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Kawaii Spell Workshop

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Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
So I'll make a replica illusion spell, the illusion can damage enemies in normal attack and Omnislash? Okay, I'll try.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Its been a long time since I requested here

Shadow Armor

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Single Target Unit
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: N/A
Range: 800
Duration: N/A
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12
In-game Description: I'll do that
How the spell works: Creates a barrier of dark magic that absorbs damage of attacks and spells, the barrier will disperse if its taken 150 damage or in 10 seconds
Shadow Word

Code Type: GUI (if it doesn't work, then Jass)
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Single Target Unit
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: N/A
Range: 600
Duration: N/A
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 18
In-game Description: I'll do that
How the spell works: Same as in Dota, but only targets enemies, Speaks dark words that damage the enemy unit every seconds, the dps is 25, Lasts 6 seconds
Well. thats all. thanks in advance
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Bulk Upload No.1

I assume you people know how to upload spells already so no instructions included. Just look for all custom object/trigger editor data and copy it to your map. Don't copy edited default units/spells.

Bulk upload No. 2 a few hours later. Some requests I did here are heck old since I was referring to the first page. I apologize for that.

@chooeychoco - Sorry but it's a bit ugly. If you want I could rework it with another base spell.
@CreatorD3292 - Really late. and this one's a WIP. I can't seem to figure out how to do update the unt's real original stats (bonus and the non-bonus stats)

Downloadable Files
[GUI] Edge45 - Shadow Word.w3x (23.2 KB)
[GUI] ZeroGo - Random Spells!.w3x (19.5 KB)
[GUI] Soviet655 - FegelAntic.w3x (17.7 KB)
[GUI] chooeychoco - Inner Force.w3x (23.6 KB)
[GUI] CreatorD3292 - Tier Bonus Stats.w3x (26.3 KB)
Level 4
Jul 17, 2012
infinite scratch

DDS: n/a
Code type:gui
Spell type: hero
target type: single unit
aoe: n/a
range : 600
Cooldown : n/a
manacost: n/a
in game descrition: n/a
How spell works: the hero will blink at front of the target of the enemy. And scratch it for 2 seconds and dealing 75/125/175 damage per seconds.
₪₪₪₪₪ ADVANCE THANKS ₪₪₪₪₪
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Hehe cone effect :3
Douiu imi?

Anyway, doing these requests.... ......from a few months ago...


and grayback222's infinite scratch from a couple of posts above.

Can anyone link me to the latest list of requests? I reckon there was a new one Malhorne made? or Is the list really that outdated?

@Stork, about the first skill's stacks, does each one have it's own timer or does the timer replenish each time a buff is added?
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
What?? Btw, I see you are the only one active here :p I still haven't start BunnyAng's request, hopefully tomorrow :p Thanks for making it live temporally XD
Douiu imi? -> What do you mean?
(Or something like that. Might be translating the wrong way)

And yea, just doing CPR to the workshop. At least keep it alive until everybody else comes back. :p
Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
Douiu imi? -> What do you mean?
(Or something like that. Might be translating the wrong way)

And yea, just doing CPR to the workshop. At least keep it alive until everybody else comes back. :p
Owh I see.. Just thought never done a cone shape AOE though I thought I wanted to do it. :p (Crushing Wave or others could work but not for complicated custom spells.

Anyways, I'll try to help in CPR XD

Edit: Owh I found something :D No more hardwork for me :3 I can just use conditions of unit type to get the clone :3 Time to start it Hehe
Btw, I'll use the spell template of the Omnislash :3
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Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
Eepp, guess it's still futile.. Illusions cannot have abilities :/ Guess gotta create a new one then =w=
Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
I'm done :3 Though I think it is not MUI but let's see if you like it :3 Go test it please :)

It comes with an extra spell hehe XD
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Level 8
Apr 16, 2013
Wyvern Rider Spellpack

Strong Winds

Code Type: GUI/Jass
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type:Target Point
Area of Effect: 300
Number of Levels: 4
Range: 800
Duration: 3 seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12
In-game Description: The Wyvern Rider makes his wyvern release a powerful gust of wind which heads straight forward up to the target point. Any enemy unit hit by this gust of wind will be knocked away, take damage and will be slowed for 3 seconds.
How the spell works: Releases a gust of wind which travels 800 range. Deals damage, knock back and slows movespeed of enemy units hit by 20% for 3 seconds. Model of the wind is this.
Magic Spear

Code Type: GUI/Jass
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Instant
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: 4
Range: N/A
Duration: N/A
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 8
In-game Description: The Wyvern Rider infuses his spear with magic. He increases his agility by +15/+40/+65/+90 and his next attack will remove the agility bonus and silence the attacked unit for 1/2/3/4 seconds. The bonus will not be removed until the Wyvern Rider attacks.
How the spell works: Increases base agility upon cast. His attack will silence the attacked unit and will remove the agility bonus. Attacks on towers, magic immune units and mechanical units will not count as an attack when you have the Magic Spear buff.
Natural Instincts

Code Type: GUI/Jass
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Passive
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: 4
Range: N/A
Duration: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
In-game Description: Whenever there is a an enemy hero below 30% in an 900 AoE near the Wyvern Rider, he has 4% increased move speed and +20 damage for each below 30% hp enemy hero in that 900 AoE area. This also gives him an extra ability which slows his target and reduces their armor for a duration.
How the spell works: When their are enemy units below 30% hp in an 900 AoE near the Wyvern Rider, he has increased movespeed and damage. He also has a bonus ability and will be removed once there are no more below 30% hp enemy heroes near him.
Bonus ability from Natural Instincts:
Soul Cripple

Code Type: GUI/Jass
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type:Single Target
Area of Effect: N/A
Number of Levels: Depends on level of Natural Instincts
Range: 700
Duration: 10 seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 8
In-game Description: The Wyvern Rider cripples an enemy hero, reducing its armor by 2/3/4/5 and movespeed by 15%. Lasts for 10 seconds.
How the spell works: Throws a purple missile to a target enemy hero and reduces its armor and movespeed for 10 seconds. If there are no more below 30% hp enemy heroes near the Wyvern Rider, this spell is hidden or in other words "removed".

Wyvern Dive

Code Type: GUI/Jass
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type:Target Point
Area of Effect: 200
Number of Levels: 3
Range: 1200
Duration: 5 seconds
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 30
In-game Description: Makes the Wyvern Rider's wyvern dive towards his target point and will reach the ground when he reaches 600 range. When he reaches 600 range, he will pick a random unit and will grab him then will fly high. When he reaches 1000 range, he will throw the unit towards where he is facing and will damage then stun any enemy unit within a 300 AoE by 250/400/550 when he comes in contact with the ground. When the Wyvern Rider reaches 1100 range he will go lower until he returns to his normal flying height.
How the spell works: Flies lower towards 600 range and when he reaches 600 range he will grab a random unit. He then takes off and will fly higher and higher until he reaches 1000 range. When he reaches 1000 range, he throws the grabbed unit towards 400 range where he is facing and will fall to the ground damaging and stunning enemy units near a 300 AoE for 2 seconds. He will then fly lower when he goes to 1100 range and will return to his normal flying height when he reaches 1200 range. Can only grab units when he is in the 600 range. He is uncontrollable when diving and is controllable when taking off and going higher. He moves at 500 ms when diving and has maximum movespeed when taking off and flying higher. Maximum movespeed bonus is removed when he reaches 1200 range.
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Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
There are problems with the spell, would you like me to fix it and optimize it? I don't like giving non-MUI and non-perfect spell hehe
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Here's the second bulk upload. The map sizes has considerably increased because of the fact that I'm using a map template from the hive's database which was already 34 kb in itself.

Anyway, even though some of these spells were already done, I uploaded it anyway, kind of a shame if I made it and then let it rot in my database forever.

BTW, grayback222, try taking your spell, remove the triggers, set the cast range to a melee range 50-130, set the duration to 3 seconds and you'll see pudge's ultimate skill dismember.

BTW, will be doing these requests in chronological order.

Pain and Suffering spell of stork found in this post.
Combo Point system of makai in this post.
Whatever I can do from these spell requests of BunnyAng.
Whatever I can do from these spell requests of chooeychoco.
Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
Hmm, Malhorne could at least update the 2nd post hehehee XD Just want to see the list of made spells.. :p
Level 7
Jun 28, 2013
LOL, maybe its okay now hehe :p I'm also making my RPG now but only at terrain stage :p Well good luck to you when you start.

I should spend some time doing some request as a practice hehe xD
Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
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Level 1
Apr 23, 2014
Toxic Death Request

Toxic Death

DDS: None?
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Passive
Area of Effect: 2000
Number of Levels: 1
Range: (none)
Duration: (none for spell but 20sec for effect that it does)
Mana Cost: none
Cooldown: none
In-game Description: The Abomination will burst into a Toxic death which will spread little plague clouds around, damaging units for 20 sec, when a unit die off this effect, he will become a Ghoul
How the spell works: When the Abomination dies, it will just burst like a balloon, throwing plague clouds all around the area, units caught will suffer to death.... but only for 20 sec, when a unit dies, he is turned into a Vivous Ghoul
2nd Request

1) Mind Control (RA2, YR style, ordinary)
Ordinary Mind Control

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Unit below Level 8 (no buildings), Unit which DOESN'T have resistant skin, mind control immune and magic immune.
Non-Target Type (cannot be mind controlled): Heroes, Level 8 unit and above, units which have resistant skin, mind control immune and magic immune, psychic units, ancients and buildings.
Area of Effect: No
Number of Levels: No
Range: 750
Duration: Infinity (until the controller dies or control another unit)
Mana Cost: No
Cooldown: 15
In-game Description: Mind Controls a target unit. Cannot be used with units above Level 7, Commandos, Units which have the Resistant Skin ability, and another Psychic Unit.
How the spell works: Yuri's Revenge style mind control. Cannot be used against heroes, level 8 units and above, unit which have resistant skin, structures, ancients and another psychic unit.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
did my request done? i waited been along 1 month..

Link please. :)

We'd prefer you use our template in the first page and not a link to other sites. ^^

1) Mind Control (RA2, YR style, ordinary)
Ordinary Mind Control

Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Unit
Target Type: Unit below Level 8 (no buildings), Unit which DOESN'T have resistant skin, mind control immune and magic immune.
Non-Target Type (cannot be mind controlled): Heroes, Level 8 unit and above, units which have resistant skin, mind control immune and magic immune, psychic units, ancients and buildings.
Area of Effect: No
Number of Levels: No
Range: 750
Duration: Infinity (until the controller dies or control another unit)
Mana Cost: No
Cooldown: 15
In-game Description: Mind Controls a target unit. Cannot be used with units above Level 7, Commandos, Units which have the Resistant Skin ability, and another Psychic Unit.
How the spell works: Yuri's Revenge style mind control. Cannot be used against heroes, level 8 units and above, unit which have resistant skin, structures, ancients and another psychic unit.


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