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Xavius, Nightmare Lord

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
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Once a Highborne, Xavius was the councilor to Queen Azshara, Empress of Nazjatar and the Naga. He was later transformed into the first satyr by Sargeras, and became the Nightmare Lord as a powerful sorcerer to the Old Gods.

Toward the end of WoW Legion, he took on the power of the Emerald Nightmare to turn himself into this.

Does not have a decay animation.

Credits to Blizzard.

Xavius, Nightmare Lord (Model)

Hello! I've downloaded your model, did some testing and I can offer my review. Ported Models must work when imported into a map without any kind of additional model editing. Required for approval: Must fix Hands attachments (Buffs from Abilities...


Ported Models Reviewer
Level 33
Sep 19, 2010
Hello! I've downloaded your model, did some testing and I can offer my review.

Ported Models must work when imported into a map without any kind of additional model editing.

Required for approval:
  • Must fix Hands attachments (Buffs from Abilities such as Bloodlust won't appear)
  • Walk animation for this model is alright, no need to change

I use MdlVis for attachment points but for some reason I can't open any of your models with it..

Other than that the model works and performs well ingame. Great quality overall!

If you need assistance feel free to ask me anytime!