misc maps are the harder to review, because it can be anything
i played alone so i dont expect to cover all angles
good things
-you puted quest with explanations
-good triggering
things i question
- you spawned a lot of trees in a region or the acuatic plats and there are regions a little empty of doads, dont put a lot of the same doad in a place and leave empty regions.
you used the static plants, use floating so it gives movment.
- about tiles, to much green to much trees, its overwhelming, i think thats was the idea.
- flat in many zones,it is more notorius in the water zone, should be more lower, flats are good for cities but in wild maps should be more irregular the terrain.
- you puted one brigde and it cant be used
i dont know what more to say, and i dont know how improve the game play, all i said is about stetic
hope my opinion serve you to improve
better description is needed: here in your post, game play, imported material, you didnt used imported material but for custom maps, is good to say it, the audience is not mind reader, you have to sell your map with and atractive description, maybe a screenshot