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Upgrade annoyingly effecting whole team?

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Level 2
Mar 14, 2012
Each team builds a building that will auto train a unit, when the unit is trained it's automatically changed to a unit of player 6 (12 if your on the other team).

The issue im having is with the upgrades, I want to create a building that will contain all the upgrades needed, but is accessible to all the team players. I can't seem to make the building have upgrades accessible for all players which are also payed for with their own gold
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Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
So you can make several units of the same type, but mark them for different players.

Like for example, If i want to do this to a footman:
I'll have 12 types of footman in total, they all have the exact same hp, dmg, armor, everything. But, they are named differently:
footman (p1)
footman (p2)
footman (p3)

And for upgrades, same as the units, make several same upgrades but for different players. Also, make a trigger to, once a player completed an upgrade, make the player what will own it later on, like in your case, Player 6 or 12, to have the same upgrade. You can done it through trigger it.

So footman (p1) will get the effect from Iron Shield (p1), while...
footman (p2) will get the effect from Iron Shield (p2),
footman (p3) will get the effect from Iron Shield (p3),
... ... ... ... ...

So do the upgrade building, like your blacksmith. Makes different version for each player. Each contains upgrades for that particular player.

And when the unit is spawned and changed owner to Player 6(12), they looks exactly the same but they receive effect from particular upgrades the player had.

This is one of the way I know to archive the goal you wanted to, but it may not be the perfect one and it's a whole bunch of work if you have many units or upgrades.
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