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Concept-Art Contest #4 - EVOLUTION

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Level 2
Sep 7, 2009

It took me about 5 min with paint, lol.
Level 10
Jun 4, 2008
But they are not completely round as yours are.. I get the idea behind them.. but it looks like a set of balls... sorry :hohum: Maybe if you stretched them slightly from the body to the feet so it would be thickest near the body just like a real chick or something:con:

Ahh, w/e. :p I don't have time to draw that much. So it will stay my final entry. Still I don't think it looks like balls, but that's maybe just me. And still, it's not meant to be exactly as a chicken. :)
Level 9
Sep 13, 2008
uuhh and aweeee! great contest - i think have to join!
here is my first WIP:


100% freehand!

i was kinda bored in the university, so i made this GREAT pic!
its pure $k1llzZ0r thouchpad work in OpenOffice Draw!
give rep and credit if you:
- use the loverboy as new background
- use the loverboy as avatar
- use the loverboy in your signature
- try to shape your lips like the loverboy
- think of the loverboy
- fall in love with the loverboy
- have the same blueshirt as the loverboy
- look at the loverboy

Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
I also like the chickubbs, they look funny and good, simply awesome :p

I've drawn some picture, because I liked the pose I've seen on some pic on the net,
it's fully freehand drawn myself. I just liked the pose and idea,
and I'll try to get this work to my last evolution step.. some fire dragon thingy..
is that ok, or do I violate some rules?


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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I also like the chickubbs, they look funny and good, simply awesome :p

I've drawn some picture, because I liked the pose I've seen on some pic on the net,
it's fully freehand drawn myself. I just liked the pose and idea,
and I'll try to get this work to my last evolution step.. some fire dragon thingy..
is that ok, or do I violate some rules?

Seeking inspiration is to my knowledge perfectly allowed - Can't see why it shouldn't be... As everyone does it to some extend. Nice look by the way.
give rep and credit if you:
- use the loverboy as new background
- use the loverboy as avatar
- use the loverboy in your signature
- try to shape your lips like the loverboy
- think of the loverboy
- fall in love with the loverboy
- have the same blueshirt as the loverboy
- look at the loverboy

A little self satisfying eh?

Anyways thats pretty good for free-hand drawn from memory Tr!kz - I have to agree the pose looks pretty, I guess this is the best word for it, epic.
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
Anyways thats pretty good for free-hand drawn from memory Tr!kz - I have to agree the pose looks pretty, I guess this is the best word for it, epic.

I said it's free-hand drawn, but not totally from memory, it's more from another pic, while surfing the net.. I'll change some stuff to make it more unique.. but it's not all my work alone (of course it is, but I mean some similar pic exists in the net.. I just re-drawn it on paper, if you want so..)
Level 6
Aug 26, 2009
I also like the chickubbs, they look funny and good, simply awesome :p

I've drawn some picture, because I liked the pose I've seen on some pic on the net,
it's fully freehand drawn myself. I just liked the pose and idea,
and I'll try to get this work to my last evolution step.. some fire dragon thingy..
is that ok, or do I violate some rules?

remember me about cataclysm wow
Level 9
Mar 27, 2009
More cannon fodder.

Mix ups of turkeys, aliigators, teradactals.. WTF LOL o well im gettin closer to firin up the wacom.

Also a old mesh i made in max that i will take the idea from and make it organic.


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Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
My WIP. Still working on third stage (Just finished the head)


Does it sux?

edit: gonna change it with a picture of smaller size
edit: there ya go


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Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
Here my W.I.P, give some comment :grin:

(1st evolution and 2nd evolution)

They look cool and definetly a good evolution idea.. insects have a lot of varity to mix up.. more wings, more legs, and stuff like that :p Although it reminds me a bit of some pokemon creatures xD

I like your drawings, too, although we can't see a lot, it's really big, but not really sharp..
Hidden tags or reduce the pic size would help a bit.. It's getting some dragon thingy with just two legs?
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
I like your drawings, too, although we can't see a lot, it's really big, but not really sharp..
Hidden tags or reduce the pic size would help a bit.. It's getting some dragon thingy with just two legs?

I have switched it with a smaller pic, and the 3rd stage, well........

Just wait
Level 11
Oct 20, 2007
They look cool and definetly a good evolution idea.. insects have a lot of varity to mix up.. more wings, more legs, and stuff like that :p Although it reminds me a bit of some pokemon creatures xD
thx~, i look my draw it remind me some digimon creatures... xD

here the colored 1st evolution...
really hard to color picture using mouse...:bored:
1st one in low quality JPEG, 2nd is Full quality in JPEG.


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Level 2
Apr 22, 2009
Finally cleaned up the line-work and messy doodles for my second evolution. I had to use many reference pictures for this guy's weapon, and it will be a hard task to colour. I will post the first stage here too. I'm sure you can see which direction my creature is heading in now! ;)

Any comments? And should I make a background.

Edit : And yes, that is a guitar/axe. Took me a damn long time to draw with over 6 reference pics, especially since I'm using a mouse.


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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
ok so I gave it a try... And I drew some demon wings that I wanted to attach to somekind of monster... But then I realised I had to less time to spend on drawing ;(

I drew the original like this and then scanned it:

After I scanned it I made some photoshop "adjustments" to it and this is the outcome:

maybe these wings could be usefull for somekind of bone dragon? I dunno ;) Eather ways if anyone wants to use them, be my guest... But please don't use them for this contest because I think that's against the rules XD

I also don't need cedits for it if it should be used. (Not that I think anyone would, because I think I can better use photoshop then I can draw XD)
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
finally scanned this shit, don't mind the other sketches, specially the leg on the side, that one sucked.

keep in mind i haven't drawn in years (literally) and i used a sharp pen and it's blue... and also i had to study some wolf pictures, but this is just a basic thing with pen, i wanted to scan it anyways. critisism please (dont be afraid to be bad)

Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
thx~, i look my draw it remind me some digimon creatures... xD

here the colored 1st evolution...
really hard to color picture using mouse...:bored:
1st one in low quality JPEG, 2nd is Full quality in JPEG.

Yeah this reminds me of beedrill from pokemon lol
Level 2
Sep 7, 2009
Since its about evoulution I think people should concider to make a more detailed evoulution like from birth to death (example egg to old beetle). Not a upgrade-nextstage-more wings that doesnt seem so natural in my mind. But do as you wish im just saying. Anyway keep drawing, awesome :D
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Since its about evoulution I think people should concider to make a more detailed evoulution like from birth to death (example egg to old beetle). Not a upgrade-nextstage-more wings that doesnt seem so natural in my mind. But do as you wish im just saying. Anyway keep drawing, awesome :D

Mine starts out as and egg.. and then end up as the cracked one :wink:
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
Since its about evoulution I think people should concider to make a more detailed evoulution like from birth to death (example egg to old beetle). Not a upgrade-nextstage-more wings that doesnt seem so natural in my mind. But do as you wish im just saying. Anyway keep drawing, awesome :D

that's what i'm doing but, it's not very original, i just do it for the fun and what not
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Da 3rd stage:


That's great! I think you should think of a name, though (Not "nerubian-spider thing"). However, i cannot see any nerubian-esque parts. Or was it reserved for the next stage? :confused:


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Yeah, I was thinking of making it more nerubian on next two stages (for now only the "wings shell" is sort of nerubian, and it's a spider)

Anyway how much time left? Because I have the feeling I won't make it in time, because the "original" idea was kind of to simple and now I need to think of new creatures (this one was the stage two in the original idea, but I've decide that it shall be the first)

dead-man-walking, are you planning to paint it up? :D

Since its about evoulution I think people should concider to make a more detailed evoulution like from birth to death (example egg to old beetle). Not a upgrade-nextstage-more wings that doesnt seem so natural in my mind. But do as you wish im just saying. Anyway keep drawing, awesome :D

Well we're limited to 3 stages in evolution. If did that we'd pretty much have:
Birth - Something like an egg or a smaller version of the next step normally
Adulthood - Normal form
Death or Near-Death: Old version of the earlier form

Though you could get creative with that, it's hard to make the whole lifespan thing work in such a small amount of stages. Now if we could have like 6-10 then that would be a bit more viable. I'm not saying that noone should do that, Im just saying thats not the best option for everyone.

Dead-Man-Walking that looks a bit like it's a Pitlords pet,servant,slave,alternate form, etc. Looks awesome so far
Level 9
Jun 3, 2009
Since its about evoulution I think people should concider to make a more detailed evoulution like from birth to death (example egg to old beetle). Not a upgrade-nextstage-more wings that doesnt seem so natural in my mind. But do as you wish im just saying. Anyway keep drawing, awesome :D

Yeah mine starts off as an egg
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