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» Chernobyl - Lost Riddles

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Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
i dont think doodad count matters when it comes to performance while your playing the game, however, if you wanted to load the map in WE, it will take shit load of time.

a few ways to increase FPS is :
1) Reducing camera Far Z. depending on how many doodads are within range of the Far Z. For instance, if all 18000 doodads were within 2000 of your camera Z clip, then you would have ultimate ass lag.
If there are 100 dodads within your 2000 z clip, then the lag would be greatly reduced.

2) reducing texture quality and particle quality. Both of these directly effect lag and ur FPS. no matter how many doodads, this will give u ass lag if to much are used.

3) a better computer. overall, the computer determines the most of your quality playing in game. with a good computer, ur fps can be 50 -60. on a shitty computer it can be as low as 7 -15. it all depends.

As for loading your map in WEU or WE, 18000 doodads will SURLY take a while, everytime you save or load ur map.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
This would kick so much ass with some serious FPS camera.

A first person camera would be awesome :D Although, I see a problem with the use of one :S

With a top-down view the player has limited vision over the terrain. This means he/she only has to process the doodads currently in view.

With a first person cam, there's going to be a whole lot more on display. Because of the high-level of doodads, this means most players would experience a much lower frame-rate than usual :( If a players machine isn't up to it, then its gonna cause a lot of lag when playing online :p

But then again, my PC isn't all that high-spec, so it might be worth testing a first person view out just in case ;)
Level 11
Sep 1, 2008





INGAME-SHOTS | with mixed light-sources | stable fps
Level 11
Sep 1, 2008
hey dude <:

I guess the fps-drops were caused by several light-sources. Also the visibility of too many parts on the map.
On the next friday there will be our next test .. it's about to prepare ourselves to create the story | plot-content for the isle and the alpha-yard.

FF7 .. *löl
I've never played it.. but i can't deny a certain similarity. <:
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
I really like the third screenshot :p

The angles a tad funny, but the positioning of all the doodads is just really nice :) Those plants and benches in the middle really give it that "Corporate" feel :p Reminds me of the Shinra building from FF7 :D

Haha yeah when i saw that 3rd screenshot I was like "shinra building much" xD
The ULTIMATE way to save doodads and cpu is to make different variations of the models, so that for example your straight pipes, wich keep showing up, can have an extra model variation consisting of two of the same pipe welded together (making a pipe twice as long). The poly count will be the same, but you will spare wc3 from having to calculate the coordinate of every single doodad, and that saves a lot.
Since you are using practically the same few doodads for a zillion uses, i would recommend tou to do this.
when it comes to the concrete block, you could actually make a model with four such blocks in it. Imagine that.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
The ULTIMATE way to save doodads and cpu is to make different variations of the models, so that for example your straight pipes, wich keep showing up, can have an extra model variation consisting of two of the same pipe welded together (making a pipe twice as long). The poly count will be the same, but you will spare wc3 from having to calculate the coordinate of every single doodad, and that saves a lot.
Since you are using practically the same few doodads for a zillion uses, i would recommend tou to do this.
when it comes to the concrete block, you could actually make a model with four such blocks in it. Imagine that.

im not so sure about this. What causes lag is not the model, or doodad, its the texture the doodad uses.

Ever notice how a shit load of bush doodads cause more lag then the same amount of rock doodads ? Its because the bush doodad has a higher quality texture then the shitty texture rock. im not sure but the rock has higher poly count then the bush.

however you are right on the acccount that it will save doodad space. Instead of using 4 doodads for those ground tiles, you use 1. Which would in the loong run save load time.
Actually, i'm pretty sure that the textures has least to do with the cpu usage!
There is a reason why most game producers choose to put most their detail in the textures instead of polygons. You may notice how almost all large games uses as many large models as possible, even though it would be possible to break off some small models from them and use them separately! WoW is just one example of those, yet it's a blizzard game.
This is because the doodad has to be loaded and rendered every time it gets into picture, wich takes processing power. The properties of each doodad has to be read separately, such as tint, rotation, xyz, pathing, scale, etc.
Level 11
Sep 1, 2008
That's from your site. Are you going to implement this? ^^

Erm, are you sure? Anyway, you might be able to purchase 'Joey'.
He will act like a little helper, with exchangeable circuit boards (characters).

Atm we just have finished the Intro, the Isle and most of the important systems.
Actually we're rebuilding the rooms.. so, there's not much left. (;
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