Warcraft: Orcs & Humans - Human Upgrades/Abilities (Classic)

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
I have put together a series of icon packs of the original Warcraft: Orcs & Humans icons edited into the Warcraft 3 format. I have seen this done before, but typically either with interpolation or upscale being done to the original art. I have also taken the tall pixels of Warcraft 1 into account, where each original pixel is meant to be displayed 20% taller than it is wide, which is oftentimes missed in imported Warcraft 1 art. I hope you may find this useful!

All artwork is original art of Blizzard Entertainment. I was simply responsible for editing and formatting.

Classic Packs
WC1 Human Units
WC1 Human Buildings
WC1 Orc Units
WC1 Orc Buildings
WC1 Orc Upgrades/Abilities
WC1 Neutral Units

Reforged Packs
WC1 Human Units
WC1 Human Buildings
WC1 Human Upgrades/Abilities
WC1 Orc Units
WC1 Orc Buildings
WC1 Orc Upgrades/Abilities
WC1 Neutral Units

Sword (Icon)

Sword Strength 1 (Icon)

Sword Strength 2 (Icon)

Shield (Icon)

Shield Strength 1 (Icon)

Shield Strength 2 (Icon)

Arrow (Icon)

Arrow Strength 1 (Icon)

Arrow Strength 2 (Icon)

Breed Faster Horses 1 (Icon)

Breed Faster Horses 2 (Icon)

Holy Lance (Icon)

Healing (Icon)

Far Seeing (Icon)

Invisibility (Icon)

Elemental Blast (Icon)

Rain of Fire (Icon)
