This map is major crossover of real characters, that exist in Warcraft universe, fighting for one final battle over azeroth. Special thanks to GreedForDeath for the idea and for the supporting. Thanks to Soulsharp too for the alpha testings. The map is still in eary beta, the heroes still need little balance. The map have -ar, -random and -repick modes. I Enjoy ;]
Heroes List:
Alliance Heroes:
Alliance Tavern:
1. Jaina
2. Rhonin
3. Krasus
4. Thrall
5. Rexxar
6. Malfurion
7. Tyrande
8. Akama
9. Broxigar
10. Illidan
11. Velen
12. Sylvanas
Demigod Tavern:
1. Cenarius
2. Aviana
3. Malorne
4. Agamaggan
5. Ursol
6. Ursoc
7. Omen
8. Gruul
9. Onu
10. Kurun
11. TBA
12. TBA
Burning Legion Heroes:
Burning Tavern:
1. Archimonde
2. Kil'jaeden
3. Mannoroth
4. The Lich King
5. Eye Of Sargeras
6. Hakkar
7. Xavius
8. Kel'Thuzad
9. Balnazzar
10. Lady Vashj
11. Gul'dan
12. Ragnaros
Demon Tavern:
1. C'thun
2. Anub'arak
3. Doom Lord Kazzak
4. Dar'Khan
5. Kael'thas
6. Kargath Bladefist
7. Diablo
8. Neptulon
9. Yogg-Saron
10. Atiesh
11. TBA
12. TBA
Crossover, Final Battle, Azeroth, Real Heroes, Warcraft, Arthas, Lich King, Thrall, Archimonde, Kil'Jaeden, Dark Portal, World Tree.