Alright guys what I want to know is how do you grab an item, place the item at a location, then have something to activate the timebomb to activate and after X seconds it explodes and deals area damage, I do not know how to do this, can anyone help me with this?
In my map, I placed destructible rocks blocking a road, my objective in that map is to blow those rocks, I got a timebomb model, so I wish to be able to place the timebomb close to the rocks and after placing the bomb, I have to move the unit away from the radius until it explodes by a timer.
In my map, I placed destructible rocks blocking a road, my objective in that map is to blow those rocks, I got a timebomb model, so I wish to be able to place the timebomb close to the rocks and after placing the bomb, I have to move the unit away from the radius until it explodes by a timer.