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Trigger help

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Level 3
Aug 18, 2008
OK i have a building with a dummy abbilty called create steel. To use the abbilty you need at least 1 item Iron Ore in the inventory. the trigger removes the iron ore and puts in steel. i cant figure out the conditions for the trigger. I have one condition that says abbility being cast is equal to Create steel, so it knows its the steel mill but how do i make a condition that tells if theres the 1 iron ore in the inventory?
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
Oooops! Mate this is wrong forum! Next time use Triggers and Scripts forum!
Anyway there is a function like If ( Condition ) then ( Do Actions ) else ( Do Actions ). If it is not this then a similar function should be at the top of the overall list. Search for "If" and you will get it. Here you can set conditions etc what you all need.
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