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Request: Worgen

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Level 3
Jun 14, 2012
I'm hoping to make a campaign based on the invasion of Gilneas - http://www.wowwiki.com/Invasion_of_Gilneas

Sadly there isn't a lot of worgen models and if anyone can spare their time to create some more it would be greatly appreciated.

List of models needed:
Worgen Beserker
Ranged worgen unit
Scythe item/icon that can represent the scythe of elune
Elder worgen (spellcaster)
Druid of the Scythe (night elf druid that can transform into a wolf/worgen) - optional, if nobody can do this I'll just leave it out of the campaign
Worgen Siege Unit
Worgen Flying unit

I am not 100% sure that I will finish this campaign, but if these models are created they will probably be very useful to other people.
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