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[Campaign] AU Alliance Campaign Act 1 (Mission 1+2)

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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Update 09 May 2018

  • Mission 1 Shipyard Hint now works.
  • Mission 1 is now 100% complete.
  • Still working on Mission 2.
  • I repeatedly broke the cutscenes. I have now disabled the midgame naga cinematic while I work on other things.
  • I am trying to learn how to make JASS AI.
  • Trying to figure out how to make the necessary changes to Mission 2.
Mission 1: 100% complete.
Mission 2: 11% complete (lots to do).
Mission 3: 0% complete, just a placeholder test ground for now. Use it to have a look at the custom armies and heroes I have made. All custom armies are complete, but I haven't finished all the abilities for the custom heroes. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for spells I could use or make.

Mission X: idea for way later down the track. I will use the map from TFT undead campaign "Chapter six: A New Power in Lordaeron" for my mission in Lordaeron City but just delete the triggers and units and start from there.

Update 16 April 2018

I am still working on this slowly.

  • I am very slowly learning things about how to make AI.
  • I removed Frigates from Mission 1 as I realised they are rather game breaking in Mission 2 and it doesn't make sense to have them in Mission 1 but not in Mission 2. I just randomly added them to Mission 1 for no particular reason anyway so no loss there.
  • I still haven't figured out how to make hints work.
  • Reworked Mission 1 and 2 so that only hard difficulty applies.
  • I've started on the process of adding new triggers for Mission 2 and removing/editing all the Naga related ones. I am thinking my new plan will be to set up the map without any allied AI (as that is taking a long time) and just try to get the other things done which I more or less understand how to do.
Mission 1: 99% complete (just need to figure out how to make the hint work).
Mission 2: 10% complete (lots to do).
Mission 3: 0% complete, just a placeholder test ground for now.

Update 24 Feb 2018

  • Recommenced work on this project. However, I continue to work over full time hours and I expect my progress on this personal project to be slow.
  • Latest campaign is attached as of this date.
  • Issues with ripped campaign being embedded in official campaign have been resolved.
  • Mission 1 is 99% complete and should be bug free. Please let me know if anything is still wrong with it!
  • Last remaining thing on my list to add to Mission 1 is a hint to build shipyards.
  • Working on Mission 2. I've created some of the custom units for this mission (blood elf lieutenant, human casters for Garithos ally, etc.)
  • Mission 2 major work required: removal of naga, editing of mid-game cutscene to account for removal of naga, creation of ai for ally, triggers for ally entering the game at 30-45 minute mark, new mid-game cutscene, removal of old end-game cutscene, new end-game cutscene, adding other campaign heroes (Garithos) to hero cache, and more.
  • Mission 3 is a placeholder map that I am currently using to test various things such as that hero/item caches are working and custom units. The full human, dwarf, and elf armies are now complete and can be toyed with. I still need to finish each races' structures and worker units.
I expect that the work on Mission 2 will take me awhile because I've got a lot to learn and I am sure there will be bugs and other things I haven't accounted for yet.

I have updated Mission 1 with some help from the posters here. Please test the latest map and let me know if you find anymore bugs!

Mission 2 should not have any different gameplay at this stage, but item caches and such should be in effect.

Below is a recap of the information I gave in my original post.


I am working on an Alternate Universe Alliance Campaign. Mission 1 is ready for testing. It is very similar to the official campaign and won't be as different as Mission 2 will be. The main changes are as follows:

  1. Kael has an undroppable item (Felo'melorn) that he should start with.
  2. The mission is now called Conceptions instead of Misconceptions.
  3. Kael refuses Vashj's offer of transports which should be accurately reflected in the cutscene.
  4. The transports should be blue color in the cutscene and NOT appear after the cutscene.
  5. Peasants can build human shipyards.
  6. Human shipyards can build human transports and human frigates. Ships should only cost gold and lumber; they should not cost food.
  7. The final cutscene should be a bit different as well. Kael responds that he chased of the naga and Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos' reply is (respectively) more positive than in the official version since Kael doesn't consort with the naga in this alternate universe.
Also, I was thinking about adding a hint to build a human shipyard after the goblin shipyard cutscene with the naga, but I haven't figured out how to get the hint to be triggered by the cutscene.

Idea Factory discussion: [Campaign] - AU Alliance Campaign G2

Alright, thanks for your help everyone! Both testers and advice givers and all! Cheers.


  • AU Alliance Campaign v2.w3n
    1.3 MB · Views: 306
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Level 5
Sep 13, 2016
Well I gave this map a spin. Taking into consideration that we have a map that is a rip from the original campaign there isn't much to speak about the big part of the mission. So let's talk about the changes.

1)Felo'melorn acts as a Fire Orb...that is it, but the touch of lore is nice so good job on that.
2)Conceptions because Kael fought against the Naga
3)Well Kael looked more aggressive than he should have been, but okay it's an enemy coming to help him it's sane to act like that.
4) Well the trigger work on that one.
5) It spread your economy a little bit thin if you don't plan to do the side quest, but it's can be done if you get the first cache.
6)Well the frigates can be used as overexpensive scouts and they can also be used defend those two points by the sea, excellent choke point.
7)In a way I think they both share a common hate for the naga, but Garithos is still a prick.

One more thing to note. If you try to do this map on a account that has never finished the Night Elf campaign you can actually play the Blood Elf campaign first. Sure once you exit it goes away, but it's quite an interesting bug that after you finish the map the normal campaign starts. Something to be fixed in the future. Now I am just waiting to see the actual changes and where the storyline is going. I guess in the second map you don't get the help of the Naga...but that might just be your doom.

Cheers, mate.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Thanks so much! Glad to know I didn't accidentally break the map (unless we count that whole starting the night elf campaign thing)! I'd like to fix things later so it doesn't interfere with the regular campaign like that. That was completely unintentional.

(1) With Felo'melorn I wasn't trying to make it anything more than flavor so I made it just a little stronger than a regular fire orb so that it was still kind of cool without making it OP (as a legit legendary item would basically make the early missions ezmode imo).

(2) Yeah, not sure if it's a name I am happy with just yet, lol. Not sure if it's dumb or not, but I want to at least make sure it is displayed correctly. Had it display the wrong name a few times at first until I changed it everywhere I could find it.

(3) Yeah, he had just been fighting them and the last time he talked about the naga he referred to them as vile serpents. I don't see why he would suddenly have a change of heart. I wanted to use his other voice lines so that it was actually spoken, but after several attempts I gave up on that. At least for now.

(4) Good, I messed it up a bunch of times at first.

(5) There are also additional hidden lumber supplies (bandit camps I think and definitely in the southeast corner of the map behind a building) which were already included but which I found upon extensive searching. I considered adding more, but I decided that there is already enough and it's better for the player to feel a little starved. It's not really a zombie/demon apocalypse if everything is easy.

(6) Interesting what you did with the frigates. Glad you had fun with. I mainly added them because I thought to myself "if you can build small transports, why not small fighters?" I didn't do much with them other than secure landing sites for my transports by killing beach-going gnolls.

(7) Lol.

If you want to see where I am going with this then my whole campaign discussion is here: AU Alliance Campaign where Kael/blood elves stay in the Alliance


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Keep at it man and great things will come, also that refusal from Kael feels a bit short he just says no and the cutscene ends.

For the Alliance and for the North.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Keep at it man and great things will come, also that refusal from Kael feels a bit short he just says no and the cutscene ends.

For the Alliance and for the North.

First, dope name and portrait. Imperial Guard 4 lyfe.

Second, thanks man.

As far as the cutscene, I definitely want to think of better dialogue and/or figure out how to get some other voice lines to work. Even just adding a response from Vashj ("You're making a mistake, Prince Kael." or something) would definitely improve it. Thanks for the input.

"Born in the south to die in the north."
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
It's just a stand alone map at this stage. Later I want to make it all into a custom campaign which would go into the campaign folder but at this stage just put this file into the custom maps folder as it is just a map file.

I hope you enjoy my little changes (this first one is mechanically almost the same as the official mission) and please let me know if there are any bugs. When I was testing it myself I had to do a bunch of fixes when I got the triggers/cutscenes wrong so it's possible that I didn't catch some other mistakes I made or there are some other ways I can improve it or whatever.

Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
It's slowed to a crawl. I've recently increased my workload by pretty much x5. Still stuck on figuring out how to rip it properly from the official campaign. Currently, it's a bit buggy. It's been reported to me that it affects the regular campaign but I don't want that to happen. (Like, it was reported to me that someone played the mission and found his whole night elf campaign complete even though he had never started it on that computer.)

And I have a lot to learn in order to make the more complicated missions work properly. I am glad to hear anyone is interested though! It's very motivating to have others appreciate the same stuff as me, lol! Thanks!
Level 12
May 13, 2017
Still stuck on figuring out how to rip it properly from the official campaign. Currently, it's a bit buggy. It's been reported to me that it affects the regular campaign but I don't want that to happen.
I'm not sure what the exact reason for those issues are. However, to my experience, whenever your maps take and use resources(or save/load information) from the original campaign, they will affect the original campaign. I took a look at your map. Here're some possible reasons. Let's take a look at those triggers:

- Initialization - In this trigger you can find the code line 'Game - Set campaign to Expansion Human Campaign'. To my understanding, what this basically does is that it will embed your map as a part of the Exp Human Campaign, treating it as an original map. Try quitting the map, I believe you will get carried to the menu screen of the exp Human campaign.

- Load Heroes - Here look at the line 'Game Cache - Create a game cache from Campaigns.w3v'. If you don't know Campaigns.w3v is the game cache (or the internal save pool) that the main game uses. Using the same save pool means you have to take the save information from the saves of the original game but not from your maps. Therefore, the game may get confused not knowking if your map is the original one or not, causing many bugs. You can solve this problem by using another save pool by naming it something else other than Campaigns.w3v. However, taking information from a save pool without anything saved in it is not how a game should be loaded.

- Next Level Prep - Here it's the same as the trigger above.

- Next Level Run - This one we have 'Game - Set the next level to Maps\FrozenThrone\Campaign\HumanX02.w3x'. The path this code line uses is the path to the next original map of the game. By doing this, you accidentally get the original map and a custom map connected. Since you are uploading this map as a single map, not a campaign, this line is not needed since there is no 'next level' to set anyway.

Again I'm not sure what really causes the problems. All of those are just my hypothesis which I learn the hard ways on my way of making campaigns. I hope it can help you and save you time not having to figure all of this out yourself.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
So umm
Do i have to play it on the latest Warcraft 3 frozen throne patch version or 1.27?

Latest I think since I made it on the latest patch.

I'm not sure what the exact reason for those issues are. However, to my experience, whenever your maps take and use resources(or save/load information) from the original campaign, they will affect the original campaign. I took a look at your map. Here're some possible reasons. Let's take a look at those triggers:

- Initialization - In this trigger you can find the code line 'Game - Set campaign to Expansion Human Campaign'. To my understanding, what this basically does is that it will embed your map as a part of the Exp Human Campaign, treating it as an original map. Try quitting the map, I believe you will get carried to the menu screen of the exp Human campaign.

- Load Heroes - Here look at the line 'Game Cache - Create a game cache from Campaigns.w3v'. If you don't know Campaigns.w3v is the game cache (or the internal save pool) that the main game uses. Using the same save pool means you have to take the save information from the saves of the original game but not from your maps. Therefore, the game may get confused not knowking if your map is the original one or not, causing many bugs. You can solve this problem by using another save pool by naming it something else other than Campaigns.w3v. However, taking information from a save pool without anything saved in it is not how a game should be loaded.

- Next Level Prep - Here it's the same as the trigger above.

- Next Level Run - This one we have 'Game - Set the next level to Maps\FrozenThrone\Campaign\HumanX02.w3x'. The path this code line uses is the path to the next original map of the game. By doing this, you accidentally get the original map and a custom map connected. Since you are uploading this map as a single map, not a campaign, this line is not needed since there is no 'next level' to set anyway.

Again I'm not sure what really causes the problems. All of those are just my hypothesis which I learn the hard ways on my way of making campaigns. I hope it can help you and save you time not having to figure all of this out yourself.

Awesome thanks. I'll go through these items as soon as I get the chance.

@ThinhHo nailed it. I also used to experience the same issue in my remake attempt. You can check them for a general idea of how to fix the issue.

What remake did you do?
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
- Initialization - In this trigger you can find the code line 'Game - Set campaign to Expansion Human Campaign'. To my understanding, what this basically does is that it will embed your map as a part of the Exp Human Campaign, treating it as an original map. Try quitting the map, I believe you will get carried to the menu screen of the exp Human campaign.

Alright, so I found this and I just deleted it. I am not sure if I need to replace it with something else or not.

- Load Heroes - Here look at the line 'Game Cache - Create a game cache from Campaigns.w3v'. If you don't know Campaigns.w3v is the game cache (or the internal save pool) that the main game uses. Using the same save pool means you have to take the save information from the saves of the original game but not from your maps. Therefore, the game may get confused not knowking if your map is the original one or not, causing many bugs. You can solve this problem by using another save pool by naming it something else other than Campaigns.w3v. However, taking information from a save pool without anything saved in it is not how a game should be loaded.

For this part I changed it to 'Game Cache - Save (Last created game cache'.

At this stage, I am not 100% sure how I am supposed to go about this, but I am fairly sure I need to create a cache for the heroes so that they are progress through the levels with the correct levels/items.

- Next Level Prep - Here it's the same as the trigger above.

It took me awhile to find these ones, lol.

Okay for the 'set campaign to expansion human campaign' part I just deleted it again. For the 'Game Cache - Store Kael as Kael of HumanX02" I changed the last part to AUHumanX02 (I am using AU, meaning Alternate Universe) and for the 'Game - Enable Human X02' I just deleted it.

- Next Level Run - This one we have 'Game - Set the next level to Maps\FrozenThrone\Campaign\HumanX02.w3x'. The path this code line uses is the path to the next original map of the game. By doing this, you accidentally get the original map and a custom map connected. Since you are uploading this map as a single map, not a campaign, this line is not needed since there is no 'next level' to set anyway.

Here I changed 'Game - Set the next level to Maps\Frozen Thronze\Campaign\HumanX02' by just removing the Maps\Frozen Thronze\Campaign\HumanX02 and leaving it blank. I don't know if I will need to fill it later or do something else.

I'll edit this in a minute to attach the edited map for testing.

Edit: Okay, here it is!

AUHumanX01 - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com

I also wanted to upload the campaign but epicwar.com was only taking map files so I am not sure how to share it.

I am still having the issue of being unable to attach the map to a campaign file which I want to solve before progressing onto making the other maps.

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The cache supposed to have it's name changed. I for one changed it into CampaignR.w3v you can change it into KaelAlt.w3v for example.

The level part was suppose to be related to the name of the second map file.

I apologize for promotions, but I suggest you to try checking my file out, especially the first two chapters.

[Campaign] - Campaign - Curse of the Blood Elves
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
The cache supposed to have it's name changed. I for one changed it into CampaignR.w3v you can change it into KaelAlt.w3v for example.

Did you mean this part?
For this part I changed it to 'Game Cache - Save (Last created game cache'.

I just haven't created a cache with a name yet so I left it this way. My intention is to double back and fill in the names once I have figured out some stuff. Right now, I just want to not break the campaign lol. Next step will be to figure out how to make my own caches/campaign links or whatever they are called.

The level part was suppose to be related to the name of the second map file.

Yeah, same issue basically. I haven't got the mission 2 yet so no name yet lol. Just placeholding it blank. Once I have a mission 2 then I will put in the name for it.

I apologize for promotions, but I suggest you to try checking my file out, especially the first two chapters.

No need to apologise. I appreciate the help. I'll take a look when I can.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
So any update?

I am working on it again... SLOWLY, as I am still working a ton. I have restarted and my first objective was to rip the campaign missions without any bugs embedding it into the official campaign.

I believe I have resolved the issue with the rip still being embedded in the official campaign now. Bloodsoul helped me with that in this thread: [General] - Campaign: "unknown map files"?

My current objectives are:
  • Figure out how to upload the campaign so people can test it
  • Re-create the first mission (essentially making all the same changes I listed above in this thread)
  • Making sure all my custom edits are tied into the whole campaign and not a single standalone map (a mistake I made last time)
  • Making sure everything carries over properly from mission 1 to mission 2
  • Editing mission 2 for the first time which will involve a lot of things such as:
  1. Removing the Naga and adding tons of hints
  2. Expanding the east side of the map so Dalaran is included
  3. Heavily editing the final cinematic and all related triggers
  4. Creating triggers that introduce Garithos allies at roughly 30-45 min into the mission
  5. Creating the AI for this ally
  6. Adding some Dialogue
Edit: I also need to figure out how to disable or remove easy/normal difficulties. I only want to make one version of this in hard difficulty.
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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Figure out how to upload the campaign so people can test it
What do you mean? Can't you just upload the file using "upload a file" button next to the "post reply" one?

Edit: I also need to figure out how to disable or remove easy/normal difficulties. I only want to make one version of this in hard difficulty.
Why would you want only one difficulty version? It will only make it harder for people to enjoy your maps.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
What do you mean? Can't you just upload the file using "upload a file" button next to the "post reply" one?

I honestly just never noticed this button. I will try that now, thanks!

Why would you want only one difficulty version? It will only make it harder for people to enjoy your maps.

A central part of the whole idea is that it's supposed to be hard so that is the only version I want to make.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
A central part of the whole idea is that it's supposed to be hard so that is the only version I want to make.
Well, I don't really see a point in something like that, but it's your project and thus ultimately your choice.

I just think that more people would play and enjoy your project if you provided multiple difficulties, so that players can adjust the challenge level to their skill. After all, what you consider easy might be challenging to someone else and vice versa.

And, at the end of the day, doing multiple difficulties wouldn't hurt people who love the challenge at all as they'd still have that hard difficulty to play with, so "your central part of the idea" would still be perfectly fine. At the same time, those who would find hard simply too frustrating and uplayable would also get a difficulty level that matches their capabilities, so that they wouldn't be forced to either cheat their way through your campaign or quit playing it alltogether.

This sounds like a win-win situation to me as both the more "hardocore" and more "regular" players would get to play and enjoy your project, so unless you are simply not willing to put in some extra work to have multiple difficulties, I can't really see a reason why you would limit your campaign to only have one difficulty.

But then again, as I've said before - it's your project and your choice :) I'm just trying to give a bit of feedback for you to consider :)
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Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
And, at the end of the day, doing multiple difficulties wouldn't hurt people who love the challenge at all as they'd still have that hard difficulty to play with, so "your central part of the idea" would still be perfectly fine. At the same time, those who would find hard simply too frustrating and uplayable would also get a difficulty level that matches their capabilities, so that they wouldn't be forced to either cheat their way through your campaign or quit playing it alltogether.

Um sorry to say i'm am normal player who either use his skills from average to minor hardcore or use cheat but purposely for roleplay
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Well, I don't really see a point in something like that, but it's your project and thus ultimately your choice.

I just think that more people would play and enjoy your project if you provided multiple difficulties, so that players can adjust the challenge level to their skill. After all, what you consider easy might be challenging to someone else and vice versa.

And, at the end of the day, doing multiple difficulties wouldn't hurt people who love the challenge at all as they'd still have that hard difficulty to play with, so "your central part of the idea" would still be perfectly fine. At the same time, those who would find hard simply too frustrating and uplayable would also get a difficulty level that matches their capabilities, so that they wouldn't be forced to either cheat their way through your campaign or quit playing it alltogether.

This sounds like a win-win situation to me as both the more "hardocore" and more "regular" players would get to play and enjoy your project, so unless you are simply not willing to put in some extra work to have multiple difficulties, I can't really see a reason why you would limit your campaign to only have one difficulty.

But then again, as I've said before - it's your project and your choice :) I'm just trying to give a bit of feedback for you to consider :)

Look, thanks, I appreciate it. I may very well enable it if I learn how to do it and it's not too difficult. The first two missions already have those sorts of triggers built in as I ripped them from the official campaign. Normally, I am very like minded. However, this whole thing is born from a roleplay-esque hardcore challenge.

The only thing I am going to commit to is creating the hard mode. Making an easy/normal mode simply isn't a high priority for me and is something to consider again in the distant future.

Um sorry to say i'm am normal player who either use his skills from average to minor hardcore or use cheat but purposely for roleplay

Cool. It's a game so play it whatever way is fun for you.

Edit: I've updated the OP so please take a look!
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Level 9
Mar 29, 2015
Has anyone had the chance to test the updated campaign?

Tested. Theere's not much difference from the vanilla, so not much to test, but everything seemed to work. The only thing I would suggest is adding a hint to the player that they need to build a shipyard after you turn the naga away, but I notice that that's what you already have planned, so there's not much to talk about in terms of bugs.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Tested. Theere's not much difference from the vanilla, so not much to test, but everything seemed to work. The only thing I would suggest is adding a hint to the player that they need to build a shipyard after you turn the naga away, but I notice that that's what you already have planned, so there's not much to talk about in terms of bugs.

Great! That's good to hear, thank you. I broke the mission in so many ways the first time I did it so I am glad to hear it's actually working this time.

I am actually having a lot of trouble getting the hint to work... lol. I thought it would be really easy. I thought I could just copy one of the pre-existing hints to figure out how it works, but I couldn't figure it out yesterday.

It will be the next thing I try to figure out (next weekend at the earliest). Mission 1 only requires this one new hint, but mission 2 will require a lot of hints so I better figure it out sooner rather than later.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Yeah, as the campaign progresses I want there to be more items. Felo'melorn is a pretty strong item in my opinion, and I was happy with not adding any further items to Mission 1. There are 5 other permanent but low level items that can be collected in Mission 1 to help empower Kael in Mission 2. There are also lots of consumables if you want them, but personally I prefer the stat bonuses that make heroes stronger.

It's definitely going to be an important aspect of Mission 3 onwards where I will have to make the whole loot table. As Mission 1 and 2 are ripped from the official campaign, I am unlikely to change the loot table more than I have. I probably won't add any more items to Mission 2.

Right now I am making a map to learn and test ai editing as well as anything else I need to figure out before I start trying to implement it directly into Mission 2 and breaking it. I also still have to get the hints to work.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
ummmmmmmm i finish playing the chapter one though
but errrrr the chapter
yes is usual but i thought you said the naga where remove but i was playing at 128.5 version
the same cinematic and you control the naga ;-;
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Yeah, what I have been trying to figure out is how to get AI to work since I see that as the biggest challenge with Mission 2. I'll probably get around to making the other changes like removing the Naga once I need a break from that. However, Naga were only removed from Mission 1 at this stage.

Right now, Mission 2 is largely unchanged. I just want to make sure caches and things connecting Mission 1 to 2 are working, so that's the only thing to test in Mission 2.

"Mission 3" should be filled with custom models and heroes to mess around with. It's just a test map that I am using where I can test things without being afraid I will break the proper mission maps. Right now it will give you a look at the human/dwarf/elf armies and the custom heroes if you are curious. I am also open to suggestion on the heroes whose abilities I have not yet figured out.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Yeah, what I have been trying to figure out is how to get AI to work since I see that as the biggest challenge with Mission 2. I'll probably get around to making the other changes like removing the Naga once I need a break from that. However, Naga were only removed from Mission 1 at this stage.

Right now, Mission 2 is largely unchanged. I just want to make sure caches and things connecting Mission 1 to 2 are working, so that's the only thing to test in Mission 2.

"Mission 3" should be filled with custom models and heroes to mess around with. It's just a test map that I am using where I can test things without being afraid I will break the proper mission maps. Right now it will give you a look at the human/dwarf/elf armies and the custom heroes if you are curious. I am also open to suggestion on the heroes whose abilities I have not yet figured out.

Talk about heroes abilities If you want to put a Custom Ranger (i hope it was a ranger hero type and i'm okay with the male because either captain or lieutenants but a female ranger type hero i was a fan of it. i find it interesting to see) then pretty much the Ranger hero is either a pure marksmen like one passive and 3 attack spell or a blood elf ranger that would be umm blood elf spell?
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Update 16 April 2018

I am still working on this slowly.

  • I am very slowly learning things about how to make AI.
  • I removed Frigates from Mission 1 as I realised they are rather game breaking in Mission 2 and it doesn't make sense to have them in Mission 1 but not in Mission 2. I just randomly added them to Mission 1 for no particular reason anyway so no loss there.
  • I still haven't figured out how to make hints work.
  • Reworked Mission 1 and 2 so that only hard difficulty applies.
  • I've started on the process of adding new triggers for Mission 2 and removing/editing all the Naga related ones. I am thinking my new plan will be to set up the map without any allied AI (as that is taking a long time) and just try to get the other things done which I more or less understand how to do.
Mission 1: 99% complete (just need to figure out how to make the hint work).
Mission 2: 10% complete (lots to do).
Mission 3: 0% complete, just a placeholder test ground for now.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Thanks, I will try that to fix it.

Any idea why the Naga aren't getting removed? Screenshot attached.

I replaced the triggers at the end of the cinematic that moved the Naga and turned them to Kael's side with those you can see there under "Remove Naga Units". Not sure why it's not working.


  • naga won't get removed.JPG
    naga won't get removed.JPG
    179.1 KB · Views: 93
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
It's still totally broken... lol...

Maybe I will just remove the mid-game cinematic entirely and try to create my own one from scratch. Or maybe I will reinstate the original cinematic by copying it from the official campaign and then start again from there.
Level 12
May 13, 2017
I still haven't figured out how to make hints work.
Hi Standhaft,

This is how I usually make hints in my campaign. The first trigger is activated with the certain event you set. It puts the actual Hint trigger "Hint Boss Q" to a wait list (this wait list in the game is called Trigger Queue and the only way to put triggers in there is to use "Trigger - Add (trigger) to the trigger queue" trigger. If there are other triggers you put in the wait list before this, the other triggers would run first before "Hint Boss Q" can run to show the Hint on your screen. You must remove any trigger in the wait list after it's run so that the next or future triggers in the wait list can run.

  • Hint Boss
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters HeroBossStart <gen>
    • Conditions
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Entering unit) Equal to Adias
          • (Entering unit) Equal to Darak
          • (Entering unit) Equal to Chen
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
      • Trigger - Add Hint Boss Q <gen> to the trigger queue (Checking conditions)
  • Hint Boss Q
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Wait 2.00 seconds
      • Quest - Display to (All players) the Hint message: |cff32cd32HINT|r - ...
      • Wait Campaign hint delay seconds
      • Trigger - Remove (This trigger) from the trigger queue
I hope this help.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
So I have the hint trigger done correctly I believe, but I don't understand how to get it to trigger in both cases of the cutscene ending or the cutscene being skipped.


  • hint trigger.JPG
    hint trigger.JPG
    120.1 KB · Views: 102
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
I think the reason my hint wasn't working before was because I had put something into the trigger queue and then never removed it so nothing else I added to the trigger queue was working.

This project is progressing at a snail's pace. Every time I find a minute to work on it I feel like I break something new and come away with new questions.

However, I can say that my hint for Mission 1 is now working and I am happy to consider it 100% complete.

I am continuing to work on Mission 2.

Update 09 May 2018

  • Mission 1 Shipyard Hint now works.
  • Mission 1 is now 100% complete.
  • Still working on Mission 2.
  • I repeatedly broke the cutscenes. I have now disabled the midgame naga cinematic while I work on other things.
  • I am trying to learn how to make JASS AI.
  • Trying to figure out how to make the necessary changes to Mission 2.
Mission 1: 100% complete.
Mission 2: 11% complete (lots to do).
Mission 3: 0% complete, just a placeholder test ground for now. Use it to have a look at the custom armies and heroes I have made. All custom armies are complete, but I haven't finished all the abilities for the custom heroes. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for spells I could use or make.

Mission X: idea for way later down the track. I will use the map from TFT undead campaign "Chapter six: A New Power in Lordaeron" for my mission in Lordaeron City but just delete the triggers and units and start from there.

(Updated campaign is attached to the OP.)
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Alright, so now I am trying to keep it simple and tackle this in small increments. I have disabled the mid game naga cutscene and put a pin in figuring out how to make good AI. Right now, I just want to create the triggers that will cause the ally faction to arrive. Currently while I am testing it, I want it to occur 60 seconds into Mission 2 but once I get it working I will increase that time to 45 minutes.

Currently, it doesn't work and I don't know why. All I am trying to do is get the gate to open and then have Garithos, a Knight-Captain, and a Knight spawn. Instead, the gate opens and then nothing else happens.

Edit: SOLVED. I was using "turn on trigger" instead of "run trigger".

NEW problem: allied units do not share vision but I have set the player and the human AI as allies (same force) and ticked shared vision. Not sure why that one isn't working.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Hey guys. This has kind of fizzled for me again. Just so busy and tired and this is really slow going.

I may return again when I get a surge of energy.

Thanks for all the support as I've gone along whether I ever get to the finished project or not.
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