The Shadows Talk - RPG

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I wrote this story before on here, but I've decided to fix it up a bit and make it longer. Since I will start working on the project for this story.

Story Part I:
David: Hmm, this place smells like someone died here. I don’t like it. Hmm, I don't think I should be getting worried.
Action: You hear 2 loud screams coming from outside of the cemetery so you turn around quickly to the direction they came from came from.
David: Shit something is defiantly out there, I better get out of here quick.
Action: You head east away from the direction of the screams. But then David hears it again.
David:: What the hell is going on here? I can still hear the two terrifying screams.
Action: David takes a few steps forward. That's when David sees it. A monster devouring a human body.
Action: David stands still hoping that the monster does not see him.
Action: The monster turns its head then stares at David.
David: Oh no. It’s coming to get me.
Action: The monster turns away from you and runs away.
David: Oh thank god. I thought it was going to kill me.
Action: David takes a few deep breaths after what he just experienced.
Action: Then David hears a loud scream from the monster behind him.
David: Oh no please. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Story Part II:
Action: The sun sets, as the hero walks out side of his house.
Hero: Ah, what a wonderful day.
Jake: Hey how are you going?
Hero: It’s going great Jake thank you.
Action: Then the hero smiles.
Hero: There is many things for me to do today... That's a shame.
Action: The hero sighs.
Hero: I wonder when David is going to come back home. It’s been almost a week since I’ve seen the bugger.
Action: You begin to take a 1 and a half hours walk to the direction to the graveyard (Where Jake went).
Hero: Nothing like a good day’s work then going for a stroll. Hmm I wonder where David is?
Action: You begin to think of where he told you where he was going last night.
Hero:: Ohhhh, know where the bugger went. He wanted to go the cemetery to see his fathers grave, I knew it! Poor bugger; I should have gone with him. He is probably sooking about it at the grave right now. Even tho 5 days away from town is a long time to be crying about something like this.
Action: You see the graveyard in the distance.
Hero: Haha there it is. Hey, it’s getting pretty dark right now. And I can’t see anyone at the gravestone.
Action: Takes a closer look.
Hero: Oh wait. That is him right there. I should get him to come home now. He is probably ready to come home now. Jesus, this is like my 2nd time getting him from a situation like this.
Action: The hero hears a loud scream coming from the grave stone.
Hero: Whoa, what was that? It didn’t come from David, I know that for sure!
Action: You hear the loud scream again. You start to get freaked out. Then you shout.
Hero: David! Hey mate. What is with that screaming right? Haha... David?
Action: You walk into the cemetery. Then you see this thing behind a grave stone. Then it turns its head around to you.
Hero: What are you!?
Action: You pick up a stick in the ground.
Hero: Come on! You freak of Nature and, die!
Action: The monster heads towards you then takes a leap to kill you. Then the hero hits the monster with the stick in the head. The stick had a pointy end.
Hero: Thank god for that.

Story part III:
After what the hero just encountered, he decided to do something about it. So he decided to head of back home to do some research. But when he got back... No one was there, and the hero was getting nervous. So he decided to head west from the camp to look for a small camp.

When the hero arrived at the camp he saw two people standing near a camp fire. One of them looked like your everyday merchants man. And the other was a lady with a staff. So then the hero decided to stay with them. They all got along very well, but the hero still had mission to attend to.

The lady in the camp (Selena), knew about what was going on. She told the hero about her first encounter with one of the dark beasts of the night. She said they where after something. Something someone wanted them to to get, and if they didn't something bad would've happened to them. The dark beasts of the night (Zex's), are usually creatures that would feed on all living things but humans. They are very fast and strong; and whoever is controlling them so they can get what they want. Would be a lot more powerful than they are.

The hero learnt a lot from Selena and the Trades man (Jojo). Jojo was nothing like a normal trades man. Besides his skill in selling things, but! He also had the skill to create unique weapons and armors. So the hero decided to work for Jojo so he can buy things off of him.

Selena warned the hero. The Zex's are the least of your problem. There is many other things that are out their that you should be more worried about. But the hero did not listen to her. Blinded by rage of his friends death, he then decided to hunt at night time. Trying to kill everything... Anything, for clues.

The hero's quest was to find who started all of this, then to put a end to it. So this is it, this is when you become in control of the hero. Will you make it to the end?
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