Wrathion the Uncorrupted Black Dragon Prince

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
This voice like his human form, but deep version because he shift into his dragon form

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells1 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells2 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells3 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells4 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells5 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells6 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonFarewells7 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings1 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings2 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings3 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings4 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings5 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings6 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonGreetings7 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonPissed1 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonPissed2 (Sound)

WrathionBlackDragonPissed3 (Sound)

do you know of somewhere to get the model (both human and dragon form of him?
I'm sorry I don't I only have his dragon form not his human form, only his dragon-like form but is a custom fan-base model. Not his actually in-game form. The only human form I'll have is his days as Prince during Mist of Pandaria.
cool. wonder why you never have bothered to upload him here on hive :)
Alright I will sent both links to you one that is his human-like version and close to it and his two version of dragon forms:

Dragons (Based on Wrathion Model): Google Drive: Sign-in
Wrathrion (Both human and Dragon): Google Drive: Sign-in

There I'll is the link you seek/wish. :thumbs_up: