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[Trigger]WoW Hero Revival System

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Level 8
Mar 20, 2011
Well, I'm currently doing an ORPG and I require a hero revival system.

When the hero dies, it's spirit is spawn at the nearest Spirit Healer. The Spirit is invulnerable and invisible and has 50% increased movement speed.
When the spirit reaches the dead body, it can revive the hero..
Alternately the player can also instantly revive himself for a price..

If you didn't understand my description, play Extreme Candy Wars and die :)P), You'll understand then.
I tried copying the system from Extreme Candy Wars but failed(Yes, I'm a noob)

Can some one help me?
Level 5
Dec 15, 2011
hmmm i think i can help you i too am working on such a system to help other who want the exact same thing but i think it will require either regions and or units let me see if i can try to create an easy to duplicate one for you and i will get back to you unless some one else helps you out b4 i can

Quick Question do you want a horde and alliance system to go with the settings?
Level 8
Mar 20, 2011
hmmm i think i can help you i too am working on such a system to help other who want the exact same thing but i think it will require either regions and or units let me see if i can try to create an easy to duplicate one for you and i will get back to you unless some one else helps you out b4 i can

Really? Well, In my map I have already made regions for every area so that when the player enters it, it shows a test like, 'Entering BLAH'
So if:
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Dies
  • Conditions
    • ((Dying Unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
  • Actions
    • Set Dying Hero = (Dying Unit)
    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • (Region BLAH) contains Dying Hero) Equal to True
      • Then - Actions
        • Unit - Create 1 Soul for (Owner of Dying Hero) at (Position of East Spirit Healer) facing Default building facing degrees
      • Else - Actions
        • Do Nothing
Quick Question do you want a horde and alliance system to go with the settings?

Whaa??? o_O
Level 5
Dec 15, 2011
basically what im asking is do you want two forces to be the horde or alliance so i can use their conditions in the triggers?

EDIT by the way this might be even harder to make with the souls that you want in the system you might just want to set up neutral graveyards which each graveyard will only resurrect horde/alliance heros (depending on the graveyard)
Level 8
Mar 20, 2011
basically what im asking is do you want two forces to be the horde or alliance so i can use their conditions in the triggers?

Wel, my map is based on the WoW system but is not connected to in in storyline.
There are two forces which become hostile after a 5 minute mark into the game.
But the Spirit will be invulnerable and invisible so the other players cannot attack it...
And to make sure that the unit does not get attack as soon as it revives, I plan on adding a 5 second invisibility and invulnerability to the revived hero.

EDIT by the way this might be even harder to make with the souls that you want in the system you might just want to set up neutral graveyards which each graveyard will only resurrect horde/alliance heros (depending on the graveyard)

Both forces' spirits spawn at the nearest Spirit Healer. Then they would travel to the place where they died and revive themselves.
It would be easy cause we can create a unit for every type of hero...
So the trigger would be like:

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Dies
  • Conditions
    • ((Dying Unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
  • Actions
    • Set Dying Hero = (Dying Unit)
    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • (Region BLAH) contains Dying Hero) Equal to True
      • Then - Actions
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • Dying Hero Equal to Paladin
          • Then - Actions
            • Unit - Create 1 Paladin Ghost for (Owner of Dying Hero) at (Position of East Spirit Healer) facing Default building facing degrees
          • Else - Actions
            • Do Nothing
      • Else - Actions
        • Do Nothing
Level 5
Dec 15, 2011
hold on i hatched a good idea im going to create an example with the triggers and map for you to copy into you game.

what you forgot that made it flawed was a corpse system so the hero corpses dont disappear so im going to try to create this for you

EDIT: sorry man i tried to make it for you but i cant figure out how to use the right triggers im in a slump if you know what i mean... but im going to see if i can find some outside info on how to make such a system and i will get back to you again.
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Level 5
Dec 15, 2011
I dont know if this will help but he explained it to me like his

The resurrection part is simple.
All you have to do is make sure that when the hero is killed the expiration timer on the decaying unit (it's corpse) will not be removed after 60 seconds, or you can create a dummy unit which model file is the corpse of a dead unit. Then you need a trigger that creates a new unit at the graveyard
(you can for example use a region to spawn this unit on the exact location). Then create a trigger that checks every ... seconds if the new unit is in ... range of the dead hero.
When this is true you can remove the new unit and recreate the hero on the same location as where it died.
Level 5
Dec 15, 2011
ok and when your done can you show me some pictures of what you did? or even better we should make a tutorial about that if they let us make one

EDIT: well how is everything coming with that trigger system does it work? are you stuck? im so excited i could burst
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Level 6
Mar 31, 2009
Lol Keep working ... I'm just looking for that answer too ... if posible upload a template map with the WoW Hero Revival System and the Talent Trees (a myth for me)
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