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DBZ Tribute Elite v2.1c

2.1c: Bug fixes, general improvements, balance changes. Updated to be compatible with patch 1.24.

Changelog: 2.0 - 2.1

Fixed Krillin's stat gain
Enter Body now works on allies.
Made sure the abilities learned by Buu are their proper levels
Lowered the cost of Geti towers to 5k
Increased Super 13's stat gain
Fixed a bug that causes multiple sagas to appear
Nerfed gravity balls
Added shorthand commands (r for revert, kao for kaox10,LC, LW, LL for locations,fh for fusion, a14, a15 for absorb, hs for help skills,
Added the ability to build Geti's buildings on solid ground (Lookout, Geti's starting area, cities)
Increased the number of zombies spawned during the Bio Broly saga
Changed the saga defeat messages
Changed the player leaves message
Added the option to make 10 Geti clones at the price of 12. (Time to train is equal to the time it takes to train one)
Added a Dragonball hunt mode
Nerfed saga bonuses
Made z able to pick up a ticket if drops one
Added model credits
Fixed potential bugs with Geti causing the game to last forever.
Moved items and units out of HBTC and Capsule when killed
You no longer lose Krillin / Cooler forever if you die in a tournament
Buu can now absorb Krillin / Gotenks
Box, etc. are now transferred between forms
Haze Shenron has a fixed aggro range
Duel Bebi - Can no longer fight bulma
Fixed a problem with the f9.
Remade the Bio Item
Garlic can no longer leave the tower
Made the tournament a little faster
Made some changes to attributes.
Added floating text showing damage done by attacks, abilities, etc.
Tsufuru spirits buffed
Added fancy floating text showing spell names
Disabled Enter Body during duels
Refreshed abilities @ duels
Added host detection
Added Terrain swapping
If transmitters are destroyed, the ability they give is no longer usable by the Androids.
Added new commands for hosts only.
No duels for people in cinematics (mystic, etc.)
Fixed a bug with Vegito that caused him to become invulnerable
Only one duel at a time
Nerfed Geti's armor and attack / aura
Made the Tree of Might fruit droppable
Fixed a bug with High Power Rush
Changed Mankind destruction's hotkey to n
Removed "-amagadcoolertest"
Added a "duel declined" message
Made standing on the hill add one stat per second
Added an experimental flying system.
Added improved Aura effects

If you find a bug, or if you want to suggest a new feature, PM ikcilapmada at dbzt.freeforums.org

Direct Download link:

Thanks to Womplord / Gotenkz for creating the original DBZ Tribute!

DBZ, Tribute, Elite, Dragonball, Dragonballz, Dragon, ball, z, ikcilapmada, adampalicki,

DBZ Tribute Elite v2.1c (Map)

Heero: A fine DBZ map with models, spells and even more. Approved. Dr Super Good: Very fun map, worth a play or two if you have time. Has some ballence problems but nothing too major if you are good at it.
Level 1
Jul 10, 2008
Nice to see the flaming end.

DBZ Tribue Elite 1.3 is the most stable version since Reverted 2.1 imo. Most bugs and glitches that have been around for ages no longer exist. The good old gameplay is still around along with some new modes for newer players who might otherwise have a hard time due to the steep learning curve.

The current forums are at dbzt.freeforums.org. Feel free to post suggestions and opinions on the map.
Level 1
Sep 13, 2008
Panther why do you care so much. Adam made a good map, do you really need proof of him getting permision, the anwser is no. People like the map and find it more fun then the versions before so if it was parited or not it doesnt matter. Gj Adam i like the map
Level 1
Nov 25, 2008
Hey, like every other map or so when i download it and save it under downloaded maps and i open up wc3 tft and when i click the map no player slots show and i try to play it and it doesnt do anything just sits there like i didnt even click it. Do you know why?
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
How can this have the highest download count? This map is just "stealed" in my opinion.
Would be better if remade everything and shows us that he really knows how to use the world editor..

If he is so good as some people say, why cant he just make the entire map himself and make it even better. And editing maps sucks, even if they was protected...

And if someone think im wrong, think whatever you want but please, dont start a flame war.
Level 8
Aug 7, 2007
Eh, just means people like the map, that's why it's been downloaded so much.

But if I remember clearly Womplord allowed people to edit his versions, which Gotenkz took up and Gotenkz did the same.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I think you missuderstod me.
For me, when people edit maps that other people made, they havent done it themselves and for me thats like stealing.

Also I think this map got alot of downloads only becouse it was the most downloaded. And now all think that this is the best map ever only becouse it has so damn many more downloads then all other maps ;) Tell me if you think that my theory is wrong.
Level 4
Apr 30, 2008

You seem a reasonable sort, so i'll not throw a hissyfit. /grin

Basically, everything you've mentioned has already been discussed, at great length, on earlier pages.

I, personally, have been with Tribute on and off since pre 9.3 by Gotenkz.

I was mildly active on Tenkz' Forums, and beta tested 9.3.

Gotenkz vanished without a trace, however.

Stealing implies that it was taken without consent - while i cannot personally verify that Tenkz gave Adam permission to continue his map, i feel Adam is an upstanding sort, and i trust him when he says Gotenkz granted him permission to continue the map.

In addition, let's face it, Gotenkz does certainly appear to be *gone* and Tribute 9.3 was a fun map, but could be improved upon.

Adam has made significant changes, additions, and improvements to the map, and i think that it's great he's been willing to put the time and effort into it, especially for fans of 9.3 who wanted to see the map continue.

I would ask you - have you played the various versions of Tribute?

While i haven't played them all, i've always felt that Adam and Sean's Versions were the highest quality ones out there.

Anyway, try it out, and try out some others, see what you think. :)
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I have tryed them all and i was also a fan of this map long, long ago.
But what im trying to say is that this map would be 1000 times better if he remade the entire terrain of the map, wouldnt it? :)
And well, the reason i said what i said befor is that i dont like that people that doesnt originaly made the map continue on the map without a proof that he had permission.

But now i dont want to discue this anymore since i think it would lead to a dead end.
Rewamp the map and it would be more awesome then ever.
Level 1
Mar 12, 2009
I think you missuderstod me.
For me, when people edit maps that other people made, they havent done it themselves and for me thats like stealing.

Also I think this map got alot of downloads only becouse it was the most downloaded. And now all think that this is the best map ever only becouse it has so damn many more downloads then all other maps ;) Tell me if you think that my theory is wrong.

Seriously, why are you QQ'ing like the panther-anthro guy? I know that your jealous, but please, kindly get the fuck out. :thumbs_down:
Level 10
Feb 20, 2008
i remember what some1 told me abotu deprotecting map
WHEN U DEPROTECT A MAP ALL TRIGGER GETTING CONVERT INTO 1 BIG JASS!! and i could give u 5 proof of what this map got hacked like evryotthers version!!! i u should

look trigger u would see LOT OF converted Gui Mean lot leak!! since converted gui is worst than gui

in begin of script u can see DEPROTECTED BY a website wich i dont remember

evry1 know when we convert a gui display as jass it will turn like : ''triggstr 2998''

adam plz stop telling poeple hacking map when u took an hacked/deprotected map lol!! and its took like 3 month to release a version.... most of poeple doesnt play dbz anymore they all play dota!!!

some change are very good!!! but for myself its getting 2 far from the Original dbz tribute ultra!!!! nothing is same o_O, u fix bug & mem leak good work!! but it doesnt change 2 much change for what poeple origonally do as Fighting!!! and since I made a version for noob i doubt this version will be really played after 1-2 month release! u should stop to make stupid version u coulda make a new entire map from time u spendig on this wich u can say U MADE ALL!!

for my own stop editing dbz tribute 2 much work for nothing , i rather make entire new map with same game play lol!!! thasts what im doing!! with new effect and trigger i found on much website ^^!!

Great Job but dont to see it hosted as it was before :p
Level 5
Nov 8, 2006
I have no idea what you just said. Stop trying. Anyway, if you can prove that this was stolen, you go right ahead. Of course everything is going to be converted into one big pile of horribly written JASS when YOU unprotect it. What else do you expect when you're ripping off a protected map?
Level 8
Aug 7, 2007
Dude, Lew just give up. Your constant complaining about "Stealing" is ridiculous. You yourself took a unprotected version and made your own out of it so your versions SHOULD be deleted on the spot if Adam's ever should be.

Now moving on from that, the reason why Adam's will always be better than your Supreme/Rebirth is because he tries to make the game unique, balanced, and look professional. Look how many typos he has in his map and look at yours.

Also I'm trying not to flame you but seriously! This is getting old! If you don't stop I seriously will start reporting you to moderators and admins for trolling Adam and Sean.
Level 1
Dec 18, 2008
oh dang...when did the link change to getdbznew.tk? I accidently gave out getdbz.tk wrong link until I checked right now....nevermind...it was always that I just read it too fast on forums......silly me
Level 9
May 14, 2008
I REALLY like ur map !
Very nice and fun !

I saw all the bugs you will fix in 2.1 so i won't tell you those

But i think the buu model is worse than the older one ! it's too huge, worse realistic but sure funnier...
Same for Krillin model, but i guess there are no others made.

Getting the secret character was very hard, for the first step and the last one (but i found it because i already played "thinking map" -i mean like Impossible map or Chernobyl Lost Riddles-). He is very very FUN to play but a little rigged on stats, i think you should make :
-lvl 35 power lvl = 2.00
-lvl 75 power lvl = 2.50
-lvl 110 power lvl = 3.00
-lvl 140 power lvl = 3.50
Spells are very very nice too.

Special tasks are also a nice idea, like bonus xp in future, kill z fighter with an android, or killing geti star with piccolo.

I want to see the new version !!! (add another quest to get a secret char plz xD)
Level 8
Aug 7, 2007
I REALLY like ur map !
But i think the buu model is worse than the older one ! it's too huge, worse realistic but sure funnier...

Since when has Dragon Ball Z been realistic? I mean shooting beams of energy doesn't really seem to realistic to me ya know. The new Buu model is better than the old one in looks and fits how ridiculous Fat Buu is. It can be scaled down if it needs to be though.
Level 3
Jun 18, 2007
As a helping hand to adam Id like to say that If panther wants a note of permission, I can easily get one from the inheritant of the unprotected version 9.3, directly from gotenkz, im sure he has the conversation saved from which he got it as well.

I'd like to see how you would do that, since he hasn't boughten a new computer since.

Yes, his computer no longer works.
Level 3
Apr 4, 2009
Nice map 5/5

1 question. What the heck was a frog aura at status part...
somewhere near athe androids and that 1 goldmine saw 1
something about krillin??
crapenglish :D tired
EDIT: oh nvm... solved the whole dang thing...
And about the duel, When you duel with FT agains any evil... well in uss2 you can get away from there. with using the power rush or wth was it to an evil near the arena..
hehehe fooled buu there :D
Last edited:
Level 3
Apr 26, 2009
the Z's need to crush the enchanted rock chunks to be able to go to the lvl 15 creep and lvl 20 creep in heaven luckily if you crush/attack a rock it damages otheres so you could go there alittle faster
Well, played this map yesterday, and there is my complete revision: (They get on ranges from 0 to 5)

Terrain: 1/5
Its almost a blank terrain. The only things I can see is trees, shrub and clives. ALMOST NO TERRAIN VARIATION. JUST GRASS, TILES, DIRT AND BLIGHT. It dont gets a 0 because the blue light effects on the waterfalls are pretty cool.

Tiggers & Spells: 4/5
Some spells are very cool, like kamehame-ha. But others are just the same spells like bash, Citical Strike and such with diferernt tolltips and icons.

Theme Implementation: 3/5
You put some nice models here, but the uggly things are the creeps (just Red Ribbon droids, some riflemen and bandits). Also, you forgot to compress the textures. This map has almost no imported stuff to weight 4mb. A proper texture compression could decrease the map to 3mb or less...

3+4+1 = 8/3 = 2,6

Final Note: A 2,6/5 map. It has a lot of potential, but should be better worked.
Level 2
Aug 3, 2007
suggestions+ bug report, i guess

This game is great, i love how you upgraded it yet stayed true to the original, unlike supreme.

Anyway, there are a few things that I ,personally would like to see.


1. Make Dr. Gero's lab an "instance" like corin tower, stopping people from farming yellow, somewhat, and giving evil some sort of base.

2. Goten/Trunks, should at one point grow older. I was thinking at level 175 they should get slightly larger models and a stat gain, the main reason for this is because Bebi is in tribute right? so shouldn't goten and trunks both grow old?

3. Similarly, Gohan could start with a smaller model and around levels 30-50 (or maybe even when he talks to guru)grow larger, with a slight stat gain.

4. Cell should be able to absorb the Z fighters energy when the Z fighters are at 10% or so health. Giving a stat bonus of some sort, with limitations ,ofc. Cell should also be able to absorb the citizens of the cities in the map.

5. The addition of a fly help command would be greatly appreciated, as almost no one knows how to fly. (at least when i've hosted)

(Bug Report)

1. When Bebi controls gohan, using oozaru with gohan gives Gohans character an extra 10x strength that should not be there, in other words. a normal 500 str gohan early on can get absorbed by bebi, bebi uses Oozaru, and gohan for some reason gets 19k str, so when gohan reverts from ooz, he still has 1.9 str.

2. When bebi is in Broly, and broly dies for the first time, bebi is, for some reason ported into heaven. (bad bug eh?)

3. Sometimes when bebi is in an allies body, and an ally kills a hero or another allies hero, bebi will auto-eject and gain a large amount of stats, i have no idea why this is but it's something to look into.

4. After a minute or 2, there should be an auto-decline for duels, It's extremely exploitable, especially when a character is leveling up, like gohan getting mystic form, cell getting perfect, etc.

Thats all i have to say right now, and i hope you know i'm not complaining, i really love this game and play it alot. I just want to see it get better =D
Level 9
May 14, 2008
Bug report :
when ur bebi and u enter an allied body, this time it was metal cooler, you can't get out only by dying, and when i died i reappeared in heaven and i could kill and take Z (but i died and went to hell).
Level 3
Apr 26, 2009
if I search Naruto gifs via in google to put in the left side of the screen the pictures whats will I do next please tell me
Level 5
Nov 8, 2006
This map has almost no imported stuff to weight 4mb. A proper texture compression could decrease the map to 3mb or less...

Believe me, every model has been squished, and every single texture has been compressed. There's just not much you can do when you have 270 imports that total 6747kb. It also doesn't help that the only decent DBZ models are ridiculously high poly.
Believe me, every model has been squished, and every single texture has been compressed. There's just not much you can do when you have 270 imports that total 6747kb. It also doesn't help that the only decent DBZ models are ridiculously high poly.

No, the textures ARE NOT compressed. They look exactly as if you downloaded the model and imported the texture without compressing it. And, when I opened the map with a mpq browser, I was right, the textures were not compressed. You could save a lot of space compressing them.

How to compress textures:
Use Magos War3 Model Editor (You can find it at hive tools section). Search in Preferences a field caled "BLP Quality" and set it to 15. Open the texture with the wc3modeleditor, go on window\textures then right click the texture, click on export, then save the compressed texture. Doing this can reduce the texture size from 20 to 80kb EACH FILE.
Level 2
Aug 3, 2007
No, the textures ARE NOT compressed. They look exactly as if you downloaded the model and imported the texture without compressing it. And, when I opened the map with a mpq browser, I was right, the textures were not compressed. You could save a lot of space compressing them.

How to compress textures:
Use Magos War3 Model Editor (You can find it at hive tools section). Search in Preferences a field caled "BLP Quality" and set it to 15. Open the texture with the wc3modeleditor, go on window\textures then right click the texture, click on export, then save the compressed texture. Doing this can reduce the texture size from 20 to 80kb EACH FILE.

Someone should really make a custom game add-on to wc3, perhaps a .mpq of sorts, or something like an installer that adds to one of the .mpq
s. It could have all the really nice Hive Workshop models etc. Before a game starts it would tell people where to download the file, and then kick them 30 seconds later.

This new .mpq file/installer could be right around 100-200-300mb easily, and make maps that are currently Massive in Size, something like 200kb. but it's just an idea.
Level 6
Mar 22, 2008
I have only one thing to say. This must be one of the best DBZ Tribute versions i have ever seen. Yeah, Ultra 9.3 was OK, but Elite 2.1 just slays every other DBZ Tribute. EX, Legend and Supreme can go to hell. You are god. (And that is NOT a typo) 5/5, 10/10, 100/100, whatever rating scale you use, maximum points, (well it goes to 992/1000 but let's not go there.) Also +rep.
Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
Remove the victory if all sayians are dead! We can never finish a game with this Rule and we cant kill our enemy because we fear if he was the only good left in the earth!

Remove this!! It is the only bad thing i found in your map. I am playing it almost a year with my friends and this still is on.

And because i really like this map, i will suggest to you some things:

-You can make the trasformation to a super sayian not to be written but to be a spell based on Metamorfosis. It will be better because you will can strike with spells ( If yours mana is absorbing by ss you cant!) and because some heroes when they get too strong, those mana cant fall and they stay as super sayian forever. If this be spell with timeit will be much better!
-There is a bugg with the tickets of sayians. Some sayians cant get the ticket!!!

-Cooler is a bit weak, make him stronger.

-Piccolo too.

-Cell must have a super kamehameha than a simple kamehameha.

-Cell's perfect form usually dont works.

-Make the spells have weaker damage. And increase the armor. The fight bettwen
two heroes is too much fast. Make them fight more than an instantly kill.

-Kid Buu must be smaller.

-Death ball must growing up bigger.

-The assistant of king yamma must get revived faster.

-Make the saga's units dont follow you until you get killed! Not all the units, just saga's because there are extremely strong. ( I didint told you to reduce those might, i like strong things xD)

-The cookies must give more power to Buu.

-Add a ping beam to kid buu. He only have the ball and the channeling spell.

-Make Vegeta's Gallet Gun beam bigger. It is small.

Nothing more for now. This is the best DBZ tribute i ever seen, it have good models.
Great work!
Level 5
Nov 8, 2006
No, the textures ARE NOT compressed.

Maybe not down to 15, no. I wasn't happy with the way they looked at all when compressed that much. If I ever need more map space, I won't hesitate to compress them further.

It is nice to get some suggestions from someone outside the community, though. I will definitely look into improving the things you pointed out.

Remove the victory if all sayians are dead! We can never finish a game with this Rule and we cant kill our enemy because we fear if he was the only good left in the earth!

Well, that's the whole idea: Kill the enemy team. If you don't want to end the game by killing everyone, there are other modes in the map. Maybe you could try one of those out?
Level 8
Aug 7, 2007
-You can make the trasformation to a super sayian not to be written but to be a spell based on Metamorfosis. It will be better because you will can strike with spells ( If yours mana is absorbing by ss you cant!) and because some heroes when they get too strong, those mana cant fall and they stay as super sayian forever. If this be spell with timeit will be much better!
No, it stays closer to the source material this way. If you run out of mana that's your problem.

-There is a bugg with the tickets of sayians. Some sayians cant get the ticket!!!
That's from dropping it and trying to pick it up again.

-Cooler is a bit weak, make him stronger.
In the hands of someone who is decent he is quite beastly.

-Piccolo too.
Unless you die often at the start, if you can level up without dieing to much then you can become quite strong.

-Cell must have a super kamehameha than a simple kamehameha.
No. That would be stupid and make Cell even stronger! He has three blasts already and Cell Jrs!

-Cell's perfect form usually dont works.
If you mean the Super Perfect form, use the Cell Jrs. to kill yourself with them.

-Make the spells have weaker damage. And increase the armor. The fight bettwen
two heroes is too much fast. Make them fight more than an instantly kill.
Not everyone wants to spend few hours in a single game. It would get boring quickly.

-Kid Buu must be smaller.
Doesn't really matter.

-Death ball must growing up bigger.
Doesn't really matter.

-The assistant of king yamma must get revived faster.
The evil team has two characters who can't die, unless their bases are destroyed.

-Make the saga's units dont follow you until you get killed! Not all the units, just saga's because there are extremely strong. ( I didint told you to reduce those might, i like strong things xD)
This allows for chaining.

-The cookies must give more power to Buu.
They are strong enough!

-Add a ping beam to kid buu. He only have the ball and the channeling spell.
If he absorbs someone he gains another blast.

-Make Vegeta's Gallet Gun beam bigger. It is small.
Purely aesthetic changes, those can be done last.
Maybe not down to 15, no. I wasn't happy with the way they looked at all when compressed that much. If I ever need more map space, I won't hesitate to compress them further.

Then, compress it to 20, or 30.

Seriously man, tomorrow I'll extract some random texture from your map, compress it to 20%, and send you via PM. And you will see that a 20% compressed texture still has great quality, and half size.
Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
King of the hill mby?... well it doesnt end if people dont go on the hills :O
Isnt here a mode just to turn the death contitions off? Not King of the Hill, just only about this.

No, it stays closer to the source material this way. If you run out of mana that's your problem.

That is the problem! At levels like 80 and more you cant run out of mana. Specialy at levels like x>130 even if you cast all of your spells the mana is like you never casted anything!