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Warcraft: Tournament! [JASS + Terrain(?)]

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Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
A buddy and I are working on this project, and neither of can do JASS. I am a programmer, and understand the CRAPPY crap that is the GUI, BUT, I don't feel like spending the time to learn all the syntax of JASS, I have dabbled but don't really have time to sit down and learn it.

Our map would would MUCH better with it, than with the crappy GUI, so I come here to ask someone who KNOWS JASS, to help us.

No offense, but someone who has read some tutorials and can remake the storm bolt spell is not what we want, we want someone that KNOWS JASS, and can bang out good solid results quickly and efficiently.

The basic systems will be laid out here, and I hope to here back from someone!

A dialog system would be the best, but I guess that text based could work if it was made well enough.. (or anything you can suggest!)

Map start
-Set the teams up in the "waiting area" where they can move around and talk to each other

-Roll to see which team captain gets to pick the first round. (each captain rolls for themselves)

-Get the winning captain to pick a mode, and then a map.

{{{{{{{{{{"Main Loop", so to speak}}}}}}}}}}}
-Pick mode
-Pick map
-Load mode
--define variables, set timers, etc...
-Load map
--spawn units, items, etc...
-Play map + mode
-Record winner
-Check if one team has won at least 3/5
--if NOT, then restart loop, just switching the team captain, not re-rolling. Teams should return to the waiting room.
-restart loop
{{{{{{{{{End "loop"}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I know that is not really how it would be set up, but if you really do program then you understand my meaning! :grin:

The original post is in my sig, if you are interested, reply to this, PM me, email me, etc... and I will get back to you. Please have at least one or two pieces of work to show off!

We want this map to be PERFECT, and that requires someone with better JASS knowledge than us, so please help, and be part of something that will be successful! :thumbs_up:

We are also slightly lacking in the terraining department, not that we cannot do it, per say, just that it takes both of us a VERY long time to get anything done, just due to lack of experience. Any1 that would like to maybe offer to clean up the maps a little bit, custom models, better variations, a little more realistic looking, would be great! :thumbs_up:
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
No one interested? :sad: :cry:

Well, it is going to be started in GUI, but it is going to be a MESS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, just email me, tagg1080 @ yahoo, and I will give you the needed info as soon as possible...

There are high hopes for this project, please don't be shy! :grin:
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
Still looking for a JASS'er!!

The game is moving on in GUI right now, and a good JASS'er will be needed before it is done, and the sooner someone joins, the less crap we have to undo, :thumbs_up:

Just hit me up if interested!

Spells, and the tournament system will be needed in the end, but those can be separate people if needed...
Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
For the terrain i am interested but exatly what kind of map do you want?

Im new on the forum but i use the map editor since a long time
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