It probably has something to do with the player slots.
If the red player is in slot two, it will do that.
What do you have in Scenario - Player Properties and such?
Well, that's probably your problem.
The game doesn't care what color the players are. It cares what slot they are in.
So, when you have some player in the game, they get the red color because they're the first person to enter, but they get the second slot (which becomes Player 2 in-game) because the first one it set to none.
Does that make any sense at all or are you more confused?
> Just tell what to do to fix it and I'll tel you then lol.
Change your trigger so that it starts with Player 3 (Teal) and see what that does.
Let me try explaining again.
2. open
3. open
4. open
5. open
6. open
Now, the time comes you want to start a game....
3 Players come by.
2. Player 1
3. Player 2
4. Player 3
5. open
6. open
See? Your Player 1 is actually in Player 2's slot. So that person gets a unit.
> I am not in control of any units anymore
What exactly do you mean by that?
I'm not sure what is happening in your map....
> Maybe if I sent you the map could you fix?
Possibly. You can upload it if you want.