- Joined
- Jul 28, 2007
- Messages
- 920
Unit is still moving to the position of ability being casted but unit isnt created at that point, unit is created at the center of map. How to fix that ? I can skip storing the point, but then i got leak...
Fire Missile Copy
- Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
- Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability
- Conditions
-------- -------------------------Team1------------------------- --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Owner of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) PlayerX[1]
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missile
- (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missiles dual
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Missile Launcher
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Dual Missile Launcher
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Owner of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) PlayerX[1]
Then - Actions
- Set CastPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
- Unit - Create 1 Dummy (CheckPoint) for PlayerX[1] at CastPoint facing 0.00 degrees
Point - Remove CastPoint
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Right Island <gen> contains (Last created unit)) Equal to (==) False
Then - Actions
- Cinematic - Clear the screen of text messages for (All allies of (Owner of (Casting unit)))
- Game - Display to (All allies of (Owner of (Casting unit))) the text: ...
- Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
- Unit - Pause (Casting unit)
- Unit - Order (Casting unit) to Stop
- Unit - Unpause (Casting unit)
- Wait 0.01 seconds
- Unit - Reset ability cooldowns for (Casting unit)
- Skip remaining actions
Else - Actions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Right Island <gen> contains (Last created unit)) Equal to (==) True
Then - Actions
- Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
-------- no fuel --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Owner of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) PlayerX[1]
- (PlayerX[1] Current lumber) Less than (<) 6
- (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missile
Then - Actions
- Cinematic - Clear the screen of text messages for (All allies of (Owner of (Casting unit)))
- Game - Display to (All allies of (Owner of (Casting unit))) the text: ...
- Wait 0.01 seconds
- Unit - Reset ability cooldowns for (Casting unit)
- Skip remaining actions
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Owner of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) PlayerX[1]
- (PlayerX[1] Current lumber) Less than (<) 12
- (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missiles dual
Then - Actions
- Cinematic - Clear the screen of text messages for (All allies of (Owner of (Casting unit)))
- Game - Display to (All allies of (Owner of (Casting unit))) the text: ...
- Wait 0.01 seconds
- Unit - Reset ability cooldowns for (Casting unit)
- Skip remaining actions
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Wait 0.01 seconds
- -------- -------------------------Team1------------------------- --------
-------- Missile --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Owner of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) PlayerX[1]
Then - Actions
-------- ============Single Missile Level 1 --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missile
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Missile Launcher
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missile
Then - Actions
- Set Point_1 = (Target point of ability being cast)
-------- missile --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Missile Launcher
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
Then - Actions
- Set Point = (Position of (Casting unit))
- Unit - Create 1 |CFFFF8A00Missile (light) for Neutral Victim at (Point offset by (Real(MissileLaunch_poz_X)) towards 0.00 degrees) facing 0.00 degrees
- Point - Remove Point
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 400.00 at 200.00
- Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral - Kaboom! Point_1
- Point - Remove Point_1
- Player - Set PlayerX[1] Current lumber to ((PlayerX[1] Current lumber) - 6)
- -------- - --------
- Floating Text - Create floating text that reads -6E above (Casting unit) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 11.00, color (100.00%, 60.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
- Floating Text - Hide (Last created floating text) for (All enemies of (Player((Player number of PlayerX[1]))))
- Floating Text - Change (Last created floating text): Disable permanence
- Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 64.00 towards 90.00 degrees
- Floating Text - Change the lifespan of (Last created floating text) to 2.00 seconds
- Floating Text - Change the fading age of (Last created floating text) to 1.00 seconds
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
-------- ============Dual Missile Level 2 --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missiles dual
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Dual Missile Launcher
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Fire Missiles dual
Then - Actions
- Set Point_1 = (Target point of ability being cast)
-------- missile --------
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Dual Missile Launcher
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
Then - Actions
- Set Point = (Position of (Casting unit))
- Unit - Create 1 |CFFFF8A00Missile (light) for Neutral Victim at (Point offset by ((Real(MissileLaunch_poz_X)), (Real(MissileLaunch_poz_Y)))) facing 0.00 degrees
- Point - Remove Point
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 400.00 at 200.00
Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral - Kaboom! (Point_1 offset by 40.00 towards 90.00 degrees)
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to (==) |CFFFF8A00Dual Missile Launcher
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
Then - Actions
- Set Point = (Position of (Casting unit))
- Unit - Create 1 |CFFFF8A00Missile (light) for Neutral Victim at (Point offset by ((Real(MissileLaunch_poz_X)), (Real(MissileLaunch_neg_Y)))) facing 0.00 degrees
- Point - Remove Point
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 400.00 at 200.00
- Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral - Kaboom! (Point_1 offset by 40.00 towards 270.00 degrees)
- Point - Remove Point_1
- Player - Set PlayerX[1] Current lumber to ((PlayerX[1] Current lumber) - 12)
- -------- - --------
- Floating Text - Create floating text that reads -12E above (Casting unit) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 11.00, color (100.00%, 60.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
- Floating Text - Hide (Last created floating text) for (All enemies of (Player((Player number of PlayerX[1]))))
- Floating Text - Change (Last created floating text): Disable permanence
- Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 64.00 towards 90.00 degrees
- Floating Text - Change the lifespan of (Last created floating text) to 2.00 seconds
- Floating Text - Change the fading age of (Last created floating text) to 1.00 seconds
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
-------- ============Single Missile Level 1 --------
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
-------- -------------------------Team1------------------------- --------