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World Editor is giving thousands of syntax errors

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Level 5
Jul 12, 2011
Hello there.
I have attempted to create maps from WE, so far not successful, because of one thing.
Trigger Editor.
I created a simple trigger on my first try. It will kill a unit when it enters a region. I tested it, and it went nuts. 4000+ errors.
Attempt #2. I created a melee map and put the starting location in the proper place. It still DOES have errors. 4000+ errors. (And it specifies the map as a custom map.)
I went as mad as the editor. I created a new map, deleted all the melee triggers, put a starting location in the proper place, and tested it. It STILL does have errors, and it specifies the map as a custom map.
Someone knew the problem?
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Could you send me some of those errors? Just screeny the error-screen given by the world editor.
Something might be wrong with your blizzard.j / common.j (the files that hold the trigger data for the world editor).

Can you try to open another map (an unprotected one) and save it? Or does that give you errors as well?
Try opening/saving the attached map (I know, silly project: just focus on the saving and errors :p).

Additionally: it WILL see it as a custom map, because you changed the triggers. From the moment you do anything with the triggers (from removing them to adding even a single action), the map is custom.
(There are other things that make your map custom as well, basically: you can't change anything aside from the terrain in melee maps).


  • Circle Test.w3x
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Level 5
Jul 12, 2011
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
As I thought, that looks like a problem with your common.j (and maybe blizzard.j as well, though I cannot see it from that screeny, as it's only talking about natives).

Quick info: common.j holds all 'natives' for Warcraft.
Natives are the basic functions of the trigger editor.
Your screeny shows that they are 'unregistered', so basically non-existant. Meaning your editor lacks the basic functions of the trigger editor, so the triggers cannot run.

Solution: re-install Warcraft.

Wait, I noticed the "1.24" in your pathname (C:\1.24\Maps).
What exactly does that mean? You've got an official version of Warcraft, or a ripped one?
The current version of Warcraft is 1.26.

Either way, re-installing and patching up should work.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
It is TFT (the expansion), right?
I do not condone with ripped versions (I mean, I bought both RoC and TFT 3 times), but that's because I think that no Blizzard-games are worthy to be ripped, they should be bought (if I really like a game, I buy it).

Either way, if you don't want to re-install:

first thing you need to get is a program to open the MPQ archive. I use MPQ Editor because it's just an awesome program.
Then, I have uploaded the files you are either missing, or are corrupted for you: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=irggkf. Download both.

Open MPQ Editor, then press File -> Open MPQ Archive and select "war3x.mpq" (should be in your warcraft folder).
If everything goes well, it should look like:

On the left, you see a few categories, select "Scripts" (just press it once and the right side should change).
Here you see a lot of AI-data, and a few .j-files.
The best thing you can do is tell me which .j-files you have, and which you do not have (because maybe you're missing others as well, I cannot tell that from what you've given me).
Delete Blizzard.j and Common.j from that list, then press Operations -> Add File(s) and add the files I've given through pastebin (the correct Blizzard.j and Common.j).

If that didn't work, then your entire version of Warcraft might just be stupid :/
Besides, I cannot guarantee this will work, as I have version 1.26, while you have version 1.24
Level 5
Jul 12, 2011
Ok, I opened the war3x.mpq, and looked at the Script folder.
I have these files : common.j, Blizzard.j, Cheats.j, and InitCheats.j.

I have tried your solution, still not working. I downloaded your files (Save target as), downloaded the MPQ editor, opened war3x, deleted the blizzard.j and common.j, add the downloaded files, and I immediately clicked the close button. Then I ran the World Editor, tried some triggers, and still, 4.000 + errors.
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