• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • deepstrasz
    Well, it's about Warcraft III maps but you can ask @Rufus for more details.
    I was thinking of other resources too, but I think it should be another thread somewhere else in that case, to avoid confusion. :)
    I noticed that it is quite a lot to manage with the map review exchange already, so I won't be creating another thread, for other resources, for at least a couple of weeks.

    Tagging @Rex. as he was also interested in an alternate resource review exchange.
    hey dude, lill bit of bad news :u my landsquid model has been put on hold for an unknown amount of time. why? because some glitch happened and rendered me unable to animate rotation on it.. which is ridiculous, because all other models have their rotations very fine..

    sometimes i get the feeling that the unknown forces do not want me to finish this abomination, comically speaking x3
    Hey dude :) Just noticed you have some deleted models around, what's up? Why delete them?
    They were models that I wasn't thinking about updating. I don't want to keep work in progress models in the too simple category. If I update them, then I wont be able to move them away from the too simple category. So I figured I might as well delete them instead.

    Will probably update the steamboat, but it's still in the too simple category.
    "The curious men around him that tried to grab the mysterious shining little device and the mug, which now strangely contained some kind of soup, had been met with such a bloodlust that all of the other nine captives had moved to one of the corners of the carriage. Even the armed men got hesitant about trying to take those things from him. " He got dat inner Satan tho!
    Everyone has their inner demons. Good and evil are two wolves, who will win between them is entirely up to who you feed. To me personally, having things stolen from me will unlock about 15 years of pain and anger. Thus, when I get angry, I get really angry.

    My beloved mug and phone. You will be mine, always. Could you post comments like these in the thread I made?
    Sir, I'll need to confiscate your time travel license and device. Do not pull out a ray gun. We have nukes.
    Being a time traveler, wouldn't it be rather easy to go further back and just prevent you from getting nukes?
    *Forward in time
    I didn't know you were from the future. Cool.
    Could you comment that on the document? My memory is terrible.

    I added some paragraphs inspired by hellsing and the philadelphia experiment movie. In that movie, their invisibility prototype created a portal, causing people to fuse with the ship. I liked that idea and played around with it. It would be useful to have some highlighted points on the document. ;D

    Thanks man. ;D
    I could probably detail more of what happened to the passengers, but I basically just hammered them in there to emphasize the hellishness of the scene. Could you comment that part in the google document? :D

    Oh and I made a thread here at the hive.
    Done bro.
    Hey MiniMage,
    i saw your thread about "Goblin Dominator Squad" a long time ago and i am really interested in the "Goblin Trade Prince" model. :D
    But it seems like you havent uploaded nor the map neither the model yet.
    That's why i'm curious if you will upload the model in the next time here at hive or if you maybe could send it to me? I'm planning to use it in my actual map.

    Hope to hear from you soon. ;)
    I would very much like to have your Goblin Transport ship model. It is difficult to find such quality.
    I suppose I could tinker with it. I did say I would. Some minor fixing with it to ensure that you can select it properly in the editor, and adding various attachment points is basically all I have to do. Will prob. contact Ralle to see if he can move my ship out of the crap section after that.

    Oh and the design changed slightly. :D
    Replying here so we don't deviate from the topic too much :^
    Sorry to hear about all the trouble you've had with your stuff & other people. I admit, I'm surprised you've been "shelved" that often without any notice. In my years I've worked with loads of artists, and for every PROXY or Edge45 or Jigrael there are handfuls of ones that just didn't finish...
    But I feel like usually I'm communicating enough with them to know when stuff happens or things slow down...

    OK, now that I think back, maybe not as much as I thought. :<
    Replying here so we don't deviate the topic too much :v

    That works fine with buildings, but doesn't work with units. The attacks seem to follow a priority rule. Firstly Attack 1, then Attack 2. If attack 1 can be performed (target is among the possible targets to this attack), it won't use attack 2, it will chase the target and use attack 1. I may be wrong, but trying it in-game gave me this conclusion.
    And in addition, if the unit is reachable by the Attack 1, Attack 2 won't ever perform, it will chase the target with Attack 1 instead.

    (I hate this character count limit...)
    I'm not sure what you're arguing here. I've already made it work.
    Hmm.. would you send me? (A map with your implementation, that is)
    Happy bday MiniMage! Sorry for being late but you know... Generally, I suck. Cya around!
    You were indeed late. But shit happnes. Thank you for the belated congratulations. :D
    Happy birthday, Mageling! :)
    Didn't even see this yesterday, nevertheless, it was a wonderful day, thanks for the congratulations. :D
    Happy birthday, man! I wish I had some goblin-art birthday presents for you... But alas. Hope your celebrations are rad!
    Thanks man. :D
    Btw, you could always doodle some concept art. Also, I recently started a RP session with a couple of hivers, wanna doodle something for that or better yet, participate in the RP? :D
    I really appreciate the invitation, but I'm almost certain to not have enough time for it. However, I will take what you said (about drawing) into account; I oughta get back into doodling. Lots of crazy Goblin unit ideas & s uch. : )
    Happy birthday!
    Thanks man, I intend to have a good one. :D
    NVM, I was telling you to apply the wrap to the model so that my life would be easier. ;)
    Oh. Maybe like a harvest moon game. Although you might have already thought of this, but I think just a simple circle or a box as a hand is good enough :D

    I tried downloading 3DSMax but it's just way too big for my turtlenet. It could take weeks literally. I'll just stick with .mdx I guess.

    Okay, lemme see his work after for reference.
    Just send whatever is send-able now, cuz I won't always have connection. At least if I have a model I could experiment on my spare time even without internet.
    If the perspective is like Warcraft they wouldn't need em cuz they're not very noticeable anyway(?), just me though :D

    But what will the models' format dude? Downloaded Milkshape3D and learned it quite a bit reading tutorials. Or just Magos? I have em tools too.
    Can you send me the pony? I'll try skinning it~!
    Kay then~! I'll experiment huehue. I'll tell you when I'm ready, or if it is a failure :D
    Ah, that's the problem, I never skinned before.

    If you're still up for it maybe I'll help a little with the concept art. I have to work too during weekdays so can't really promise to be active.

    You said cutesy with bloods and gore. Does this fit?
    Nvm, if testing the model to view the skinning progress is easy enough, you can just teach me that. I'll try it.
    Looks interesting dude~.

    But first:
    1.) Define "request".
    2.) What kind of work(s) I'll be doing?
    3.) Have you seen my latest submitted icon, what you think of it?
    4.) How many are doing 2d arts, I wanna see their works.

    That's all :D
    Use the pastebin link and check it again. Try out the test map. It looks good in game. I'm not sure what type of viewer you are looking at my PNGs in but the edges should look slightly faded back. Anway, it looks really nice in game. I went back to my old inventory cover because your's was mis-aligned. Mine might be too, but since the edges are all removed it transitions seamlessly in game. If you want I could try to shift it over a few pixels to the right and trim back the black shadow a tad.
    It was nothing important :p I just wanted to know how you felt about a situation like this:
    You have a DoT that will deal damage every second for 5 seconds. Should the DoT deal damage on the 5th second?
    1 second passes -> deal damage
    2 second passes -> deal damage
    3 second passes -> deal damage
    4 second passes -> deal damage
    5 second passes -> end spell?

    Logically, it would make sense for the DoT to immediately go away on the 5th second and not deal damage :p
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