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BTNSylvan Enchantress

Made this icon for Sylvan Enchantress model created by AndrewOverload519

I saved a lot of process pictures for this one (about 25 or so), was saving every once in awhile because I wanted to explain to a friend how I create these in detail. I'll post it here too for anyone interested:

I think I should've probably played around with making her look cuter since Dryads generally are kinda cute with their voice and stuff. I might've made her face a bit too sharp looking more like an elven warrior..

BTNHeroSylvanEnchantress (Icon)

BTNSylvanEnchantress (Icon)

Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I understand the picture presented in description but it looks like you traced over the original blizzard icon and just add bits and bits, do you have any bigger photos or work in progress's.
In Pixel Art you usually use blobs to start off with, I bypassed the process of making my own blobs by color reducing screenshots of the models and then went from there.
Here's a heavily enlarged original file.

Actually, since I do see where you're coming from with your doubt in me, as I am an oddball working in this way and do see reason why I'd have to prove myself.. There are also issues displaying this kind of work method, as zooming in the process picture in a webbrowser will blur the image and you won't see the pixels clear and gif file does make a bit of a mess.. But it's really time wasting for me to spend more time just to provide additional process image.. But anyway here is a 512x512 size version of the process showing the pixels clearly.. This shows majority of the clusters and pixel placement, and majority of the anti-aliasing work is done by hand.

Edit 2:
@HappyTauren it's not a edit of the original authors icon, though it seems the original icon was also made by screenshotting the model. What I did was I took my own screenshot of the model from a different angle and I color reduced it to generate blobs (basic pixel clusters) that with pixel art methods I polished into a more detailed icon.
Last edited:
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I really suggest you to use softbrushs, it will make all your volumes so much better! (yes, even in 64 by 64) because that's the size I work with as well :)

I'm really impressed how clean your work is considering you use brushes, every pixel feels like it's perfectly placed. I could never have this kind of control over the pixels in my attempts of using brush tools, so I stuck with pixeling.. It feels like I have so much to learn if I was gonna start practicing with brushes, and currently I have a lot of work to do and very little time apparently.