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[Strategy / Risk] Lordaeron: the Aftermath

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Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
----------Marshmalo & Goblinkingsp Present: ----------


Map Information:

Set just after the events of Reign of Chaos, Illidan has cast a spell damaging the Frozen Throne and countless minions of the Lich King have rebelled. Sensing an opportunity to strike the Legions Dreadlords plot Arthas's downfall whilst the broken Alliance Remnants also battle for control of their ravaged homeland. Take control of the Blood Elves, Scourge, the Legion, the Dalaran Remnants, Dwarves, Trolls, Horde, Forsaken, the Cult of the Damned, Twilight's Clan or the Silver Hand. Battle for supremacy of the shattered land of Lordaeron in a grand strategy for the ages!


Over at Lordearon the Aftermath headquarters have taken it to bring you the best possible features, to make your time as enjoyable as possible and to bring the elements of balance into play in our maps. Several key features dominate this map though; the ability to dynamically change the map by taking over strategic points. While taking over control points may bolster your income, in some locations it can actually alter the environment to fit your needs.

Sometimes to suit your needs, you may have to focus on one area of game play; choosing a mastery some may call it. In Lordaeron the Aftermath, each race can choose multiple masteries to benefit their needs. Masteries can help bolster your troops or improve the overall effectiveness of your hero in combat. They provide massive bonuses and can help turn the tide of war in your favor.

Throughout the map, most control points are located in cities or forts. These locations are often heavily defended and come with structures that the defender can use to train and reinforce their armies with. Workers and other units can be trained from the capital building located in each of these tactical locations. They can be used to construct new defensive structures or expand that player's base of operations.

Recent Patch Notes:


Two new game play modes have been confirmed in addition to the standard version of Good vs Evil and Roleplay.

Modes will be subject to vote at game start.

-Aethis Sunreaver and his Sunreavers are a capturable mini faction for Blood Elves. They gain Sunreaver Command or Sunreaver Sanctuary in Dalaran depending upon their alliance status. Aethis is a non reviveable bonus hero.

-MAJOR EVENT: Argent Crusade can restore Lordaeron gaining various benefits, new unit types and bases. Their name is changed to New Lordaeron. (late game event)

- MAJOR EVENT: Twilights Cult start off as Dragonmaw Clan now, if Overlord Mor'ghor dies player can choose between two paths: Twilights clan or Joining the Horde.(Early game event)

-Sally Whitemaine and Scarlet Monastery (Previously Tirisfal Monastery will be capturable for Scarlet Crusade Players.

-Very late game event where Jaina returns to Lordaeron as described in the lore of Mists of Pandaria follwing the destruction of Theramore (How this event is triggered will remain a "mystery" :) )

-Minor event: If for some reason Dalaran goes to war against Argent Crusade Varessa Windrunner will go to her husband, Rhonin's side to protect and fight alongside him.

- Forsaken has the new Minor Quest: Conquer Gilneas. If Sylvanas captures Gilneas city she gains a gold award and a large base of operations within Gilneas Region. Further extending her reach throughout Lordaeron.


Screenshots and Terrain
Warning: Large image size.

Zul'Aman, the central base and starting point of the trolls.

Where dreams go to die I guess.

Dreadlord summoning takes place here, we love our dreadlords.

Where kings used to reside, now lords of the dead reign.


Change Log:

  • Additional abomination type units.
  • Additional troll-type units.
  • Mainly temporary fixes for Northrend to be released.

  • Troll unit cost, some of it was bugged after upgrading.
  • Dwarf hero-overpowered, changed the curve on that.
  • Pit Lord life reduced, balanced that out.
  • Fixed limiting ratios for golems, drakes, pit lords, and other units.
  • Additional trigger optimization, fixed leaks.

=Limited highborn sister to 3.

= Power Generator and Shield Generator
+ Ancient classification removed.
= Carrion Beetle
+ Levels 1, 2, and 3 nerfed, reducing the power of the nerubian guard as a main tank and unit.
= Massive pathing redux.

= Decreased hero experience gain to 50, and each time a hero levels up it drops down by 1% to a minimum of 30%.
= Limited a mastery to a single use

=Animal Companion
+ Reduced each levels life total.
=Amantisi Warbringer
+ Removed maul.

-Trolls Speed mastery incorrectly increases movement and attack speed by 1000%
-Multiboard no longer bugs when players leave
-Pathing is fixed, Blood Elves liberation of Silvermoon event now works correctly
-Fixed bug where Hidden effect Icons were showing on units
-Feral Infection bug where ability was still not allowed even after researching mastery has been fixed
-Purple can no longer train unlimited Sons of Arugal by abusing the Worgen form to bypass limits.
-Purple can no longer train unlimited Siege Golems by abusing the Sleep form to bypass limits.

-Black Drakes limited to 5 and had chaos damage changed to spell.
-Chaos damage removed from Fel Orcs
-Sacrifice to Hakkar ability cooldown increased from 3 to 15 sec. (Trolls were able to summon him too early game.
-Nerubian Seer’s can now target air
-All units have had movement speed slightly decreased to make map seem bigger
-Decreased movement speed bonus from Trolls Endurance Aura slightly
-Decreased life of Bloodelves Wretched from 400 to 300
-Increased Mana cost of Summon Abomination on Arch Necromancers from 180 to 200 and increased cooldown by 2 seconds.
-Added 100 base HP to Arthas
-Flying Machines now require Explorer’s Guild Mastery
-Increased HP regeneration of Siege Golems when in Sleep mode.

-Purples Name is changed to Worgen if they research the Worgen Curse
-Scholomance Mastery now reworked
-Removed Player name colours at startup, this was causing confusion when factions changed colour due to events (EG: Silverhand turning to Crusade etc)
-Fel Blade ability has been completely reworked
-Dalaran Dungeon Gate HP increased to 1000
-Farms now produce +5 more food (Because building farms is boring)

-Blood Elves can now cure their magical addiction by seeking out Illidan, if they choose to follow Illidan they will gain the Naga but will be exiled from the Grand Alliance.
-Every Faction now has a Personal Quest which when completed grants rewards
-Genn Graymane is now a playable Hero for Purple
-Gilneas Knight available to train for purple once they have conquered Gilneas
-Dwarves now have a heavy Cavalry unit choice: Bear Warrior

-Loading screen info had been taken out so map makers weren’t credited + Players didn’t get intro –Now fixed
-Starting description and advice had been taken out so people didn’t know what to do –Now fixed
-Confusing Version number -Now been simplified
-Nerubian Guards now have correct Tooltip
-Fel Blade ability now has Tooltip
-Income + Cam commands now plays UI sound
-Idle worker Icon for all workers changed to generic.
-Blood Elves now get visible Warning Message when one of them turns to Wretched.
-Blood Elves UI change from Human to Night Elf
-Improved tooltip description on Arugal
-Power Crystal now has a tooltip
-Fixed Dwarves Explorer’s Guild Mastery Tooltip

-General cosmetic Improvements made to terrain
-New icon for Deathknights
-New Skin for Farstriders + Vareesa
-New Icon for Worgen Curse
-New Model for Son of Arugal Worgen Form
-New Icon for Worgens Feral Infection ability
-New Icon For Brann Bronzebeard

-Designed Earthen unit ready for when Northrend is included in game

Bugs Still Need Fixing: (Goblin, may need your help with this)
-Ally bug which would only allows you to unally a player if you were also allied needs fix.
-Multiboard is not updating ally count when a player allys/unallys
-When Gilneas is conquered the CP income is not tallied on and Multiboard is not updated
-When Brann uses his rapid Fire ability he loses the hero glow effect –needs fix

Extra Stuff That Needs Doings
-Allied Heroes need to be removed from game when an allied player leaves game



Marshmalo (Creator)
Goblinkingsp (Editor)

Models and Textures:
  • pWn3d
  • Deolrin
  • shamanyouranus
  • Kam
  • Callahan
  • Darkholme
  • Shadow_killer
  • Everyone else at the hiveworkshop.


Official Versions:

Current Release:
http://www.makemehost.com/ShareMaps/Lordaeron The Aftermath 1.15.w3x
Version 1.14
http://www.makemehost.com/ShareMaps/Lordaeron The Aftermath 1.14.w3x

Official versions of Lordaeron the Aftermath are as simple as possible and will never have a letter after it. V1.15 is latest version and next version will be 1.16 which will be announced with full patch notes at a later date. We in no way condone or support anyone hacking or using a deprotect to gain access to Lordaeron the Aftermath for malicious intent. As the Warcraft Engine does not allow for full protection of any kind; it is advised that you refrain from hosting this versions and report them to the site allowing them to be hosted. Do not complain in this thread.

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates
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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Confirming Goblinkingsp is editor for Lordaeron: The Aftermath, map was originally made a few years ago but never made it out of Beta, I've had alot of requests for this to be finished so me and Goblinkingsp are teaming up to bring out its full potential!

I know there are maps similar to this but this map has a lot of offer in telling the story of individual factions and focuses on the lore around the Frozen Throne.

I will be terraining Northrend next and generally improving the art as well as helping Goblin with ideas etc.
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
Build 94

----------Development Log: Build 94----------


=Fixed a limiting glitch.

=Thane of the Wildhammers
+ Storm Aura nerfed, from 15/20/34/50 to 10/15/20/25, and increased level up interval.
+ Speed decreased from 260 to 240 to match that of other Gryphons.
=Mana Wyrm
+ Life decreased from 450 to 425.
+ Reduced the amount of mana given from the ability.
=Pit Lord
+ Life decreased from 2100 to 1750 (may be to much, but I don't know)
=Siege Golem
+ Life decreased from 1500 to 1080.
+ Decreased damage from 32 to 24.
+ Armor increased from 2 to 3.
+ Life from 1080 to 1020, in favor of adding different tank varities.
=Troll Berseker
+ Cost changed from 135 to 28.
+ Starting level changed from 4 to 3.
=Black Drake
+ Limited to six for players that can train them.
=Kul Tiras
+ Life decreased from 2150 to 2000.

= Remove blue's boneyard in Quel for the place of a Necropolis.
= Mountains around temple of blood, pathing blockers for los added.

A Quick Bugfix
Attached is a bugfix version of LTA, it contains many needed fixes for yellow's hero being a bit to OP and some limiting factors on siege golems, etc;

Look forward to a fully playable Northrend sometime in the near future, and additional units/fixes, enjoy!

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Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
Reply or something

Goodluck with this map...i observed that even if you don't use as much imported doodads you make the enviroment good...anyway what kind is this game?...

I don't really exactly know what is a risk/strategy..
This game is more of a vanilla warcraft 3 type game, so it's mostly a risk/strategy. You can capture control points to bolster your income, and train workers to gather lumber. Purchase classical units and upgrades to improve your army and conquer Lordaeron.
Level 1
Mar 10, 2013
Great map!

Great map! my friends and i tested it out and we really like the concept of it. hope you get it updated soon!
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
----------Development Log: Build 97----------


=Limited highborn sister to 3.
= Decreased hero experience gain to 50, and each time a hero levels up it drops down by 1% to a minimum of 30%.
= Limited a mastery to a single use

= Power Generator and Shield Generator
+ Ancient classification removed.
= Carrion Beetle
+ Levels 1, 2, and 3 nerfed, reducing the power of the nerubian guard as a main tank and unit.
= Massive pathing redux.
=Animal Companion
+ Reduced each levels life total.
=Amantisi Warbringer
+ Removed maul.

Versions 95-97
Versions 95-96 were mainly pathing and reoptimization fixes to fix desyncs and other problems that occured later on in the game, so they are all finally merged here in build 97! Feel free to play, the map is uploaded on makemehost.com, so take a break from all that hard work you're doing at this moment and play some Lordaeron: the Aftermath!

The next version will probably be a large update, so be prepared.
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
Gonna try it now, looking forward to it, I love risk maps and the terrain seems good from the screenshots.
I played as troll on single player, and I was really lost in the beginning as I didn't know what units to build, what base to attack from, what player to attack etc... I think giving directions in the beginning of the map would be useful as they do in AW.
Otherwise, the hotkey for the Attal'hakkar priest's(the limited number unit)healing wave doesn't work, "e" is used for the chain lightning spell. Same thing for Hakkar the hero, the hotkeys for his spell do not work.
I think in online the race is way too hard to manage, as the bases are too far away from each other, and in a game where macroing is vital, it really ruins the game to have to take care of two bases simultaneously. So what I could recommend, is do two troll factions, one for Zul'aman, and one for Attal'hakkar, adding new stuff to Zul'aman, like the features they have in AW.
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Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
Gonna try it now, looking forward to it, I love risk maps and the terrain seems good from the screenshots.
I played as troll on single player, and I was really lost in the beginning as I didn't know what units to build, what base to attack from, what player to attack etc... I think giving directions in the beginning of the map would be useful as they do in AW.
Otherwise, the hotkey for the Attal'hakkar priest's(the limited number unit)healing wave doesn't work, "e" is used for the chain lightning spell. Same thing for Hakkar the hero, the hotkeys for his spell do not work.
I think in online the race is way too hard to manage, as the bases are too far away from each other, and in a game where macroing is vital, it really ruins the game to have to take care of two bases simultaneously. So what I could recommend, is do two troll factions, one for Zul'aman, and one for Attal'hakkar, adding new stuff to Zul'aman, like the features they have in AW.
I agree, it seems to in general that the person playing trolls either loses Zul'Aman or Attal'hakkar and can truly only focus one, so I believe it may be in the best interest to split them into two players, thanks.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I agree, it seems to in general that the person playing trolls either loses Zul'Aman or Attal'hakkar and can truly only focus one, so I believe it may be in the best interest to split them into two players, thanks.

Thats pretty much what it's like for every faction in LTA, they start off with multiple bases often far away from eachother, this was a conscious decision in game design.

Players must make a conscious decision which base to focus on and expand, just because you loose a base it dosnt mean you've lost the game which would be the case if you only had one base. For example you may loose Attal'hakkar but by focusing on Zul;aman you could control all of quel thalas. But I agree Trolls could do with an ally.
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
Thats pretty much what it's like for every faction in LTA, they start off with multiple bases often far away from eachother, this was a conscious decision in game design.

Players must make a conscious decision which base to focus on and expand, just because you loose a base it dosnt mean you've lost the game which would be the case if you only had one base. For example you may loose Attal'hakkar but by focusing on Zul;aman you could control all of quel thalas. But I agree Trolls could do with an ally.
It just seems it hurts the trolls more than anyone else, the fact is they have to deal with some of the strongest races in the game. They can be attacked by the Scourge/Cult of the Damned in the north, aswell as the dwarves in the south. It seems as though they end up loosing their bases fairly early on in the game.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
It just seems it hurts the trolls more than anyone else, the fact is they have to deal with some of the strongest races in the game. They can be attacked by the Scourge/Cult of the Damned in the north, aswell as the dwarves in the south. It seems as though they end up loosing their bases fairly early on in the game.

I understand they shouldnt be loosing BOTH bases almost every game, Scourge/CotD should be fighting Blood elves in the North aswel which was supposed to give trolls an opportunity to strike both weakened factions?

You could always bolster the defenses of Trolls bases to make them less desirable to attack? I just think splitting the bases between players would be create two factions that are very similar to eachother and when one of them looses a base that player will just leave the game.

As we're including Northrend in next update perhaps we could create a new faction allied to Trolls? What about Ice trolls of Zul'Drak and their leader: Frost King Malakk! We could include them as an ally or as another base for trolls? The current factions active in Northrend will be Explorer's Guild Dwarves and obviously Scourge but having trolls there would make an interesting 3 way battle for Nothrend at game start!
Level 1
Jan 12, 2011
I was going to suggest an Old Gods faction to make Northrend more interesting, but I don't really know if Yogg-Saron and the Faceless Ones were active before the evets of WOTLK. Maybe the Drakkari are the best choice, since most frost troll models are already ingame.
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
I understand they shouldnt be loosing BOTH bases almost every game, Scourge/CotD should be fighting Blood elves in the North aswel which was supposed to give trolls an opportunity to strike both weakened factions?

You could always bolster the defenses of Trolls bases to make them less desirable to attack? I just think splitting the bases between players would be create two factions that are very similar to eachother and when one of them looses a base that player will just leave the game.

As we're including Northrend in next update perhaps we could create a new faction allied to Trolls? What about Ice trolls of Zul'Drak and their leader: Frost King Malakk! We could include them as an ally or as another base for trolls? The current factions active in Northrend will be Explorer's Guild Dwarves and obviously Scourge but having trolls there would make an interesting 3 way battle for Nothrend at game start!
Seems like a good idea.
Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
Found this bugs: You can train unlimited Arugals.
Another recommended fix: you can cross some paths with Rock tile, use Jas new gen pack and give tileset properties (make cityscape rock tile the unwalkable property).

Why is there a Goblin port near Shadowfang keep?

also it's Saiden not Saidan.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
o0 Looks like we got a community spot light :)

Found this bugs: You can train unlimited Arugals.

hmm I thought that had been looked at in the latest build, there are triggers that are supposed to limit training of this unit to 1, but for some reason they are not working. I was hoping Goblin could look into this.

Another recommended fix: you can cross some paths with Rock tile, use Jas new gen pack and give tileset properties (make cityscape rock tile the unwalkable property).

Unfortunatly I don't think Goblin has New Gen yet, the pathing on the new builds is totaly borked, this is also causing some buildings to "jump" around at map loading. This means the event where Kael liberates Eastern Silvernoon is also bugged.

Why is there a Goblin port near Shadowfang keep?

Don't know, thats probabaly my fault, will remove it before next version.

also it's Saiden not Saidan.

Thanks, will correct this.
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
o0 Looks like we got a community spot light :)

hmm I thought that had been looked at in the latest build, there are triggers that are supposed to limit training of this unit to 1, but for some reason they are not working. I was hoping Goblin could look into this.

Unfortunatly I don't think Goblin has New Gen yet, the pathing on the new builds is totaly borked, this is also causing some buildings to "jump" around at map loading. This means the event where Kael liberates Eastern Silvernoon is also bugged.

Don't know, thats probabaly my fault, will remove it before next version.

Thanks, will correct this.
I do have newgen, I most likely just messed something up, about the limiting triggers, I never got to them because of balancing issues and other things I wanted to work on; they seemed to work fine for me.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
hey really like this map but i don't see many changes of the last version(beta by marshmalo) only somethings and some building is appering before Kael rescue Silvermoon.
why kael can bring Kil'jaedan but the demom don't is playble for the blood elves? and go to the legion without the elves and dreadlords ally?
and is Vereesa not Vareesa, and change her and valeera sanguinar i suggers this skin for valera http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/bansheeranger-blp-191031/?prev=search%3Dbanshee%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 only turn this skin into mode because in the same path of the dark rangers and sylvanas
and i see when Zul'jin endurece aura is in level 4 the troll kill the emany so easily
but i liked so much of this map, and when the northrend version will be relesed?


  • bug.jpg
    802.1 KB · Views: 4,452
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
hey really like this map but i don't see many changes of the last version(beta by marshmalo) only somethings and some building is appering before Kael rescue Silvermoon.
why kael can bring Kil'jaedan but the demom don't is playble for the blood elves? and go to the legion without the elves and dreadlords ally?
and is Vereesa not Vareesa, and change her and valeera sanguinar i suggers this skin for valera http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/bansheeranger-blp-191031/?prev=search%3Dbanshee%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 only turn this skin into mode because in the same path of the dark rangers and sylvanas
and i see when Zul'jin endurece aura is in level 4 the troll kill the emany so easily
but i liked so much of this map, and when the northrend version will be relesed?
The last version was not the beta by Marshmalo, that's probably why many of the changes posted you didn't see. The rest of your ideas will be considered though, and thank you for the feedback!
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
The last version was not the beta by Marshmalo, that's probably why many of the changes posted you didn't see. The rest of your ideas will be considered though, and thank you for the feedback!

i see the changes of this version, one thing the i forget, the nex version will have gilneas and Stromguard? because i see this in the quests. if u need help for turn skins into model my friend can do this, or u need help with another thing :)
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
i see the changes of this version, one thing the i forget, the nex version will have gilneas and Stromguard? because i see this in the quests. if u need help for turn skins into model my friend can do this, or u need help with another thing :)
Quite possibly, although I believe Gilneas is already enabled ingame? Thanks for the feedback. Also, in the next version we will be fixing major bugs and such, most likely along with Northrend.
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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
It looks like the bugs and issues were more extensive than we had first thought, right now Northrend's implementation has been put back until we get the rest of the game working properly.
I've been working on a huge update this weekend, and although it dosn't feature Northrend yet it still has alot of new features and bug fixes. See the log below!

-Trolls Speed mastery incorrectly increases movement and attack speed by 1000%
-Multiboard no longer bugs when players leave
-Pathing is fixed, Blood Elves liberation of Silvermoon event now works correctly
-Fixed bug where Hidden effect Icons were showing on units
-Feral Infection bug where ability was still not allowed even after researching mastery has been fixed
-Purple can no longer train unlimited Sons of Arugal by abusing the Worgen form to bypass limits.
-Purple can no longer train unlimited Siege Golems by abusing the Sleep form to bypass limits.

-Black Drakes limited to 5 and had chaos damage changed to spell.
-Chaos damage removed from Fel Orcs
-Sacrifice to Hakkar ability cooldown increased from 3 to 15 sec. (Trolls were able to summon him too early game.
-Nerubian Seer’s can now target air
-All units have had movement speed slightly decreased to make map seem bigger
-Decreased movement speed bonus from Trolls Endurance Aura slightly
-Decreased life of Bloodelves Wretched from 400 to 300
-Increased Mana cost of Summon Abomination on Arch Necromancers from 180 to 200 and increased cooldown by 2 seconds.
-Added 100 base HP to Arthas
-Flying Machines now require Explorer’s Guild Mastery
-Increased HP regeneration of Siege Golems when in Sleep mode.

-Purples Name is changed to Worgen if they research the Worgen Curse
-Scholomance Mastery now reworked
-Removed Player name colours at startup, this was causing confusion when factions changed colour due to events (EG: Silverhand turning to Crusade etc)
-Fel Blade ability has been completely reworked
-Dalaran Dungeon Gate HP increased to 1000
-Farms now produce +5 more food (Because building farms is boring)

-Blood Elves can now cure their magical addiction by seeking out Illidan, if they choose to follow Illidan they will gain the Naga but will be exiled from the Grand Alliance.
-Every Faction now has a Personal Quest which when completed grants rewards
-Genn Graymane is now a playable Hero for Purple
-Gilneas Knight available to train for purple once they have conquered Gilneas
-Dwarves now have a heavy Cavalry unit choice: Bear Warrior

-Loading screen info had been taken out so map makers weren’t credited + Players didn’t get intro –Now fixed
-Starting description and advice had been taken out so people didn’t know what to do –Now fixed
-Confusing Version number -Now been simplified
-Nerubian Guards now have correct Tooltip
-Fel Blade ability now has Tooltip
-Income + Cam commands now plays UI sound
-Idle worker Icon for all workers changed to generic.
-Blood Elves now get visible Warning Message when one of them turns to Wretched.
-Blood Elves UI change from Human to Night Elf
-Improved tooltip description on Arugal
-Power Crystal now has a tooltip
-Fixed Dwarves Explorer’s Guild Mastery Tooltip

-General cosmetic Improvements made to terrain
-New icon for Deathknights
-New Skin for Farstriders + Vareesa
-New Icon for Worgen Curse
-New Model for Son of Arugal Worgen Form
-New Icon for Worgens Feral Infection ability
-New Icon For Brann Bronzebeard

-Designed Earthen unit ready for when Northrend is included in game

Bugs Still Need Fixing: (Goblin, may need your help with this)
-Ally bug which would only allows you to unally a player if you were also allied needs fix.
-Multiboard is not updating ally count when a player allys/unallys
-When Gilneas is conquered the CP income is not tallied on and Multiboard is not updated
-When Brann uses his rapid Fire ability he loses the hero glow effect –needs fix

Extra Stuff That Needs Doings
-Allied Heroes need to be removed from game when an allied player leaves game
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
there is tons of bugs
1:trolls are op really op
2:legion can get in master research place
3:legion black drakes are op and unlimited just spam tham and win
4:lacks balance
5:trolls attack speed? really?
The current public release version that is available on mmh/in this thread currently contains bugs, and balance flaws that are addressed in more up-to-date versions that will be released as time goes on. But as we have discussed we find it more efficient to release larger changes than smaller patches that address these issues. If we release a test build after every miniscule change we make, we will end up with a ridiculous amount of versions and its a very slow way of doing it. The next version we were going to release will be out of beta with many bug fixes.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
there is tons of bugs

Thanks for the support and feedback! All of these issues are addresed in the next massive update as posted earlier in thread!

Exept this one because I don't understand what you mean?

2:legion can get in master research place

-Trolls Speed mastery incorrectly increases movement and attack speed by 1000%
-Multiboard no longer bugs when players leave
-Pathing is fixed, Blood Elves liberation of Silvermoon event now works correctly
-Fixed bug where Hidden effect Icons were showing on units
-Feral Infection bug where ability was still not allowed even after researching mastery has been fixed
-Purple can no longer train unlimited Sons of Arugal by abusing the Worgen form to bypass limits.
-Purple can no longer train unlimited Siege Golems by abusing the Sleep form to bypass limits.

-Black Drakes limited to 5 and had chaos damage changed to spell.
-Chaos damage removed from Fel Orcs
-Sacrifice to Hakkar ability cooldown increased from 3 to 15 sec. (Trolls were able to summon him too early game.
-Nerubian Seer’s can now target air
-All units have had movement speed slightly decreased to make map seem bigger
-Decreased movement speed bonus from Trolls Endurance Aura slightly
-Decreased life of Bloodelves Wretched from 400 to 300
-Increased Mana cost of Summon Abomination on Arch Necromancers from 180 to 200 and increased cooldown by 2 seconds.
-Added 100 base HP to Arthas
-Flying Machines now require Explorer’s Guild Mastery
-Increased HP regeneration of Siege Golems when in Sleep mode.

-Purples Name is changed to Worgen if they research the Worgen Curse
-Scholomance Mastery now reworked
-Removed Player name colours at startup, this was causing confusion when factions changed colour due to events (EG: Silverhand turning to Crusade etc)
-Fel Blade ability has been completely reworked
-Dalaran Dungeon Gate HP increased to 1000
-Farms now produce +5 more food (Because building farms is boring)

-Blood Elves can now cure their magical addiction by seeking out Illidan, if they choose to follow Illidan they will gain the Naga but will be exiled from the Grand Alliance.
-Every Faction now has a Personal Quest which when completed grants rewards
-Genn Graymane is now a playable Hero for Purple
-Gilneas Knight available to train for purple once they have conquered Gilneas
-Dwarves now have a heavy Cavalry unit choice: Bear Warrior

-Loading screen info had been taken out so map makers weren’t credited + Players didn’t get intro –Now fixed
-Starting description and advice had been taken out so people didn’t know what to do –Now fixed
-Confusing Version number -Now been simplified
-Nerubian Guards now have correct Tooltip
-Fel Blade ability now has Tooltip
-Income + Cam commands now plays UI sound
-Idle worker Icon for all workers changed to generic.
-Blood Elves now get visible Warning Message when one of them turns to Wretched.
-Blood Elves UI change from Human to Night Elf
-Improved tooltip description on Arugal
-Power Crystal now has a tooltip
-Fixed Dwarves Explorer’s Guild Mastery Tooltip

-General cosmetic Improvements made to terrain
-New icon for Deathknights
-New Skin for Farstriders + Vareesa
-New Icon for Worgen Curse
-New Model for Son of Arugal Worgen Form
-New Icon for Worgens Feral Infection ability
-New Icon For Brann Bronzebeard

-Designed Earthen unit ready for when Northrend is included in game

Bugs Still Need Fixing: (Goblin, may need your help with this)
-Ally bug which would only allows you to unally a player if you were also allied needs fix.
-Multiboard is not updating ally count when a player allys/unallys
-When Gilneas is conquered the CP income is not tallied on and Multiboard is not updated
-When Brann uses his rapid Fire ability he loses the hero glow effect –needs fix

Extra Stuff That Needs Doings
-Allied Heroes need to be removed from game when an allied player leaves game
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
If anyone would like to suggest anything at this point, you're free to do so. We're planning on releasing the next version this upcoming Sunday or possibly Saturday, so speak now!
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
i already told some other ideas but now i see that arugal is so strong, and perhaps you can do him come to hero only when train the worgen curse skill, and the other dalaran hero can be tandred proodmoore :)
in the next version northrend will be playble? and if go,then Kael will gain illidan and the naga?
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
i already told some other ideas but now i see that arugal is so strong, and perhaps you can do him come to hero only when train the worgen curse skill, and the other dalaran hero can be tandred proodmoore :)
in the next version northrend will be playble? and if go,then Kael will gain illidan and the naga?

I've never heard anyone call Arugal over powered before! Northrend won't be in next version sorry :( But we have loads of new features/fixes and yes in next version Blood Elves can gain Naga!

Dalaran will be able to gain Kadgar in the Northrend version and have alot more options than just going Worgen like they do at the moment.

In the Northrend version Arthas will be able to become the lich king as you'd expect.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
A very nice map project, that's why it got to the Spotlight. From the terrain.... hmmmm... this is perfection. Terrain is not flat, great way of using raising and lowering tool, few doodads imported but heck of an amazing terrain and Im impressed. Now to play it, more feedback later!
Level 4
Jul 16, 2012
A very nice map project, that's why it got to the Spotlight. From the terrain.... hmmmm... this is perfection. Terrain is not flat, great way of using raising and lowering tool, few doodads imported but heck of an amazing terrain and Im impressed. Now to play it, more feedback later!
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Nice work Marshmallo :)) i think you need to add more Palm trees and waters behind the region of trolls :))

Thanks! I am always wary f putting too many doodads in as it's easy to make a make look cluttered.

The map is currently in the hands of Goblinkingsp, he is looking into a problem we've been having with desyncs, his expertise with triggers and systems is invaluable!
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