Twilight's Eve ORPG Final

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Classic RPG revolving around the world of Silvasia. 8 Classes. 4 Jobs. 1 Destiny. A land of beautiful sights, a plane of eternal lights. Uncover the beauty within these mysterious nights...

Twilight's Eve ORPG teve

Twilight's Eve ORPG Final (Map)

17:43, 13th Jun 2015 Shadow Fury: Shame I have to reject this for a cheap map description even if the map seemed promising. Take a look at the Map Submission Rules. As you will read in there, you need more info about your gameplay and a credits list...




17:43, 13th Jun 2015
Shadow Fury: Shame I have to reject this for a cheap map description even if the map seemed promising. Take a look at the Map Submission Rules. As you will read in there, you need more info about your gameplay and a credits list where you mention the names of the creators of the models/skins/icons you used in your map. I'd also like to suggest adding screenshots and a changelog for a better and more attractive description. Just make sure you follow all the rules and I'll be able to approve your map.
For now, this stays rejected.