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The Heart of the Swarm insider

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Hello, everyone.

Since Blizzard announced HoS, and Zerg is my favorite race, I will give every couple of days a new insider on new Zerg units.

Today, I will talk about:

The Swarmling

How-to-get: The Swarmling is an evolved Zergling. Spending Zerg "Research" points, you can evolve your Zerglings into Swarmlings.

Research Cost: 2 Mutagen points.

Additionally, choosing this upgrade, the Raptor is no longer available.
Swarmlings are like normal zerglings, but instead of two, three Swarmlings spawn from one egg, at the same mineral cost.

This will be quite deadly in the campaign if you plan on rapid attacks.

Here's a question for you to discuss:

How good do you think this upgrade is?
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The Splitterling

How-to-get: The splitterling is an evolved Baneling. Spending Zerg "Research" points, you can evolve your Banelings into Splitterlings.

Research Cost: 2 Mutagen points.

Additionally, choosing this upgrade, the Gorgeling is no longer available.
Splitterlings are quite useful, since when one dies, smaller ones pop out, and blow up as well.

Tactics, such as Splitrush will be quite useful in the campaign, as they are quite dangerous, even more than the Baneling. Combine them with a Zergling target practice, and you got yourself a really deadly army. Supported by a few ranged units, such as a mutalisk, will let you break through most defenses.
The Gorgeling

How-to-get: The Gorgeling is an evolved Baneling. Spending Zerg "Research" points, you can evolve your Banelings into Gorgelings.

Research Cost: 2 Mutagen points.

Additionally, choosing this upgrade, the Splitterling is no longer available.
Gorgelings are useful when you are resource limited. By backing them up, you can create an effective "resource bomb". Killing a unit with a gorgeling gives you resources based on the percentage that unit costs.
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ya should try to post them all in 1 post,

zerg is also my fave race.. although i must say the splitter/gourge sound kinda lame :p. so your choices are between more dmg(and a larger tollerance for splash), and a gold return on units death..
there are plenty of other options for the baneling i would rather see..., cause i personally find it lacking currently, and in campaign they can play around alot more with balance.
noobtip: I used gold is a generic description for the primary resource, weather it be cash, credits, minerals, rupies, or actually gold..., although in my opinion it doesnt apply to secondary resources, or resources used in construction... (IE, metal, lumber, Oil, ect) although ofcourse it could be argued that gold has its uses (microchips ect), it is still primarily used because of its rarity.

and i asume you understand what i meant? :p

a second look at the concept i find it fits fine with lore (ofc the zerg are going to be able to convert raw materials (IE corpses, and metals) into something they can use (atributed under the broad resource catagory denoted 'minerals')

however when it comes to execution it just seems a little odd
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