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Media, Screenshots & Highscores

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Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
I'll have to be the first so everyone can outdo me xD


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Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
Normal 3 (4) Players

Score of 12,654. Not much but might as well post one for .093!


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Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Hmmm ... Well our highest is 11158 well I think we can beat yours if we tried to do all the achievements.

Also is anyone else finding Hard a a bit too hard as the HP is about 2.3X and so is the damage , compared to normal .
Have any of you finished a game on Hard ?


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Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Dude we managed to win on hard !
I can hardly believe it , with a lv 7 Alrik and a lv 6 Falgrim.
Was so hard but was awesome , a great challenge .


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Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Now I realized how lucky we had it the first time round took us like 3 more tries to win and get the new high score !
(Lv 6 Falgrim , Lv 8 Alrik )
And I just got my first Legendary ! A staff 100% to machines 80% attack .
So hard also we , had two full wipes this time round .

Check the Epic screenshot !


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Level 13
May 24, 2005
Congratulations! But I guess the staff is 100% machine power and 60% spell power (not 80%), right? (else, it would probably be a bug)

BTW: Why are the other dwarves in the screenshots all dead? Is it because you've killed them during the final cutscene? ;)
Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
You're right about the items stats , and we did kill them with our summons and if you kill a character with an ank he resurrects and is able to move again so that's why Alrik is in the front .

+ Update on bugs.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Hummm ... I think the scoring system needs to be worked on as to me it seems that dying/ wiping doesn't seem to negatively effect your score as you loose 500 points but you gain 800-1200 from each level presuming you die only near the end of the wave/level .
Level 13
May 24, 2005
Hm, I see. I could easily increase whipe penalty to -1000 of course. Or even higher?

Or, maybe the penalty should be relative/depending on the difficulty. So e.g. it's 1000 on normal, 1500 on hard and 2000 on insane. So it scales with the score?
Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Why Moco Why ?!?!?!

18169 Insane :goblin_cry:
We didn't get our legendary !
Bug it seems that in the 3rd chapter no items are dropped from any of the creatures you kill , didn't get a single item of any type, I'm not a 100% certain will check again.(excluding final boss)

Lv 9 Alrik Lv 7 Falgrim


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Level 13
May 24, 2005
Oh my.. I will look into this.

EDIT: Yap, there has been a bug. Great that you've spotted it! :D
This won't happen again in 0.94 ;) Beating Visara on Insane will guarantee a legendary - always.

Anyways, seems Insane isn't that hard at all if you are able to beat it with Lv9 + Lv7 ??!! I guess you're the first beating insane?
What equipment do both of you have?
Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Dude it was pretty hard ,
Alrik had :
- epic armor 60% hp 2 armor 5% evasion
- epic orb 8% critical
- epic ring +6 intell
- legendary staff 60% damage + spell , 100% mechanicals
- epic gloves , 2% critical , 25% attack speed
- I had 36 health potions , 3 Anks ( despit this we still ran out and had to wipe several times just to stock up on health potions from the merchant .

Falgrim had :
- epic bow 75% pet power , 60% bow power
- epic gloves 12% attack speed , 4% crit
- rare lightning orb , 12% attack and movement speed
- uncommon silver ring of the dragon
- epic armor 60% health , 4 armor , 5% evasion
- some potions 7 , + 2 anks

The main reason we managed to win was because we kited a lot of a lot , we prepped for it , we still however would of most likely not finished if we did not find the most epic place to hide in ever , we hid in the NE corner of the map while at first looks it might seem like a horrible place to hide but it ended up being one of the best .
-the enemies could only come at us from a single row.
-dual gatteling guns there allowed us to destroy weaker creeps easily as they did lots of splash damage .
-the majority of their ranged creeps could not attack us from that point .
-if we got in trouble I would use my remote controlled bomb .
-we could easily kill higher leveled creeps as they came one at a time and we use out target abilities on them .
-slow trap helped lots as well as the bear trap .
-Our summons took the damage and blocked the path of the enemies , they lasted much longer as only one or two creeps could attack at a time.
-How ever Angels black holes almost killed us on several occasions .

It was very hard I promise you . We wiped several times and I think the only reason we really managed to win was because of our practice , awesome coordination as we are in the same room and the discovery of the awesome place to hide out personally I think that most other people wouldn't be able to get past it .

I think the difficulty will go up when you add special mini boss monsters for these final waves so I don't think you should worry about the difficulty , sorry about the text wall.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2013
Great info! Thanks a lot. Such detailled gameplay reports help me a lot, especially with information on tactics and such!

I think Alrik and Falgrim is a quite strong dual combination with experienced players.

One of the reasons we play as them other then they suit our personalities . They can confront pretty much any situation the only problem is the lack of healing abilities but if you have lots of health potions and kite you can do pretty much anything .
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