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[JASS] Unit - Make unit slide trigger help

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Level 7
Feb 12, 2006
How do I work the Make unit slide trigger? (WEU)

Unit - Make unit slide
Slide unit using angle with a starting velocity of 42.00 and kill destructables in the way True

How does the angle work?
What's the starting velocity and how does it work?

Examples would be appreciated.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
here is an example: Advanced - Slide 'unit' using XXX degrees angle with a starting velocity of 17.00 and kill destructables in the way True

I also dunno what they use for velocity, but I just kept testing. with velocity 17 it slides like 300 range i thought. the degrees r for in what direction it slides ofcourse :p If u want the unit to slide in opposite direction of the unit that attacks it, just let it slide with the same facing as the attacking unit
Level 7
Feb 12, 2006
I can't get the trigger to work because I keep getting this Line 23: Expected a function name message which is really bugging me. When the message comes up it highlights a line of jass inside the trigger;

call MakeUnitSlide( udg_Footman_000, 180.00, 100.00, true )

What in the heavens of all things heavenly am I doing wrong?
Level 3
Mar 2, 2006
JarrardKO said:
I can't get the trigger to work because I keep getting this Line 23: Expected a function name message which is really bugging me. When the message comes up it highlights a line of jass inside the trigger;

call MakeUnitSlide( udg_Footman_000, 180.00, 100.00, true )

What in the heavens of all things heavenly am I doing wrong?
You haven't allowed Advanced Triggers. To do that, open your map in WEU Enchancer and click Use Advanced Triggers. Save the map and there won't be any error. You get this error because you don't have this function. Advanced functions are saved in the Custom Script.
Level 7
Feb 12, 2006
open your map in WEU Enchancer and click Use Advanced Triggers. Save the map and there won't be any error.

Thanks, it worked too! But how would I go about making it so that if a unit moves in a direction, they slide in that direction.

An example of that would be great.

lol goon what are you doing here?

what map are you making?

Hi Max lol.

I'm making the Evil Mansion map that you helped me test on Hamachi remember? I'm creating this trigger if you touch one of the barrels in the barrel maze, there's an explosion and the lost traveller unit is sent sliding back dead.
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