Preview screen is white... probably wrong format.. i think its blp.... it should be tga for preview screens
Edit: Bugs and typo
Typo:Turrets not "turrents"
Trigger should say player names who dided , not those pigs and rabbits and racoons who are killed by the missle/rocket
Mines have animations which dont die. The toon boom or funky smoke lol .... use an animation which has death time
Dont let mines be placed near bases/spawns (same or turrets???)
Turrets should be able to be hit by rockets/missles
Make mana zone harder to defend
Flashbang should be a unit created at target point of ability ,and pick units withhin 600 range of it and change their screen white , cause now the caster will always get "flashed"
Sheep skill should be creating a sheep unit that has AOE-damage-on death skill , and pick units withint 250 range and if they are enemys of the owner of the sheep , and are worms/turret = GO BOOM !!!!!
Holy grenade too holy.... doesnt do damage
Should have inventory and shops and sell cluster bombs !!!!!