variables all the way, hashtables are bugged and causes memory fatal errors
well why dont you test it yourself >____________> there will without a doubt be lag when you store that many things
Seriously now? I've been using hashtables ever since the patch came out and I have never had even a single problem with it.
Not even when storing large amounts of data in it (as usually 1 hashtable supports all my systems).
Hashtables are highly convenient variables with 2 arrays and I will recommend them to anyone who is trying to get better at GUI because they're easy to use and do not bug often.
The only 'problem' is speed, and if you're so interested in speed you shouldn't use GUI anyway.
You're just spouting nonsense without proof and I'm not liking it.
Edit: oh right, the speed decrease isn't even that significant. In fact, you don't even notice it in-game.
How else are you going to get reliable double arrayed variables? By using var[ (i * size) + j ]? Remember that there's a limit on regular variables.
Back on-topic: hashtables are very good because of their double arrays, but if you don't need them: don't use them.
It really depends on the details of what you want to store (if those heroes / items are divided into separate categories, then using a hashtable is fine).
Usually you will just need regular variables though.
But whatever you do, do not increase the array size in the variable editor!