I want to make a trigger that will detect units that are not doing anything and give them an order. However, it is terribly laggy to periodically pick every applicable unit and then check to see what its order is (there are large numbers of units on the map, but few will not have orders). I can't find an event that will work better than periodic event. Issued order with no target doesn't seem to work for this. Any suggestions for an alternative to this trigger that lags less?
the current trigger looks like this:
(attack is an order variable set to "attack", to prevent leaking)
events- time, every 10 seconds
actions- pick every unit in a certain group and do actions:
if current order of picked unit not equal to attack
then: order picked unit to attack-move to a certain point
the current trigger looks like this:
(attack is an order variable set to "attack", to prevent leaking)
events- time, every 10 seconds
actions- pick every unit in a certain group and do actions:
if current order of picked unit not equal to attack
then: order picked unit to attack-move to a certain point