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Make 1-st hero cost only 5 food?

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Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
So I need to make 2 versions of each hero - 1 costing gold + lumber + food, and the other version costing only food.
Make my altar be able to train both types, but I should have the gold/lumber costing versions initially disabled.
When I train a hero - I need to disable the food costing ones, and enable to normal ones?

Isn't there an easier way? xP
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
What I want to do:
1-st hero (no matter what hero it is) costs only 5 food
2-nd and 3-rd hero (no matter who they are) cost 5 food + gold + lumber.
It's pretty much pre-set to be like that in melee maps, but since I'm using custom heroes - it doesn't happen.

Those Costum Heroes are based on the a melee hero stats, right?
Do as I said, remove gold + lumber for the 1_st hero, and let the two others as they are without changing anything (food + gold + lumber).

Now, usualy melee heroes from melee maps does cost 5 food when training, but Campaign heroes doesn't use food at the start (check the stats and you'll see)
I'm sure your hero is based on a hero campaign E.g Arthas, Thrall...
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
You still don't get it.
I have Hero 1, Hero 2, and Hero 3.
I want:
When I train Hero 2, and it's the 1-st hero I train - it costs 5 food
the other 2 cost normal

When I train Hero 1, and it's the 1-st hero I train - it costs 5 food
the other 2 cost normal

When I train Hero 3, and it's the 1-st hero I train - it costs 5 food
the other 2 cost normal

I DON'T want Hero 1 to cost 5 food, and the other 2 to cost normal, since I may not always train Hero 1 first :p
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