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The Final Battle For Azeroth - 2.5

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is major crossover of real characters, that exist in Warcraft universe, fighting for one final battle over azeroth. Special thanks to GreedForDeath for the idea and for the supporting. Thanks to Soulsharp too for the alpha testings. The map is still in eary beta, the heroes still need little balance. The map have -ar, -random and -repick modes. I Enjoy ;]

Heroes List:
Alliance Heroes:

Alliance Tavern:
1. Jaina
2. Rhonin
3. Krasus
4. Thrall
5. Rexxar
6. Malfurion
7. Tyrande
8. Akama
9. Broxigar
10. Illidan
11. Velen
12. Sylvanas

Demigod Tavern:
1. Cenarius
2. Aviana
3. Malorne
4. Agamaggan
5. Ursol
6. Ursoc
7. Omen
8. Gruul
9. Onu
10. Kurun
11. TBA
12. TBA

Burning Legion Heroes:

Burning Tavern:
1. Archimonde
2. Kil'jaeden
3. Mannoroth
4. The Lich King
5. Eye Of Sargeras
6. Hakkar
7. Xavius
8. Kel'Thuzad
9. Balnazzar
10. Lady Vashj
11. Gul'dan
12. Ragnaros

Demon Tavern:
1. C'thun
2. Anub'arak
3. Doom Lord Kazzak
4. Dar'Khan
5. Kael'thas
6. Kargath Bladefist
7. Diablo
8. Neptulon
9. Yogg-Saron
10. Atiesh
11. TBA
12. TBA

Crossover, Final Battle, Azeroth, Real Heroes, Warcraft, Arthas, Lich King, Thrall, Archimonde, Kil'Jaeden, Dark Portal, World Tree.

The Final Battle For Azeroth - 2.5 (Map)

10:21, 23rd May 2009 by bounty hunter2: Poor terrain, heroes, no orignality, Rejected. Use our Map Development forum for further development of your map, this is nowhere near approval.




10:21, 23rd May 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Poor terrain, heroes, no orignality, Rejected.

Use our Map Development forum for further development of your map, this is nowhere near approval.
Level 5
Apr 10, 2008
WOW its awesome but

Illidan is a bad gut who works for the burning leigon (just to let ya know...)

And it would be cooler if there was a secret hero...

eg: you are Illidan, you go adventuring you enter a mystical region and a hero shop

and in the shop you can chose to be a dragon!
(one of the five aspects)

(you must ask the guy who made the day of the dragon canpainge for the models to the dragons...)

Then you put them in your map

(the black one should be the strongest, the red should be good at sumoning, green at puting things to sleep, blue at magic and bronze/yellow to be very fast...)

just a though for ya...
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
This is my review of The Final Battle for Azeroth - 2.5

-Decent amount of game modes and commands.
-Proper credit is given.
-Players could choose the type of units that spawned for their team.
-Large cast of heroes.
-Large number of items (over 100).
-Good variety of hero styles.
-Bosses were a nice change for an AoS.


-Terrain was not very well done; had many empty spaces.
-Balancing was quite an issue. I played Akama, and once I was around level 10, nobody on the other team could stop me.

Rating: 2.8 (translates to 3.0) and recommended for approval.
Last edited:
Level 2
Sep 4, 2008
Hi. Thanks for the posts guys, i want to announce that now i am working at version 2.6, where every hero will be reviewed. There will be lot of changes, and i will try to make it more ballanced and compact for play.