My personal favorite of all dinosuars, I happen to know a thing or two about stegasuaruses too.
The stegasaurus was named for its spiked back. Stego is "roof" in latin if im correct, and "saurus" For every dinosaur, meant lizard. Literaly, Stegosaurus meant "roofed lizard". Stegosaurus is often called the dumbest dinosaur because of its incredibly small brain. In fact, most scientists believe that its brain was too small to control such a large creature and that it used an auxiliary "brain" located above its rear legs to help control its movements. This was not actually a brain, but a bundle of nerves that helped relay information from its real brain. What facinates most people about these dinosuars is the unique feature of spikes on the back. The plates were up to 2-feet tall and 2-feet wide (.6 m). Most scientists debate that these where either used as self-defence, orand for cooling heating the dino. The spikes on its tail are also the subjects of some controversy. For years every model of Stegosaurus showed it with the spikes sticking up into the air. It is only since the 1990's that it has become accepted that these spikes stuck out horizontal to the ground, which would have been a potent defensive weapon when swung at a hunter.
Length - 26-30 feet long (8-9 m) long
Height - 9 feet (2.75 m) tall at the hips
Weight - 6,800 pounds (3100 kg)
Kingdom Animalia (animals)
Phylum Chordata (having a hollow nerve chord ending in a brain)
Class Archosauria (diapsids with socket-set teeth, etc.)
Order Ornithischia - bird-hipped dinosaurs
Suborder Thyreophora
Superfamily Stegosauria
Family Stegosauridae
Genus Stegosaurus
Species S. armatus (type species named by Marsh, 1877) facinating stegos are. But lets not go off topic. Lets instead stay with how this model looks! Its amazing, like all your other models! I presonally think it deserves a directors choice (like most of your models). 5/5!