Unable to Load ...

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Level 2
May 8, 2011
this is a common error for me cuz evry cool model i load almost dosent work i followed the instruction's how to load the moddel (i got to the custom path part i did it but then my map whouldn't be saved so i turned off custom path but anyway even with custom path it says unable to load) and it wont load close reopen the map nothing ...
anyway the moddel is:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/stargate-milkyway-196728/
allthough i can use it as a forcefield now but what the heek i want a stargate...
Level 4
May 31, 2011
this is a common error for me cuz evry cool model i load almost dosent work i followed the instruction's how to load the moddel (i got to the custom path part i did it but then my map whouldn't be saved so i turned off custom path but anyway even with custom path it says unable to load) and it wont load close reopen the map nothing ...
anyway the moddel is:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/stargate-milkyway-196728/
allthough i can use it as a forcefield now but what the heek i want a stargate...

have u tried the MdxPather?
It allows you to view and change the texture path, so its not all just to type new texture path in the World editor, you also need to SEE whats the path to the texture inside the model, with Mdx Pather you can do that.

you will need to open your model with Mdx Pather, you will see the texture path, and write down that so u can write the same path in the world editor.

Custom models must have path without directory, the directory is for the models in game.
Level 2
May 8, 2011
have u tried the MdxPather?
It allows you to view and change the texture path, so its not all just to type new texture path in the World editor, you also need to SEE whats the path to the texture inside the model, with Mdx Pather you can do that.

you will need to open your model with Mdx Pather, you will see the texture path, and write down that so u can write the same path in the world editor.

Custom models must have path without directory, the directory is for the models in game.

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