faction, widely known for their insidious tactics as well as their extensive use of magics. They are not only pioneers in the field of magic, but they are also experts in innovation and reverse-engineering. Somehow, Azlariah -- the matriarch of Flardyrn is able to make the Faceless Ones kneel before their mistress... Azlariah's foes were horrified especially by the ghastly sight of her favored pets -- the Faceless Ones, as well as their sudden stealth ambush...
Interesting.. Does that mean they can build (or rather, "Train") the Forgotten One? It is a Faceless One
You're half-correct. They can summon one though, but it requires a long time and lots of mana.

P.S. It's inspired by the same Elvenhood of Flardyrn (subfaction of Pherith Empire -- try looking for Flardyrn-specific stuffs to get an idea of Flardyrn) in the Flames of War roleplay.
Wouldn't it be a bit overpower if that isn't a hero ability? Like, especially if you think of giving it a cast Range of 99999 (Global), even it can only be cast once/build limit of one forgotten one.

It's intended to be a superweapon, and that special building is also expensive. Also, cooldown is long.
It's just like Risen Railgun (Risen Inferno) in Mental Omega, and the usual superweapon in C&C games.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I've been reading all this huge description this morning, and it quietly got my attention. It will be an awesome project. Good luck on it :)
Decision to Reboot MegaCraft and Clean Up the Mess

Most of the information here is outdated and fucked up. Especially the backstory, the character info and the faction info.
Sorry, but it's been a huge mess, really confusing. I must do it from scratch all over again... sigh. But some elements and concepts from the previous prototype will be implemented in the rebooted MegaCraft, such as upgrading units and techtrees. Of course, Yuri's Revenge and Tiberian Sun stuffs too. And "All you had to do was to follow the damn train, CJ!"

I may try to reboot MegaCraft using the new backstory, shared with an upcoming roleplay RACC : Chronoshift.
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Don't worry, the new version will be better. Also, cakes!

The basic introduction and beginning will remain the same tho, another Civil War in China and some of the soldiers from each side (KMT and CPC) got themselves lost in Azeroth.

Also, units and techs will still upgrade as the game progesses.

Any suggestions @Mechanical Man and @Daffa the Mage? Especially ideas about story, techtree, spells and stuff?

EDIT : currently on mobile, will probably update it tomorrow, and once I put some more effort in the story
MODERATE UPDATE -- Storyline and Information

Before anything, the first thing to do is to clean up the confusing story and rewrite the fucked up information.
Currently updating and tweaking the first post, and cleaning up the remaining "shitty" old information.

Also, to tell you all, I plan to separate MegaCraft 1 into three campaigns - First Encounter, followed by Ancient Feud and lastly finished with Showdown. I'll start with First Encounter, of course

Here's the edited and polished story, making things easier for everyone:
See the First Post

For more backstories (and spoilers), please refer to the pastebin entry about the upcoming RACC : Chronoshift.

Techtree Upgrading

Upgrading techtree is one of the unique ideas for MegaCraft : First Encounter. In the MegaCraft series however, this feature is (planned to be) exclusive ONLY to MegaCraft : First Encounter

As the game progresses, for example when certain optional quests and chapters are completed, the techtree will automatically upgrade and the player get to use newer, better units and equipments. However, in most cases, units already present on the battlefield won't magically upgrade all of a sudden - you need to upgrade them one-by-one, but at a cheaper price and instant speed compared to training new ones.

It's weird and illogical to see a Footman of a Dark Ages fight against an Apocalypse Tank with weak blades and worn armor, right? And unarmored mages wearing robes couldn't survive a rain of bullets either, so they would become the much more terrific (and suited) Battlemages later on -- well-armored mages in cool suits, resistant against spells and bullets, and also cannot be crushed by normal vehicles!

The Warcraft factions especially, since they'll be receiving far more advanced equipments and technologies from their respective allies from Terra. The Terrans will also receive some magical knowledge from their respective Azerothian allies in return.

EDIT: Fixed the summary a bit. I know it's not great as I wanted it to be, but I'll try to improve. The main thing I did is separating the summary into sections, one for each perspective
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Looks amazing man! It would be more cool if you add the screenshots to your main post. ;)

Thank you for your kind words :)
Will add some new screenshots later, but some will be the old ones since many elements from the last messy MegaCraft remained.
The basic introduction and concept remains much the same, so I'll readd some of the old screenshots ;)

Also, I plan to continue with Chapter One : Lost in a New Fantasy soon, with some changes and most importantly, removing the Illidari Empire. They're not supposed to be here now, it's too early. Also working on techtree ideas, characters and backstories,
Level 8
Jan 22, 2014
I am making the map with the same theme but this is arcade and not campaign.
Still... that map looks superb especially the modern warfare theme.
Add Philippines! Philippines is in C & C: Generals 2 now xD

I would die by making airplane triggers..
Aircraft triggers will kill you!!!! It makes your brain hurt
By arcade you mean Starcraft II custom games? (be careful, all your original content in arcade is owned by Blizzard and contents from other companies can drive Blizzard in great trouble...)
Wow, never thought that somebody would share some of my concepts without ever communicating beforehand. Psychic and spirituality, I guess...

Thanks for your comment :)
Also, as a note, the first chapter is going to change for a little bit. It made more sense and will contain more fun and action at the beginning, to focus on the Commies' journey in Quel'Thalas.

EDIT: hey man, you're double-posting but if you did it only to notify and alert me, never mind. Alert sucks sometimes...
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