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Codeless Save and Load (Multiplayer) - v3.0.1

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

If you've ever wanted to transfer progress between multiplayer maps, you probably needed to type in a long code.

That is no longer needed with this system. This will allow you to read save data from your WC3 folder and sync it to all other players in the map.

The demo map features:
  1. Load without typing anything
  2. Save Hero
    • Level/XP
    • Items
    • Abilities
    • Hero Name

  3. 5 Save Slots
* Everything is customizable and you can make the system save & load anything you want.

* This system is intended for GUI users.


To import the system, all you have to do is copy the trigger folders over to your map and save it.







Pipedream (optimal save system)

Codeless Save & Load v1.3.9 (Map)

Codeless Save & Load v3.0.1 (Map)

Awaiting further review
Promoted to HQ because it would have gotten it if it were a thing back then :psmile: High Quality
Level 5
Oct 31, 2011
I'm not good at jass and triggrer...

I want to use it is the Jass, it is the most complete system for dialog...
Level 5
Jul 17, 2010
whenever I load a hero (multiplayer game) appears quit mission...
From the comments i can see you are having a hard tie with this system.

First of read through the system, see and read all the exsampels.

If you still do not understand it read it again.
Then recommend you to read the tons of tutorials you can learn the basics and advanced knowledge you need to operate this system
The screenshots clearly show you can save more than one character.
Dude this thread made me laugh uncontrollably...

Great resource here, only unfortunate thing is that most players would neglect enabling local files.

I have my own stupid question to throw into the mix... Do you need local files enabled to load data from the disc, or can you not have it enabled and still sync ram? Example: Player camera x/y
Dude this thread made me laugh uncontrollably...

Great resource here, only unfortunate thing is that most players would neglect enabling local files.

I have my own stupid question to throw into the mix... Do you need local files enabled to load data from the disc, or can you not have it enabled and still sync ram? Example: Player camera x/y

You don't need local files enabled to sync camera position.

You can check out the replies in my Sync resource, there's an example there.
Updated to 1.3.0.

I implemented support for the new MemoryAPI, meaning your or your players are no longer required to have local files enabled.

If you don't have the API it will default to the Preload natives, which require local files.

If you want to edit the demo map with the new memory API features, you will need this:

[MemoryHacks] NewGen Integration
Level 8
Apr 8, 2009
Having slight troubles with this.

I got it all up and running, the codeless loading however seems not to work.
I can save--- and manually input -load+code and it'll do just fine.
If I load through the dialog menu it will give me a message saying my Hero has been loaded, but it won't create the Hero.

I HAVE enabled local files, both manually with the .bat and through the NGWE extensions > Enable local files.

Am I missing something?
Having slight troubles with this.

I got it all up and running, the codeless loading however seems not to work.
I can save--- and manually input -load+code and it'll do just fine.
If I load through the dialog menu it will give me a message saying my Hero has been loaded, but it won't create the Hero.

I HAVE enabled local files, both manually with the .bat and through the NGWE extensions > Enable local files.

Am I missing something?

Does the dialog work from the demo map?

Do you get the message at the beginning stating that you need to enable local files. In your personal map, copy the Map Start trigger over (only first 4 lines) to see.

Feel free to send me your map.
Level 8
Apr 8, 2009
Does the dialog work from the demo map?

Do you get the message at the beginning stating that you need to enable local files. In your personal map, copy the Map Start trigger over (only first 4 lines) to see.

Feel free to send me your map.

Thanks for the reply!

To sum it up;

-Yes, the dialog load works from the demo map
-No, I no longer get the message stating I need to enable local files (I did after I disabled it in NGWE, and then I manually enabled with the .bat)
-Copied the Map start trigger to see, do not get the enable local files messages

I'll send you my map in a pm :)

Updated core libraries and documentation.
Included how-to trigger folder with some basic information.

@TriggerHappy you mind posting the system + demo code in your description?

All of the core libraries are already posted elsewhere. The rest of the triggers/code are demonstrations of how to piece it all together.
Level 1
Nov 30, 2011
Hi guys, the system works great, except for a problem which I can not solve: when I want to increase the size of my map to more than 64 x 64 system is crashes. any idea or solution? :( TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

So there were preload changes.. I guess we have to wait for Blizzard's solution? Gonna take a "while".

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I don't follow. If the local files have new extension appended to the name, how could save files work?
Level 5
May 8, 2009
Hi! thank you for your work.
for some reason i can't host the demo map on Lan,the map simply don't appear at all.i can open it with the newgen but i can't see it in the game lobby,
EDIT: i forgot to mention that i can run the map through the editors test functionality,with no errors.

My warcraft 3 tft version is 126.
i have enable local files.
i have selected vexorian.

Any help will be vastly appreciated.
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Level 5
May 8, 2009
Does it work in single player? The game not showing up in a LAN lobby has to do with your network.

The map works fine for me in LAN btw.

no i meant to say that i can't find the map in game,so i cant select it(i did double check the directory).
i go to create a game on lan but i can't see the map,i can see my other maps and select them,but not this one.
so nothing to do with network.this looks more like incompatibility between the map and the game.and just test it for singleplayer to be in the safe side,and nope not there either.
i can only play the map through the newgen by playtesting it.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
So I just downloaded your JNGP and the map but the dialoge system isnt working for me which means i can press any button and nothing happens. -save works but -load <code> doesn't. Simply nothing happenes. I am a bit confused..am I missing something? great system if its working

/e: ok I had to enable local files, which is weird because I thought you saved the map with enabled local files extension so this option is already set for me when opening the map but it wasnt.

/e2: when I load my hero he always spawns on the top of the map instead of the region where I setup he should spawn...very weird. This only happens when loading with the dialoge system
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Level 8
Apr 8, 2009
/e2: when I load my hero he always spawns on the top of the map instead of the region where I setup he should spawn...very weird. This only happens when loading with the dialoge system

Had same issue--- the Codeless save/load dialog does not load through the GUI code. It operates seperately..
So if you're a pure GUI user then the code-less saveload is kind of hard (impossible?) to use really.
Had same issue--- the Codeless save/load dialog does not load through the GUI code. It operates seperately..
So if you're a pure GUI user then the code-less saveload is kind of hard (impossible?) to use really.

The GUI is code-less too..

You're also telling me a GUI user can't make his own dialog system?

I hooked up the dialog system to the GUI for a user that needed it (was you I think), but I figured the user would replace the dialog with his own or something else. The dialog system is also kind of flawed in multiplayer (each player needs their own dialog handle). I'll get around to fixing it.
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Level 5
Oct 31, 2011
You can tell which triggers you have modified for me to update version 1.3.4 on my map or you just modified the Dialog system?
Level 8
Apr 8, 2009
The GUI is code-less too..

You're also telling me a GUI user can't make his own dialog system?

I hooked up the dialog system to the GUI for a user that needed it (was you I think), but I figured the user would replace the dialog with his own or something else. The dialog system is also kind of flawed in multiplayer (each player needs their own dialog handle). I'll get around to fixing it.

When you helped me the GUI did not include code-less save/load. /w or w/o own dialog system.
This was simply because the codeless save/load details were not configurable from the GUI section :\... Which is literally the only problem right now.
When you helped me the GUI did not include code-less save/load. /w or w/o own dialog system.
This was simply because the codeless save/load details were not configurable from the GUI section :\... Which is literally the only problem right now.

You do realize the GUI triggers support loading without a code too?

Anyway the dialog is updated now.
Level 5
Oct 31, 2011
Where is the hero's position settings, and how do I disable saving attributes such as strength, agility, and Intelligence?
I need help please, this version has changed a lot.
Level 8
Apr 8, 2009


The dialog was separate from the GUI triggers previously, though.

Well okay, sure if you say so.

But on the side--- when you helped me, your answer greatly differed from your current answer.
Well okay, sure if you say so.

But on the side--- when you helped me, your answer greatly differed from your current answer.

You're either trolling or an idiot. Go ahead and try to quote me where I stated you can't load without a code using the GUI triggers.

Rather you stop posting useless shit in my thread, though.
Level 8
Apr 8, 2009
You're either trolling or an idiot. Go ahead and try to quote me where I stated you can't load without a code using the GUI triggers.

Rather you stop posting useless shit in my thread, though.

Then why did you make me CnP all your edited Jass scripts huh? (which FYI still don't work, but you ignored my messages since a long time ago.)

Point is---regardless of wether you can call the load/save function through GUI--- the actual saving/loading data is determined in the Jass.
Which was also the question asked by nordmar:
"/e2: when I load my hero he always spawns on the top of the map instead of the region where I setup he should spawn...very weird. This only happens when loading with the dialoge system"

>because they fucking Codeless save/load function calls don't take the set data from the GUI.

Sure you can "Load from the GUI" --- you won't be loading what you want, BUT HEY IT DOES THINGS.
Then why did you make me CnP all your edited Jass scripts huh? (which FYI still don't work, but you ignored my messages since a long time ago.)

Because the dialog system was previously not hooked up to the GUI triggers, so I showed you how to do it.

Its now hooked up to the dialog by default now, as you can see from me mentioning it a few times above.

Point is---regardless of wether you can call the load/save function through GUI--- the actual saving/loading data is determined in the Jass.

Sure, the Sync library is in JASS. However choosing what data to save/load is by default, done in GUI, which is what we're talking about.

"/e2: when I load my hero he always spawns on the top of the map instead of the region where I setup he should spawn...very weird. This only happens when loading with the dialoge system"

>because they fucking Codeless save/load function calls don't take the set data from the GUI.

Sure you can "Load from the GUI" --- you won't be loading what you want, BUT HEY IT DOES THINGS.

I thought it was obvious, the last update fixed all of that?

Do I really have to spoon feed this information to you? lol

Once again (I think you might need it..):

i said:
choosing what data to save/load is by default, done in GUI
i said:
The dialog system is now completely hooked up to the GUI triggers.
Level 5
Oct 31, 2011
Because the dialog system was previously not hooked up to the GUI triggers, so I showed you how to do it.

Its now hooked up to the dialog by default now, as you can see from me mentioning it a few times above.

Sure, the Sync library is in JASS. However choosing what data to save/load is by default, done in GUI, which is what we're talking about.

I thought it was obvious, the last update fixed all of that?

Do I really have to spoon feed this information to you? lol

Once again (I think you might need it..):

Where is the hero's position settings, and how do I disable saving attributes such as strength, agility, and Intelligence?
I need help please, this version has changed a lot.
Is it possible to add any system, an option to save gold, lumber and a pet with inventory?

The reason I don't respond to you is that all the answers to your questions are obvious and have already been answered or explained in the thread.

Take five seconds to read the instructions and look at the triggers and it should be clear that you can add values to the save code. You can use any save system you want.

Matter of fact, Nestharus already answered you earlier (same question): Codeless Save and Load (Multiplayer) - v1.3.4 I know I have too.

If you can't figure it out than maybe you should try a new system. It literally takes 2 lines of copy and paste to add values to the save code (and load).

It should also be glaringly obvious which parts save stats:

  • Actions
    • -------- ------------------- --------
    • -------- Save Attributes --------
    • -------- ------------------- --------
    • Set SaveCount = (SaveCount + 1)
    • Set SaveValue[SaveCount] = (Strength of SaveTempUnit (Exclude bonuses))
    • Set SaveMaxValue[SaveCount] = 999
    • -------- ------------------- --------
    • Set SaveCount = (SaveCount + 1)
    • Set SaveValue[SaveCount] = (Agility of SaveTempUnit (Exclude bonuses))
    • Set SaveMaxValue[SaveCount] = 999
    • -------- ------------------- --------
    • Set SaveCount = (SaveCount + 1)
    • Set SaveValue[SaveCount] = (Intelligence of SaveTempUnit (Exclude bonuses))
    • Set SaveMaxValue[SaveCount] = 999
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