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Left 4 Dead : Apocalypse - RolePlay

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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010

OOC: Few players, but enough to start.
GM: You are now in a small white room. With a table on the center and you sat in the one of the three chairs. You can see from the window many infecteds in the streets.
IC: "We've ran out of foods, let's go." Peper said as he take his assault rifle and tightening his CEDA suit, in the meaning to prevent infections.
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
IC:bang tarjo throw a chinese kung fu muffin to an infected,and the infected is stunned.he throw an ultimately poisonous corrosive pan cake to another infected,and the infected fell and he shoot two infected with his shotgun,and HEADSHOT! "Imma da burger apocalypse!"scream Bang Tarjo...
OOC:hihihihi...waiting for another post
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: Sorry, comp lags. I'm using phone, be on chat in 30 minutes.
GM: The kick success, making the hunter lose balance and fall to the ground. Now he pounces to the building, climb it, and jumps to Kurt, now targeting him.
IC: Peper sweeps the hordes outta the way.
OOC: We better do this on chat, faster and cooler. I'll post the history here then.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: in 20 Minutes.... Also when Error_trigger is online we can do this LIVE on chat.
GM: The hunter chases Kurt through the alleys, but the hunter's speed ain't nothing, he can catch up in few seconds, jumping in zig-zags and on this moment the landed in the front of Kurt.
There is a hotel in the front of the alley.
IC: Peper then saw the hotel "Run to the hotel!" The hordes suddenly stops spawning and the road is now silent, with only shooting sounds and the hunter's roar.
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
IC: "damn!, go! i'll hold out the other zombies!"
there were few zombies that didn't die and were going for the hotel, and as such, Kurt uses the Uber "Spear" as seen in WWE on the Hunter, with a wound on his side from the Hunter's claw, the Hunter lost it's balance and fell, with Kurt on top, uses his MMA punches on it's face. (ironically the Hunter was supposed to be on the top) after 4 punches Kurt took out it's Deagle and shot out the Hunter's brain, while some zombies were nearing Kurt, he runs to Peper...
OOC: SAFEHOUSE!!!! Chapter 1 will be Finished!?
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
OOC: sorry for my long offline,internet problem...
IC: Bang Tarjo throws Explosive Jalapenos to zombie."NGGGG!" say Jalapenos.The Jalapenos explode and turn nearby Zombies into ashes.After that Bang Tarjo run to Peper and Kurt.He sense a boomer behind him.He throw squash to him and BOOM! the Boomer explode
OOC: LoL This makes me reember plant vs zombie and LievdeSpeed funny L4D 1 and L4D 2 G-mode videos...
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: Chapter 1, complete.
GM: The hunter died with a headshot, however he managed to leave a scratch wound on Kurt. The infecteds are now chasing, and some were holding Kurt's shirt, but it's no use.
IC: "Go go!" Peper closed the door and lock it as Kurt gets in. "This hotel seems clean, since there are no bloods here."
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: We will on a safe state until tomorrow the next scene. Oh yeah and Error_trigger try to not spawn any special infected next time :)
IC: "Looks like a survivor, we are free until night. Tarjo, make a lunch. And never ever go to the toilet alone guys" Peper throw himself to the nearest couch.
"And make sure it's not a witch"
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
OOC: Z_spawn bang tarjo,Z_spawn bang tarjo,Z_spawn bang tarjo...
IC: Kurt with a little scratch and exhausted from all those wallrunning fell on the floor breathing heavily, "at last! damn 'em!"
OOC: hey, Adam! get skype account! so we could chat there!
pepah, using yo' phone?
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
OOC: -peper- LOL
IC:Bang Tarjo throw an onion to a ombie.the zombie chew it."ew,taste horrible!"The zombie scream and run away.and Bang Tarjo make a Brain-like cherry bomb.He throw it to a zombie,and all zombies come and try to eat it.BOOM! they all are completely exposed
OOC:no,that one is not a comedy
test :
sorry,i want to test that...
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
OOC: damnit, my computer was broken by my stupid cousin.
Imagine that! she Kicked the CPU because she was angry! and the CPU was innocent! she was just watching my brother watch youtube and just kicked it! FUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after many tries and failures i managed to finally get it to work...
fuckin cousin...
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
OOC: LOL! how can that fat-ass leap!? anyway...
IC: Kurt "You take care o' em!" i'll handle the hordes!
Kurt, jumped on each zombies' heads and shot them one by one each time his foot lands on top o' each...
1,2,3,4,5,6,7! Reloading! with a final axekick on the zombie's head (oh, BTW, Kurt has metal plates on the sides of his shoes, not the soles since it'll get slippery...)
and the Zombie's brains splashed...
Kurt Putting out his fighting stance... "Guys! are you okay out there!?" said to Pepah and Bang...
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Ooc: lol,that fat hunter is using a trampoline....
Ic: "yes kurt,I'm fine but...ew,gross!" Bang tarjo is kick that fat hunter off."Taste this!" Bang tarjo shoot that fat hunter with his shotgun,and he explode."Oh noez, now I smells bad because that thing is throw up on me!" Bang tarjo now take out his planted pee shooter and that thing is shooting pees at those rotten horde.and bang is cleaning himself using a giant towel.
Ooc: c'mon everyone,grab you sword and fight the horde!- lil ' footman
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