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Trigger Help - How to make a time bomb?

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Level 4
Oct 9, 2013
Alright guys what I want to know is how do you grab an item, place the item at a location, then have something to activate the timebomb to activate and after X seconds it explodes and deals area damage, I do not know how to do this, can anyone help me with this?

In my map, I placed destructible rocks blocking a road, my objective in that map is to blow those rocks, I got a timebomb model, so I wish to be able to place the timebomb close to the rocks and after placing the bomb, I have to move the unit away from the radius until it explodes by a timer.
This is a possible Solution, it allows multiple Bomb-Placing in the same time.
  • Single Target Spell - Allow Targeting Items.
  • Trigger Cast: Check if the target is really a Time bomb,
    • Create a invisible Dummy unit with 4 second life time no Attack ect.
    • Save the activaded "Item"-Bomb inside a Hashtable first key the Item Second Key the Dummy Unit.
  • Trigger Event on Death: Bomb-Dummy Dies
    • Check if the Bomb is hidden, Carried?
    • Do AoE Dmg around the Bomb
    • Pick Destructibles in Area and dmd/kill them, maybe check for correct type.
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Level 10
Sep 16, 2016
Copy item Sentry Ward, item ability and the ward. Remove all of the ward's abilities, add a custom instant cast ability, such as Channel (to set timer). You need two triggers:

  1. When a unit cast the stated ability, add a timer of xx seconds to it.
  2. When a unit type of stated ward dies, do damage to AoE units and destructibles.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
the simplest solution is to just give a unit the explode on death ability. then give it an expiration timer to its life span or use a trig to kill it after x amount of seconds.

the the only thing you need to do is created about 3 timer explosion items. 1 for 1 second...2....3

now your units have the option of using a bomb that explodes in one second or one that explodes in 3.

simply created a trig that detects if the item of goblin mine is used.... then say destroy goblin mine in 3 seconds

if you don't know trig... sorry my instructions ars a bit unclear
Level 4
Oct 9, 2013
thank you all for the help, i'll try the stuff you told me, I have a good feeling about it this time :)
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