Holiver said:
Do you know where I could find a tutorial so I could do it myself?
Ah, good, willing to learn. I like that. Little warning, I tend to blabber on and on in my typing
Firstly, you need some sort of program to extract from WoW. I use MyWarcraftStudio, which you can google and find, or you could use WinMPQ. Then you need MdlVis, which is also on google but requires a bit of searching, not being on an English site
Then, load either models.mpq, patch.mpq or patch2.mpq in MyWarcraftStudio, and search around for what you want to extract. You want a character, so go into the "Character" subfolder, and for weapons go into "Items" then "ObjectComponents", where you can also find helmets and shoulders
Anywho, check out the character. See that mess? That's every single armour loaded onto them. Ouch, huh? Extract that and get ready for some majour deletion. Open up MdlVis and click open, change the file extension down the bottom to .m2, and open it. You'll get an error, but just click ok. Then, click the save button, and it will extract it in mdx form. Grab YobGul's WC3 File Converter from the tools section, and change that mdx to an mdl, for later editing
Now, load up WC3Viewer (Grab it in the tools section) and load that mdx. Over on the side you'll see a list of geosets: From the bottom of those, keep disabling until all of the uneeded geosets are removed. Lots of geosets, huh?
Once you've figured out which geosets you need to keep in order to just have the model and nothing extra, open up any program that can delete geosets (Like WC3 Editor, link in a sticky in the model's section, but you'll need to extract the skin file to get this one working properly) and delete all of the uneeded geosets, keeping only the essential ones. They'll have different names if you use WC3 Editor, so just remember roughly their numerical order
Anywho, once you've removed the uneeded geosets, go back into MyWarcraftStudio and check out the Textures folder in any of the various mpq files, and find the textures you need for each model. This'll take a while, so I'll continue after you get the needed textures. Also, might wanna grab the necessary helmet and shoulders as well, because they don't appear on the character