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Witch Hunter Skin

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Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Yo, this is one of my first geomerged models inspired by the witch hunter from disciples.


It doesn´t have a working portrait :sad: also sadly since my frozen throne disc is damaged i can´t get to test the unit til i get another copy, anywho i have a request.
Since this guy was inspired by the witch hunter from disciples i´d like a skin which fits aswell (Currents skin is hueters demon hunter ninja pretty neat)

Heres a pic of the witch hunter in disciples

Basicly what i want is the human/mage priest with a little darker more experienced look, and some scars :D and the demon hunter too be like a reddish western gothic cowboy mix.
If anyone can attempt to make it, i´ll be all like jejiiiii and hugz and stuff.

Oh and the hat is actually sc_freek MagicianHat slightly edited, high five thanks for making that hat man.

Ps:Scuse my language, i know its a little bizarre but i have some communication malfunction thingy going on as it happens my english actually sounds and reads better than my primary :confused: .

I feel like im forgotten something, oh well err thanks in advance....
Level 8
Jan 19, 2007
I've seen a lot of MODELS which are mixed up to one model like this ... and yours isn't great ...

What I dislike ...

HAT ... FACE ... SWORD ... they all do not stuck with the overall body... try to fix it !




Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004

Oh my friend im only askin for a skin, im not going to give this model out to the puplic and your opinion is not neccesery, if i dislike it i´ll fix it later once i test it.

Im just testing my luck and relying on the kindness of skinners. This model however wil be in a project, i haven´t decided yet to release it to the pulpic until i decide wether or not its entertaining and eye appealing enough. Since i am a part of the community my opinion counts :smile:. Oh and btw wc3viewers never truly reveals the entire quality or how it will appear ingame.

Would it be better if i had just requested the skin without revealing the model edit?

Edit: To be honest i knew about the sword, i just fixed it, don´t see any problems with the hat since my intentions were to place it on him so it wouldn´t reveal to much forehead and i might make it smaller later on and the head, theres a problem im still working on. I don´t want to remove the hair but it gets in the way a lot so i have been editing it a lot but for future reference don´t post your opinions when not asked for it and since i really love the way this guy looks not just because this is my own model *edit* but because i love the concept and the idea. I might later check in once its in its final stages and ask for opinions.
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Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Hmm gotta learn how to do that. Anyway im simply using the demon hunter and the human mage skin which are in the mpq but i can link you to the skin that i am currently using ofcourse http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=1535&sid=. Still im just learning and in all my years of mapping and creating camps i´ve been wanting something similar to this dude to the point that i just had to make him myself *giggles*. gonna browse the tutorials some more.

I will upload or send you the model if you prefer it
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