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Worgen Grunt

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Level 19
Feb 19, 2009
I made a request similar to this before, but it wasn't very specific and didn't have a reference so now I'm gonna try again.

There are a lot of great Worgen units on this site, but a big problem is that a lot of the basic attack units are just wolf-y humans. I want a model that captures the big, burly, intimidating look the worgen normally have. I think the best way to do this is to make a worgen unit with an Orc Grunt's proportions and animations.

Below are some references that could really help if someone decides to undertake this project. One is an armored worgen fighter, and the other is a more feral, savage worgen. Both really good choices.


  • Worgen Fighter.png
    Worgen Fighter.png
    166.9 KB · Views: 121
  • Worgen Feral2.png
    Worgen Feral2.png
    153 KB · Views: 96
Level 19
Feb 19, 2009
Satyr Elder v1.0

This model is pretty cool because it gives me some nice inspiration for how the legs could work. You take the legs from a Satyr and paint them black/gray, then you add wolf feet. Put the legs on a Grunt body, texture it with black fur, and add a black/gray wolf head on top that looks similar to this:

Worgen Knight

It seems easy enough, and you could probably do it all with in-game textures.
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