Well... Where should I start with this map...
So first of all there are no descriptions for any towers, abilities, or units. Tooltips need to be there. It's just the way it is.
Secondly, a dialogue option pops up as soon as the game starts with nothing on the buttons. What does each button do? No idea.
Thirdly, you need to make units only spawn for players who are in the game.
The Hero can't fly which means he can't move freely throughout the players area.
Lastly, Level 1 has 1200 hitpoints and there was probably over 100 units that spawned. The Tower I built and upgraded to level 5 did about 180 damage per second. I died pretty much immediately after starting.
With that being said, this seems to be a an attempted conversion of a russian map (thus gathered from the "rus" in the map name and the screenshot above) which explains why there is literally nothing in the tooltips.