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Tower Defense Terrain Request

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Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
Hello, I'm here to request a terrain for my tower defense. It will also have a creeping area for hero's, this is aspired by Zoator TD.

Here is what i would like:
1. For the tileset to be Ashenvale.
2. The map size to be Medium (160x160)
3. For the tower defense part of the map to be all on the same level, but i will be letting the players maze so it will need pathing blockers.
4. The path would be like a cyclone, until it reaches the middle is the end point.
5. The theme will be a forest theme, gloomy and dark setting.

The Hero/Creeping Area:
1. the area will be in the bottom of the map
2. the place where the heros will be fighting will be a village with houses, farms, trees, different levels can be used here.
Level 4
Nov 25, 2014
160x160 is huge.

A map like Zoatar td, Legion td, Zwuckels td, etc. Are all around 96 or 128

I would be happy to help you out with a template if you gave me some generic info regarding design; but until I know what kind of map ill be making, I cant really say for certain I can help you.

Would you like it Asymmetrical?
Would you like it Detailed?
Or do you just want a dark gloomy ashenvale tower defense with some trees and shit.
Is everyone on a team?
What kind of spawns will you be using?

Be as descriptive as possible
Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
160x160 is huge.

A map like Zoatar td, Legion td, Zwuckels td, etc. Are all around 96 or 128

I would be happy to help you out with a template if you gave me some generic info regarding design; but until I know what kind of map ill be making, I cant really say for certain I can help you.

Would you like it Asymmetrical?
Would you like it Detailed?
Or do you just want a dark gloomy ashenvale tower defense with some trees and shit.
Is everyone on a team?
What kind of spawns will you be using?

Be as descriptive as possible

128x128 is good, a dark and gloomy tower defense, i would like trees around the map outside the paths where the creeps will go and have not much but enough detail like rocks and anything that will make it look more like a forest, they will be spawning one after the other, not all at once. and everyone will be on a team. and yes id like detail where the creeps and heros will fight, it will look like a small village where the houses and the villagers will be, i want the map to look dark and gloomy with a dark green fog, it will look like a forest, all of this with ashenvale tileset. and on the above post i want it to be like a cyclone path till the creeps reach the middle.

If i didn't make anything clear to you just let me and ill try my best to make it more detailed.
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Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
Cool, so how many spawn points/how many players/how many areas/how wide are the lanes?

4 spawn points, 8 players, 3 areas(1 for the TD, 1 for hero pick, and the other for where the heros fight) lanes will be wide enough for 6 towers (farm size)
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Level 4
Nov 25, 2014
6 towers wide on a 128x128 4 lane is huge, is the map a hero defense or primarily a Tower defense? I already have a decent template for you but, the lanes are about twice that size and fill nicely.
Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
its primarily a tower defence, the hero defense part is just for extra gold. and that is fine the lane can be bigger, as long as it fits good :)
Level 4
Nov 25, 2014
I got a lot of it finished, I woulda had it done sooner. I been playing Island defense and league of legends all day :p ill pastebin it to you in about an hour.

Just let me know what you want changed and ill do my best. Dont expect a grandeur terrain, I did however build a cool looking mountain for show. ill be finishing up the edges after you give me the go-ahead.
Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
its pretty good! I like it a lot ! Thank you Sooo Much StarGreen! Keep up the good work!

could you add those trees for me? and make it so players cant build where the leaf tiles are

also, do you know how to add a green fog? just to make the map more gloomy
Level 4
Nov 25, 2014
Yeah Ill do that now, the fog ends up taking up a lot of space and doesnt look too good, I did a terrain fog and a light dungeon fog on some areas already. It looks a lot different ingame. Press v on your keyboard while in the World editor, you should see what I am talking about.

Ill see if I can figure out how to do that for ya. I should be finished tommarrow or late tonight. depends on what I end up doing :p

Im glad you like it :)
Level 4
Feb 26, 2015
Great Job! You Get a thumbs up from me :) btw, what is the squares suppose to represent whenever you created this? just curious
Level 4
Nov 25, 2014
Whatever you'd like.

Selection area, minigame, techtree, wave counter, etc.

It's a template so it was made to be changed.

Im glad you like it :)
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