im thinking battle disruptor spells, but no coherent hero idea
-Stun Wave( make up a better name )
-Stuns a target area for n seconds. After the stun period is over, the units will have x% reduced damage for y seconds.
n,x, and y are vased on skill level
-Chain Sickness( these names are just to get the point across )
-Chain of *drumroll* Slow ( both fields ), DoT, Mana loss over time, and damage / armor reduc
all those values, plus max targets, increase by level. This spell should really mess up gameplay, but in a good way
-Icy Prison ( this name is actually ok! )
-Makes a giant Ice Cube that periodically slows and damages nearby units. Units killed by the ice cube will be frozen for 5 seconds. if the ice cube is still alive ( damagable, though has frost armor, as well as timed life ) then these units will morph into Ice Elementals
Everything Increases / level
-Entwining Meshes ( i like this name! )
-Lays an net on the ground ( visible ). when a unit steps on the net ( even yours! ) they will be ensnared for n seconds. Any unit that attacks ( from range of 100 or less ) and entwined unit will also be entwined, as well as those who venture within 50 of that unit.
Duration of Ensnare increases / level.
-Shatter Weapons ( sucky name )
-Silence that takes away attacks, but not spells. enough said.
-Mind Warp (
good name
-Passive. % chance that attacking HERO will be takes over for x seconds, or 3*x on NORMAL units
-Mass Migration ( yay! good names galore! )
-makes a ton of frogs / sheep / rabbits / etc. run through the battlefield, messing up movement.
Units that come, area they cover, and how far they move is determined by level
-Ray of Reversal ( plz use this name )
-Targets a friendly unit. random ENEMY unit within X of that unit will switch owners with the target. does not affect heroes. ( with some cool lightning effects, mbe life drain )
AOE decreases by level, as well as MP cost and cooldown ( less AOE = Better chance of getting what u want )
-Contemplate ( finally, im getting better at naming these damn things )
-2 second cast time, with a lil ! over the casters head. after cast, will cast a random spell on target ( havent decided which spell )
Chance to get better spells increases by level
--Well, thats all i can think of for now.--